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Can't Keep My Eyes Open


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I have a strange question. I have been married for 16 years and my hubby is totally awesome both in bed and out. This year we have really widened our sexual world and both have really enjoyed it. My question is that when we are having sex I can't keep my eyes open to see him. I want to, I try to I just can't seem to do it. It is like I have no control over my eyes at all. My hubby says he doesn't mind because he can tell I am enjoying myself with out seeing my eyes but I want to see him. Am I just a freak or does anyone else do this? :huh:

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First, there's no strange questions -- chances are, someone else has the same question you do; they're just too afraid to ask it. :)

Second, you're not a freak!! :)

I'm the same way. More often than not, my eyes are shut when my husband is pleasuring me. I don't know if I do it so I'm not thinking of whatever it is I'm seeing ("By the gods, that lampshade needs dusting!" :rolleyes: ) or if I'm doing it without thinking... it's probably both... I'm just in the moment and enjoying it. :)

I often try to open my eyes during sex, to look at my husband, but it doesn't last long and they're closed tight again!

Your hubby already acknowledged he knows you do it and he doesn't mind -- I'm sure he'd rather see your closed eyes than your rolled eyes as he rocks your world. ;) Just relax and enjoy! :)

If it's REALLY bothering you that you can't look at him during sex, the only thing I can think of is to have slow sex, where you can really focus on focusing on each other, looking, talking, touching. Maybe that way you can "train" yourself to keep your eyes open even when you're wildly going at it. And who knows -- if you learn to have your eyes open, you might find out he has a really funny sex face -- then you'll have to untrain yourself!! :D:lol:

If I haven't said it yet -- welcome to TooTimid!

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Sorry...But I...cant...resist....the...urge...to...drop...a...old...joke.

Q: Why do women close thier eyes during sex?

A: Because they just cant stand to see a man enjoy himself!

Hehe sorry about that..

But honestly...

There is nothing what so ever odd about it!

Listen to Val...she is very correct.. ;)

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Welcome to TooTimid, and Val is totally right.

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Sorry...But I...cant...resist....the...urge...to...drop...a...old...joke.

Q: Why do women close thier eyes during sex?

A: Because they just cant stand to see a man enjoy himself!

Hehe sorry about that..

But honestly...

There is nothing what so ever odd about it!

Listen to Val...she is very correct.. ;)

Ahh see that is the exact reason it does bother me as I so want to see him enjoying himself, just can't because I am enjoying myself too much. I guess I will just have to live with it or get a video camera and tape him so I can see him. Thanks for letting me know I am not the only one and thank you for the welcome. I have been reading for awhile and love the advice and information I have gotten from this site. I have decided this year we are working to improve our sex life and it has definitely been fun thanks to some advice from this site.

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Ahh see that is the exact reason it does bother me as I so want to see him enjoying himself, just can't because I am enjoying myself too much. I guess I will just have to live with it or get a video camera and tape him so I can see him. Thanks for letting me know I am not the only one and thank you for the welcome. I have been reading for awhile and love the advice and information I have gotten from this site. I have decided this year we are working to improve our sex life and it has definitely been fun thanks to some advice from this site.

Now that is a great plan all in its own!!!!

I am a very visual person myself...and the few times that I have actually been able to film us remains some of my best memories...plus :D I get to relive them every time I decide to watch the tapes! :D

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Hey, I shut my eyes a lot of the time too. Mostly because, I find that, with my eyes shut, I can concentrate on the feelings of pleasure a lot MORE so, then I can when I am looking around or at my hubby. Hey, if it works, go with it!! I bet your hubby has noticed that, with your eyes shut, you cum faster, and more intensely. Hence why he's not worried or bothered by it.

If you want to keep your eyes open, then make a conscious effort to do so.

Just don't make a huge issue out of it (on your side). Enjoy yourself, and have fun!

Best wishes!

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Valntyn...Dust on the lamp shade? Really? Great, thanks for the complex you just gave me about every time I see you open your eyes during sex from now on. I guess I'll just have to make double and triple sure you're getting pleasured so well from now on that you CAN'T open your eyes. Hmm...which toys should I draw out tonight, thank goodness we have a full arsenal now to back me up.


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I got one word for you Thurasis: blindfolds! :lol:

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The physical reason that eyelids close is because the eyeball is drying out. In the missionary position, when the woman is on the bottom, gravity is drying out the cornea much faster than when you are standing, or in some other attitude.



I know this is a light-hearted discussion, but I have to take issue with your explanation. I am an ophthalmologist and have never heard of any dry eye related to a position. A severe dry eye can cause a reflex blepharospasm but this would not be induced by lying on your back. Nor would it be cured by turning over or standing up. This is probably more a a reflex-type situation where it heightens sensation (like being blindfolded).

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