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Hello:timid Ones


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Welcome to the fold. Make sure to ask lots of questions, read the sex education articles(click on the sex education tab under the Too Timid banner at the top of this page), and make sure to use the search feature on the forums as many of the questions you might think up have been answered many times already. I'm sure we all look forward to your contributions as well, remember that something that works well for you could be the idea or solution someone else has been missing all their sexual lives. We all teach, we all learn.


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Take some time to peruse the Sex Ed articles and the forum in general. There is a TON of advice and discussion here. Feel free to weigh in and ask or answer questions! Have fun!

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Hey there! Welcome and I hope you both enjoy the site!!!

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Welcome and Have fun. I am sure you will find something here on the site to help you out.

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Welcome folks! I just wanted to let you know that you've got yourselves started on the right track with this site. I was introduced to it not long ago because my husband and I were having sexual desire issues. This site just sortof jumpstarted us and got us more excited about all the possibilities we have in the bedroom. Getting involved with this forum and this site in general has sparked my interest in sex lately, for sure!!! We've become more erotic and adventurous in bed lately, which is such a turn on in itself! I find myself thinking about sex more often, too, which is great!

I think you'll be glad you decided to check into this! Have fun!!!! :D

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Guest duchess

I have been married for 11 yrs to a great guy, except for one important thing! A few mths after we were married, he told me that we could not have intercourse since he cannot maintain an erection. I thought we could do other things, but he seems to have a strict Victorian code of ethics--which means that there is no sexual interaction at all. I get a "good morning" kiss and that is all.

His impotence is due to long-term health problems. He has seen doctors and we have tried every drug available, but nothing helps. The doctor said the only hope was for a penile implant, which he refused to do. Now, I am depressed and bordering on alcoholism. I know I should have filed for divorce long ago, but I can no longer support myself.

My own personal hope is to be able to bring myself to orgasm, but haven't been able to do it--not really. I am really looking for help--thought some of these sex toys would help.

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