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First Sex Toy For My Wife...

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I currently have erection problems due to illness (I've talked about that in another thread) and I really want to get my wife a toy, so she can still have some fun! We've been married for 14 years, and never needed/wanted one, so I have no clue as to what type to get...

Thing is, she doesn't like the idea of toys at all. She's quite a traditionalist - I've only recently got her interested in oral sex, and even then she's not that keen. I want to bring her round to the idea gently, so as not to freak her out, and also to find something really gentle, easy and totally non-scary!!

I'd really appreciate anyone who can point me in the right direction!

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I think you probably can't go wrong if you get a simple bullet. My wife has reviewed several here now and loves them all. They're non-threatening, versatile, and you can find one that has a dial control to ease your wife into the vibrations. It's really fun to give your partner back-arching orgasms with a combination of a bullet, your tongue, and your fingers. Check through the reviews thread and I'm sure you can find a few. Some we have and love are the Glow in the dark Egg, the Silver Bullet, and the Glittering Egg.


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85% of women need clit stimulation to "get off", so I would also like to recommend bullets. As well as the freebie that they're giving away, the Pocket Rocket.

Some of these can be loud, but, they're powerful, and easy to use (aka not too many settings to worry about).

Or even some glass dildos. No batteries required, very pretty, and some aren't overly "realistic" in shape (like a penis). I LOVE my glass toys!

I find it great that you're so willing to help your wife out, since you are unable to perform sexually. Some men would feel bad about their wives "getting off" without them. I'm hoping that you at least try to stimulate her orally & with fingers as well. I am very please to see that you're comfortable enough to know that she needs the release too, and you're giving enough & secure enough to be willing to do this for her.

Have you thought of possibly buying a strap on toy, one that you can put on yourself, and still make love to her? Those aren't for just lesbains you know. Anyway, just a thought.

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I would go with something small and I agree with them an egg is the way to go.

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Thanks guys,

I think a bullet it is - I had sort of thought that before, but it's good to have it confirmed!

good idea about the articles. I tried to get her to read the one about shaving 'down there' (she does already, and I thought it might lead her in the right direction but she wasn't very happy about some of the comments.

Yes, I do use oral and digital stimulation, by the way. Not much, as she's not always very keen on even that!

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For some people, it's really hard to really understand the difference of being openly honest about sex, and being "crude" about it. Sometimes saying making love just doesn't cut it. We also love to joke about it. Cuz, really, if you don't laugh about it, and have fun with sex, what's the point (except for just reproducing)? ;) Sex should be adult play, not a chore, or something to just do because it's your "maritial duty". Where's the fun? Where's the laughter?

I hope your wife comes to the site more often, and sees that we're not "a bunch of perverts talking about our sex lives", as one poster put it. We are normal, everyday people, with bills, jobs, kids, and a life. We're not freaks that stand in the shadows in trenchcoats saying, "Pssst! Wanna see something?" *FLASH* :rolleyes:

I'm glad that you found us, and are trying hard to think of different things for your wife. She is very lucky to have such a caring man in her life.

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