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Carpal Tunnel = Bad Handjobs :(


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I just had to share this funny, yet depressing, situation with all of you here!

As many know, I am 7, almost 8, months pregnant. For the most part my pregnancy has been uneventful. However, I have developed a bad, BAD case of pregnancy complicated Carpal Tunnel. For those of you who don't know what CTS is, it is when the "carpal tunnel" in your wrist gets smashed due to repetitive use (typing is a major cause) and it makes your fingers numb and can be painful. I had this in a minor form before I got pregnant and NOW, well now I am miserable.

When you are pregnant your blood volume and water retention increase, putting pressure on the carpal tunnel. Now, as a result, my right hand is numb from the fingers DOWN to the palm of my hand, and the left hand has all my fingers (save the pinky) numb too! I have trucked along without much complaint...until last night.

My hubby and I were getting some much needed alone time and I was giving him a blowjob. I always use my hands and when I tried...well, I couldn't get a firm enough grip to get the pressure he and I like. I was literally weak in the hands! So, my pregnancy has now finally caused a problem that I can't stand - how does a pregnant woman deliver a good handjob when she can't feel her hands! Uggghhh.

Though you might find that amusing! :lol:

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Having bad circulation, arthritis and CTS, I can totally relate to this sad-yet-funny situation. I, too, will be waiting to see if anyone has come up with the "miracle solution!" :ph34r::lol:

I'm guessing that for the next month or two, you'll just have to get creative (you know... like you two AREN'T already! ;) ) and try different things like his new masturbating sleeves or his hand or cockrings or bullets or.. or.. or.. :) I'm sure you'll come up with something!

And just remember, it won't be for TOO long!

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Well, the problem is (or rather, lack of problem is) that my blood pressure is beyond perfect (low actually), I am not experiencing any swelling of the feet, my blood sugar is great, I am healthy save for the CTS. So, my doctor says that the risk of me taking a water pill is far worse than dealing with the CTS. I drink plenty of water, limit salt, exercise as much as my big belly will allow and rest when I can - so, that is about it.

I already have nerve damage, and unfortunately am looking at surgery after baby comes! Oh well, such is life!

Thanks for thinking of me!

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Oh Howard, I feel the need to remind you that I am not stupid. I HAVE seen a neurologist - both before I was pregnant for migraines -and now during. He was aware of the carpal tunnel before, and was the first to tell me how much worse it would get when I was pregnant. I already have nerve damage, am already slated for surgery after the baby comes, and quite frankly, am willing -MORE THAN WILLING to suffer with the pain or even nerve damage if need be - to ensure that my child is AS HEALTHY as can be. There is no justification in my mind to take anything that may harm my child...period! I won't even take Tylenol unless I am DYING!

So, once again, thanks for you concern, but I will suffer so my child will be as perfect as possible!

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I'm sure your hubby will forgive you, and I don't blame you for being a bit upset, yet willing to deal with it for the sake of your child. Best wishes to you and your wrists! I know that baby will come out healthy & happy! *HUGS*

And, for the sake of your readers, you should get one of those computer programs that types as you talk! :P

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Hey, Mikayla, I feel your pain. When I was pregnant with my last child (now 14 yo) I suffered horribly with CTS. Unfortunately, after delivery, the pain remained, admittedly not as bad as during pregnancy but certainly worse than before. I dealt with it for 10 more years before finally deciding enough was enough. It would get tolerable for a while then 2-3 weeks of sleepless nights and then tolerable again. During this time surgery was not possible for several reasons (other health issues) that I won't go into. I was able to keep it somewhat under control by wearing the hand braces, mostly at night. It always seemed to be only one hand at a time that was hurting (usually the right) so I only had to wear one. They take some getting used to but they really seemed to help. The more you can wear them during the day will also help, when blow-drying your hair, chopping vegetables for dinner, reading (how you hold a book, magazine or newspaper), of course typing on the computer. Chances are you are probably already wearing them but just something to consider. I finally had the surgery three years ago on the right and two years ago on the left. It took probably a couple of months for my hands to fully recover each time but the initial discomfort only lasted about a week or two. Just certain functions were more difficult than others (writing for example). I'm not exactly sure how you will manage the surgery and the weight lifting restrictions with a newborn but I'm sure you have taken all of this into consideration. Hang in there and try to keep your eye on the big picture of what you will be gaining from all of this discomfort! (I wish I could help on the hand job part but you are light years ahead of me in that department and can probably do things with both hands tied behind your back that I couldn't dream of doing with four hands! JK)

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