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Problem With Toys


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I'm more into S&M and have got several piercings in my genitals. Even when using a lot of lube toys are generally uncomfortable or I'm unable to fit into them. I don't plan on taking them out anytime.

Just a thought for people looking.

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How many do you have? 2? 5? Depending on the number - that could be what is making the use of sex toys uncomfortable for you. Powerful vibrations on half a dozen metal rings in your genitals makes me cringe a little - but for some people that is the attraction. Everyone has a different threshold for pain.

Genital piercings, if done properly, should not make any activity (especially sex) uncomfortable. Unless, of course, the piercings are still fresh and healing. I've found that my own piercing took about 6-8 months to heal fully - same for my facial piercings. If you've had them longer than that and they're STILL bothering you when you want to play - perhaps you need to decide which you like more. ;)


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Say, What? How do you " Fit into them( toys?)?" If your piercings are through your labia, they should not interfere with any penetrating vibrator, or dildoe. If you have pierced the clitoral hood, the jewelry should be above your vagina, and not interfere with anything. If the piercing actually pierces the clitoris, (OUCH) it might be irritated by a vibrator, particularly those with a second arm that vibrates the clit, but I don't see how it would be much more than mildly uncomfortable, and no more so than the pain of the piercing itself. What is the actual cause of your discomfort?


I wonder if Worm if male or female? I assume he/she might be thinking of toys like that a slave would fit into like a leather or latex clothing of some sort. That's my best guess other wise I need an education at another level cause that getting into sounds kind of interesting.


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I had to finally say good-bye to the piercing in my clitoris hood. Although looks hot, sexy, inticing...I interferred in my ability to obtain those powerful orgasms I had previous been accustom to.

clit jewelry vs. POWER-PACKED ORGASMSl

Orgasms win everytime!!


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I had my clitoral hood pierced until recently (and plan to do it again) and let me tell you - I was CONSTANTLY in a state of arousal because of it, and sex was BETTER. So, for some women it works great, for others it works against you.

Now, as for the piercing issue - I think Meg hit the nail (or barbell) on the head - the more tender space you fill up with barbells and rings the less space for "sensations" by nerves and the less space to fit a cock or toy in comfortably. I think sometimes that too many piercings really detract from the purpose of having them. I am ALL for piercings - have had more than a few in my day - however, I find that too many really can become......well, too many.

So, if you are feeling that the piercings are keeping you from enjoying sex then the question really seems moot - ditch some of the piercings!

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Yes this is a male sorry for not specifing that. I have 5 right now, PA, frenum, 2 ladders and a lorum. My PA is a 10 gauge and the others are 12. All are fully healed well until 2-3 more weeks when i can get 2 more on the ladder.

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Unfortunately for you, Worm, sex toys/masturbators aren't made to accomodate piercings, especially several, such as you have. But, it's a good thing to keep in mind.

Now Mikayla has me wanting to think about a clit hood piercing......hot hot hot!!

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I HIGHLY suggest the clitoral piercing - done by a professional, licensed piercer of course!

As for you worm, well....I guess you have to pick the piercings or the toys cause with the gauge of your piercings and the amount, the toys can't possibly compete!

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I'm thinking that THIS is what she meant, since she said "clitoral hood piercing". At least this is what I would want to get, if I got brave enough to do so.

I got the photo from Wikipedia, just for those who are curious.

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I'm thinking that THIS is what she meant, since she said "clitoral hood piercing". At least this is what I would want to get, if I got brave enough to do so.

I got the photo from Wikipedia, just for those who are curious.

I didn't know I could access that kinda info on Wikipedia, why the hell did I spend money buying a magazine for??????

At first I sat here in shock thinking your DH took the photo of you proudly showing off your new achievment. Maybe you had the same tequila that I did.


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No, sorry, that's not me. I wouldn't post myself like that on here. Too chicken I guess!! LOL That kinda pic would be reserved for my personal kinky scrapbook! :P

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TYGER!!! I told you NEVER to share that picture of me!!!!! :D:lol:

Just kidding, but YES, that is a clitoral hood piercing - and I think they are HOT, HOT, HOOOOTTT!!!

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While I was at work one day I had told a coworker that I knew someone with a Prince Albert, but didn't explain what it was (it had come up in conversation so I assumed she knew what it was). She wiki'd it... and our older female boss walked in just as she was saying "Oh my God! I didn't know you could do that!" Wikipedia is a wealth of information...

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The guy that did my partners clitoral hood piercing had to educate her on the differences in locations as he said one directly in the clit would not be enjoyable. She did enjoy the hood piercing though. I was only disappointed that she got a barbell rather than a ring like the girl in the pic. I could find all kinds of fun stuff to do with that. She did have to remove it for surgery about a year ago so I may get my way after all!!!!

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The guy that did my partners clitoral hood piercing had to educate her on the differences in locations as he said one directly in the clit would not be enjoyable. She did enjoy the hood piercing though. I was only disappointed that she got a barbell rather than a ring like the girl in the pic. I could find all kinds of fun stuff to do with that. She did have to remove it for surgery about a year ago so I may get my way after all!!!!

The type of jewelry put in depends on if it is a horizontal or vertical piercing. The vertical one is supposed to help "that feeling" lol better and the horizontal one is more for decoration.

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