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I'm sick AGAIN!! I was sick around Thanksgiving too. My daughter has been playing with 2 new kids, that go to school, so she caught something, and decided to share with me. :angry: That, and this weather being cold, then warm, then cold, then warm, it's enough to throw anyone's seasonal body vibe off!! <_<

Today I am chilled, then sweaty. Semi-sore throat. DH is at work, so he's not here to baby me. :( Where are the violins when you need them?? :P Someone baby me!!!

My daughter was sick since December 22nd, and really started feeling better today. It's just kicking my butt all at once. I know how to live!! LOL

OK, I think I'm done now. Thanks for reading!!


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Hey Tyger sorry to hear. I think it is tis the season to be sick. I know that my daughter came down with a cold or something. Well since she loves me soooo much she shared :( I know the feeling and it is even harder when the kids are sick to. We can't stop being a mommy and sometimes we need a to be baby to....*hands Tyger some chicken noodle soup* Hope you get better soon.

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So sorry Tyger....I COMPLETELY understand. Since my son started school this year he has brought home a host of nasties from the little snot-nosed, on the sleeve wiping, coughing into the air kids. I was sick over Christmas, and am just now getting better - although I can't seem to get rid of the stomach thing.

I hope you feel better soon!


Hey Howard, I live by you, want to come rub my feet????? :P

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Thanks! I think a backrub would be soooooooooo nice! I'm a sucker for backrubs. ;) And thanks for the chicken noodle soup Kat! :P

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Hope you feel better soon!

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Awww, poor thang! Mix up some brownie mix, grab a big ol' spoon and snuggle under a blanket in front of the TV. *snicker*

Hope you're feeling better soon, whiny-girl. *hugs*

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Dam, sorry you've been sick. I've been MIA myself due to some infection of either a) the bladder B) kidney or c) diverticulitis. I'm on a HARSH antibiotic right now and its kicking my arse something fierce. No anal play here for a while til the bleeding stops. *pout*

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Awwww, I'm sorry hun.

I had a trucker sneeze on me and give me his cold.

*note to moms, CLARIFY that sharing toys/games are good, germs BAD :angry: *

I was sick for the better part of 6 weeks.

ok, my advice, grab the remote, grab a gallon of OJ and a bowl of my homemade chicken noodle soup, lots of rest, and tell hubby he owes you a backrub!

Get better soon!!

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