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Pregnancy And Sex Drive


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Wifey just got pregnant (hoo-ray!).

However, I have heard that pregnancy impacts sex drive...either in good or bad ways. I have been told that if it is a boy, the woman's sex drive goes way down.... but if it is a girl, it goes way up.

true? false?

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There is absolutely NO correlation to the sex of the baby and sex drive. None. Nada. Zilch. There is, however, a correlation between both increased and decreased sex drive during pregnancy. For more information on this, read my article "Positively Pregnant" in the sex ed section!


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Congratulations Billy (and Wifey)!

Mikayla's article Positively Pregnant is a great place to start.

In general sex drive is always a very individual response-pregnant or not. Much of her drive can also depend on body changes during each trimester as well.

First trimester:some women are too nauseous to think about sex, others love to celebrate their fertility success. Breast tenderness can be very acute in some women and make it too hypersensitive to touch, while others find it adds to the erotic pleasures of sex.

Second trimester: this is when there is often an increase in pelvic congestion from hormones, and pressure of growing baby. One way to relieve that pressure is a nice strong orgasm. one caution though...what is an orgasm? During arousal the muscles of the uterus, pelvic floor, and anus contract and tighten up...orgasm is the sudden release of all the tension, and it is usually 8-12 pulses (or contractions) of these muscles...SO, it is not unusual for pregnant women to have a continuation of these rhythmic contractions for up to an hour. Definitely check with Doctor or midwife if you are concerned or if they persist over an hour. I usually tell my patients they can have "one free hour" of contractions after orgasm then they need to call me if they don't stop.

Third trimester: pelvic congestion still there. But we also tend, towards the end, to have more pressure as the babies head comes down. Again, no problem for baby, they are in their own impact resistant water balloon, but sometimes the extra pressure feels good, and sometimes not.

Bottom line:

Experiment, go slow, and Communicate with each other. And most of all, enjoy the changes as you both grow towards parenthood!

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This is another one of those pregnancy wive's tales. It's like saying you can have a boy by having sex doggie style, and a girl if you're in the missionary position. Not!

What gender baby you are carrying doesn't affect your hormones. Being PREGNANT does! And, it depends on the person, and how their bodies, handle the hormones. I had a girl, and, while pregnant, my sex drive almost disappeared. I know other women who just couldn't get enough sex (and they were carrying boys). There may be months where the mother-to-be is more horny than others too.

So, it really depends on the WOMAN, not what gender they may be carrying.

Congrats on the pregnancy!!

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I have to ask, LoveGoddess, are you a doctor or OBGYN? You gave some very specific information and advice - which is GREAT! I just wanted to clarify when you said "my patients" because to ME it sounds like you are a doctor, so I know others are thinking that as well. If you aren't, then what type of "patients" do you have?

We would love to have a doctor's perspective here! I am sure my OB would welcome the break from phone calls!


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If I'm remembering correctly (which I may not be...), LoveGoddess is a midwife. I've been known to be wrong, but I'm thinking that's what I remember. What can I say? I have Mommy Brain!!! :rolleyes: Which, personally, I think should be qualified as a medical condition too! LMAO :rolleyes::P

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I think you are correct, Ms. Mommy Brain...it is all coming back to me now....I guess I have Mommy Brain now TOO!

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OK, I admit it, I cheated and looked back at her posts, and found that she IS a midwife. Glad to know I'm not fully crazy (yet)!!! LMAO

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OK, I admit it, I cheated and looked back at her posts, and found that she IS a midwife. Glad to know I'm not fully crazy (yet)!!! LMAO

Hi ladies, Sorry I didn't reply yesterday. Yes, I am a midwife. Its nice to know that there is such tight follow up on "medical claims". It just reinforces more and more how much I like this site. I always try to make sure I never tell people what to do or not do, because I can't examine them and get a full health history on line, but I am happy to offer what I can.

Again, Good Luck Billy, and Enjoy!

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I was horney as all get out when I was pregnant, it's after the babies are born that I don't want to be touched. I am tired, have had a kid sucking on me all day, needing me to do everything for them, and the last thing I want is to have to get my husband off too. But that might just be MY relationship since sex isn't all that great in my marriage and it IS all me having to do all the work all the time. So as others have said, you'll just have to find out for yourself.

But talk to your wife, I know I hated the thought of him touching my breasts, he enjoyed it, but I felt like they were for the babies, NOT him.

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I KWYM Whittibo! To this day, I STILL don't like to have my breasts sucked on or touched, and our daughter is almost 5! I was lucky enough to be able to breast feed our daughter for a full year, as recommended by her pediatrician. I would NOT change that for all sensations in the world either! But, even though after she was 4 mos old, the breastfeeding stopped being exclusive, I just don't want to be touched there anymore. Not sure if that will ever come back. But, hey, no biggie (for me anyway). I let hubby do it, but I usually stop him, since, after a while, I get irritated with it.

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