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Happy Happy Birthday Valntyn & Thurasis!


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I wanted to be the first to post HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the both of you!!! Much love, hugs, and I miss you both tons!!!bday00144.gif

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Aw, thanks girls! :)

Sadly, no play today (well, with hubby, anyway B);) ). Thurisas is out of state for a week, BUT we have some fun plans when he gets back!

I'll pass on the birthday wishes to him when I talk with him later today.

Thanks again! *hugs*

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Yes, in asnwer to your question, Thurasis IS Valntyn's hubby. I was their maid of honor at their wedding even!!

They are SO considerate as freinds go! I mean, I've known them both since high school (knowing Val about a year longer), they always kept in touch in one way or another, even when they weren't together, AND they share the same birthday! I mean, how nice is it of them to bulk things in like that? :PB):D;)

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Wow. How uncanny that you both have the same bday! Happy Birthday! Hope you party like a rockstar or at least have something devilishly bad for you today ;)

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Happy, Happy, Happy BIRTHDAY to BOTH of YOU!!!!!

Hugs! <_<

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Thanks, everyone! :) :) I passed along the birthday wishes to Thurisas when I talked with him tonight and he was very pleased. He sends his thanks as well. :)

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