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Natural Labor Induction!

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My due date is coming up - May 29th - but because of my current diagnosis of gestational diabetes, and that I labored with my son for nearly 40 hours (39 3/4!) before needing a c-section, my doctor is talking about inducing labor.

First, let me start off by saying that this pregnancy has had me turned on almost non-stop since day one, and my husband has almost had a hard time keeping up!

So anyway, at a recent appointment, I was verifying that it was still safe for us to continue to have sex - and my WONDERFUL OB strongly suggested that I try to induce labor the old-fashioned way, with lots and lots of sex. SWEET.

I'm actually excited at the prospect of trying, though it will be difficult with a toddler in the house so often, but I think we can make this work. My target date is May 15th, though a few people would love it if I waited a little longer. :D

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I am a Mom of 4 so I feel your pain right now. My suggestions are lots of sex with ejactulation inside you .The semen is what actually brings on the softening of the cervix. Also alot of nipple play...alone or by your hubby. ;) Nothing too rough but enough so that you make your nipples hard. Stimulating your nipples helps the body produce natural oxcytocin wich is what eventually brings on contractions. . Walking as much as you can. I know it's a bit painful at times but take your toddler for trips around the park now that iit is nice out. Relaxing is also good. Plenty of rest. Congrats and good luck!!!!!

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First, let me start off by saying that this pregnancy has had me turned on almost non-stop since day one, and my husband has almost had a hard time keeping up!

WOW! Lucky you! I hope you have a quick, easy, and problem free labor and delivery. Meanwhile, have lots of orgasms! Doesn't that help, too? We never really tried sex to induce labor... Our youngest was a scheduled c-sec. Our first, was an induced labor that turned into an emergency c-sec.

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When I was a week overdue with my son, my doctor suggested long walks, spicy foods, lots of sex. My mother in law would call me DAILY and say - did you eat spicy foods and have SEX yet? I was very, very uncomfortable, but did manage to have sex a few times a day for the last 3 days. I was actually surprised at the extreme orgasms I had. Alas, all of this did not help, and I ended up with an induction and a C-Section to boot! Hey, never hurts to try though, right?

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When I was a week overdue with my son, my doctor suggested long walks, spicy foods, lots of sex. My mother in law would call me DAILY and say - did you eat spicy foods and have SEX yet? I was very, very uncomfortable, but did manage to have sex a few times a day for the last 3 days. I was actually surprised at the extreme orgasms I had. Alas, all of this did not help, and I ended up with an induction and a C-Section to boot! Hey, never hurts to try though, right?

Hey I need this forum about a month ago. I can relate to being abit uncomfortable when the in laws call asking if you had sex already and did I fill her with lots of semen. Then mom and dad in law start telling me how good semen is for the baby. It feels ackward having them ask and discuss my semen telling jokes about the spitting snake.

Maybe I should have had t-shirts made up saying "more then one way to spit and swallow" or "I spit, and she swallowed" or something alot those lines of slogans.

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Semen contains progesterone, a natural hormone. This can help "ripen", or soften the cervix to help induce labor. Orgasms and nipple stimulation produce oxytocin, which causes contractions.

As long as mom's physician has said it is okay, sex is fine until the bag of water around the baby breaks. However, some physicians will ask a pregnant mom to refrain from intercourse if there is a problem. For instance, I went in to premature labor with all of my children. From that time until I was around 38 weeks, intercourse was against the rules.

We see lots of women come in to Labor and Delivery having preterm labor after intercourse.

This is one of the biggest reasons I know of to have a good relationship with your doctor. These kind of things need to be discussed.

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Actually Howard, all women see their OB at least once a week OR MORE (if they are having issues) for the last 4 weeks or so of their pregnancies. From about 30-36 weeks you will see her / him every 2 weeks. They check regularly for dialation and effacement or softening of the cervix to see if you are getting closer to delivery.

With my son, I was a week overdue and saw her every 4 days. She suggested to me to walk vigorously, and if I was comfortable, to have sex. She told me to make sure my hubby ejaulated inside me - for the same reasons mentioned. When a half week later there was still no development SHE ripened my cervix by stripping the membranes and placing something on my cervix.

So, for some women who are having healthy pregnancies, the possibility is there for them to go into labor if they have sex. In many women, sex will not affect labor - especially in my case where the baby was just not going to make his exit from that entry point.

So, if you go to your OB and are effacing or dialating too early, they WILL tell you no sex - especially if this happens before 34 weeks - but i fyou are on schedule, likely sex will be fine, if not encouraged!

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Something had me puzzled last night about this. First how is having sex gonna help you go into labor unless your truly ready.

A. If you have sex the entire time you are pregnant and his sperm does not affect it than, why would it now.

B. Playing with your nipples to produce oxytocin, he may do that the entire time as well and don't put you in labor, so again why would it now?

My point it is nice to be able to have sex till you deliver, but if the baby is ready it is ready regardless whether you have sex or you don't.

Don't take it the wrong way, I just could not understand how that will make you go into labor.

Ok after typing that I seen Mikayla respond. Very true what she said. If you are dialating to soon or anything than like she said no sex. The sperm could cause an infection. But you should be fine if your not dialating or having any problems.

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The long and short of it (literally) is this. Every woman's cervical plug (mucus plug) is different. Some are long and thick and take a LONG time to disintegrate. Some are short, thin and pose a danger of premature labor. You may never hear about this unless you have a transvaginal ultrasound or are effacing early. In most pregnancies, that plug stays intact until delivery time.

Now, there is also the variable of contractions. Some women have Braxton-Hicks contractions for MONTHS and this helps to ripen the cervix and prepare for the birth. While the early ones are not at all dangerous, if they are getting stronger and your body is dialating, then they can push you into real labor prematurely. Therefore, depending on your status with these two things having sex can cause negative results.

The fact is, a baby is meant to gestate for 9 months - 40 weeks - or thereabouts. The woman's body is supposed to recongnize this time frame and her body then reacts to certain hormonal cues that happen when the baby gets to a certain size. From that point on, the oxytocin that is always produced in nipple play, or the hormones in the sperm that is ejaculated into you, has a much different effect. This is why sexual activity is prohibited in high risk pregnancies, or those where the woman is dialating or effacing too soon.

While it is true that usually the baby comes when the baby is ready - there are proven techniques that help to deliver the baby. While eating spicy foods or getting a foot massage may not be the most reliable ways, I do know that having sex can push a woman into labor - if she is ready for labor - and sometimes too early.

Once again we are at that point where the OBGYN will tell you NOT to have sex if there is a risk of preterm labor - otherwise, sex can be OK up until they are wheeling you in - as long as your bag of waters has not broken! So once again, do what is comfortable for you, listen to your OB, and if you have doubts or concerns, just ask her / him - they will tell you what is appropriate for you!

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Thank you for explaining that to me because I didn't understand till now. Of course we only have one child and he was born at 37 weeks. I did have braxton hicks all the time, so maybe that is why I had him early, but also I would not go to the doctors till I could not stay home. (needless to say, I got to the doctors and was dialated 9.5) Even though I was early, I did not think it would be right to stop my labor since I was past 36 weeks. Maybe we had to much sex at the end. LOL

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