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Okay.. This Might Be A Little Gross But I'm Kind Of Weirded Out?


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um......I am pretty sure that is not possible, unless!, you and your guy had anal whilst you were unconcious. Sperm breaks down in a matter of minutes to hours, and cannot last for more than 6 hours with out refridgeration. So this is one of two things, either you are having nocturnal bootylicious fun, or this is not semen and you need to seek medical advice to see what is happening. I highly doubt this would be a serious issue, but all the same, get checked out. If there is another possibility, I missed it.

*Edit, I am not saying that your problem is not to be taken seriously, I mean that I doubt it will have long reaching medical consequences. You do need to look into this ASAP.

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OK, unless you haven't had a bowel movement in 4 mos, which is highly unlikely, then no, it's not sperm you saw be expelled from your body. Different foods digest differently, and can look totally different from when they went in, and can indeed look, um, a little "gloppier" than normal. It all depends on the food you eat, if you're sick (even a cold can sometimes effect your digestion), and what you're drinking. Also, your activity levels and if you have any food allergies.

Mike_D is right. Sperm is expelled from the body ASAP naturally. There definitely would be no signs of life from them in a few hours on average, althugh you can't "see" sperm moving without the aide of a microscope. If you saw something moving in it, well, you'd best go see a doctor.

A woman's body treats sperm as a possible disease, and attacks the sperm and kills the majority of it quickly.

So, relax, you are either getting sick, just digested something differently, or ate/drank something new or something, which could've been undercooked, and caused the odd consistency. Personally, it sounds as if your body is fighting some virus off that's in your digestive tract.

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That sounds like a serious infection of some kind. Seek medical advice before it gets worse, PLEASE!!!

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Let's not freak out yet. If it continues, by all means, go see a doctor.

I've discharged whitish stuff that looks like it's coating my "poo", and it goes away, and I am Hep C free, TYVM.

Everyone does it, you just may not have noticed it before. Relax, feel better, and see what happens. If you get too worried, bring a stool sample into your doctor.

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It could just be mucous. Get thee to a Dr and find out what it is and allay your fears.

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When people have gastrointestinal ills their stomach and intestinal lining gets very irritated. This causes mucus to be expelled in bowel movements. If it was only that once, and you do not have "white poo" the next time you go to the bathroom I seriously would not worry about it. However, as we are not doctors here, if you feel like something is wrong, then I suggest going to the doctor. You could have an infection - but as I say, if it was only that once, it is most likely just mucus from your diarreah.

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