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Sex is a beautiful and special thing be it straight, gay, lesbian or bi. This of us that are fortunate enough to enjoy and experience should be thankful and appreciative. I love the intimacy and sharing of flesh and fluids. So many are closed minded, scared and ashamed of it. What a pity. I served in Europe while in the military and discovered they’re much more open and not afraid to put it out there and even glorify it. They show full nudity in commercials and no one freaks out. Sex in general is celebrated. Cheers to those of us on this site whom enjoy and or engage in what society deems taboo or even unacceptable sexual activities for sharing and not caring what others think. Not only is hearing your stories, experiences and fantasies arousingly enjoying but therapeutic as well.  I salute you!E8AD1B13-FB32-4931-B987-EA8B160C7BB4.gif.c7a077fe847d5c7282e5a2b56557a955.gif

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Well put. I have grown to believe this totally. When growing up, it was never discussed in our household. As a result, for a long time I considered sex to be a taboo topic and something dirty. When I was very young, my youngest sister was born, I thought to myself, I am happy she is here. But if Mom and Dad did that to make her, It's awful. I was so uneducated and misinformed. As I matured, I learned and realized how natural it is. We didn't have sex ed, it's something you learn on your own. Now I consider the human body to be a beautiful gift and the urges to practice sex as well. The only sex I object to is involving young kids or rape. It has to be with consenting adults.

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16 minutes ago, tiger48 said:

Well put. I have grown to believe this totally. When growing up, it was never discussed in our household. As a result, for a long time I considered sex to be a taboo topic and something dirty. When I was very young, my youngest sister was born, I thought to myself, I am happy she is here. But if Mom and Dad did that to make her, It's awful. I was so uneducated and misinformed. As I matured, I learned and realized how natural it is. We didn't have sex ed, it's something you learn on your own. Now I consider the human body to be a beautiful gift and the urges to practice sex as well. The only sex I object to is involving young kids or rape. It has to be with consenting adults.

I forgot to mention my disapproval of children and rape. That is unacceptable and horrible. 

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Sex is so natural and wonderful.  Take advantage of it as much as you can.  Life is short.....  






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Well said Ray1972,Tiger48 and Marka 09.Ditto.☀️

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