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Getting A Man To Enjoy Giving Oral


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I just started a new relationship with a man who isn't into giving oral, yet loves to receive. I absolutely love giving blowjobs, but want him to reciprocate. I've never dealt with this before, how do you get a man to want to give oral. P.S. We've only slept together once so this is ALL new to me.

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Honestly? If he won't even do it for just your pleasure alone, even if he's not into it, I wouldn't continue giving them to him. It's not fair, it should be a two way street.

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I agree...but I think that there might be a reason why he doesn't want to - and you have to understand that. I had a friend who dated a guy who wouldn't give oral. She kept trying, he kept saying "no" - finally, she got mad and confronted him and he broke down and told her that he was abused by his babysitter who made him perform oral on her - and he had a mental block. I had another male friend who was going down on a girl who got her period in the middle - this gave him a sour taste in this mouth (sorry, couldn't resist) when it came to oral.

So, I advise, first find out why...then try to tell him nicely that you expect him to go down on you. In this situation, I don't give head if I don't get it - women have most of their orgasms through oral sex - so to give that up - even for the most wonderful man - is kind of......a last resort ....wouldn't you say?

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It also may even be that he is self-conscious about it. Maybe he has been told that he isn't good at it. And maybe it is because you have only been "together" one time. I have found that some men are not so quick to do it to a woman that they don't know well. And on the other hand, there are others who are down there before you can even get all your clothes off!

I would probably give it a little time to see where it goes before you blow him off (bad choice of words! - I mean, before you dump him). If he still isn't making any effort to reciprocate, I would just ask him what's up.

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You HAVE only slept with him once, and each time you have sex, oral doesn't have to be a part of it. Yes, it's nice, but that may not be his style. A couple of my lovers have told me that giving a woman oral is even more intimate than just having sex with her, so they like to wait a couple of times before diving down there. He may be just waiting and seeing what happens.

You also can hint that you want him to do it next time, by pushing his head down, or telling him to eat you. Being worried about it this early in the game could be premature. If it continues to be a problem, definitely ask him to explain why he won't perform oral on you, and that it's only fair that if he gets, so should you.

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A couple of my lovers have told me that giving a woman oral is even more intimate than just having sex with her, so they like to wait a couple of times before diving down there.

I am one of those guys, there is now way that I would have sex with a girl for the first time and go down on her. I wouldn't go down on a girl until we were at the point in the relationship when we are having unprotected sex, we trust each other and we were sure that we were STD free and monogamous. I would say wait until there is a trend before you say that he won't give you oral.

To answer your question on how to get a man to enjoy giving Oral is simple. If you learn to give him some Magical BJ's. Give him Tons of Oral; he will fall in love with them. Then one day after you see that he is addicted to them, say that you won't do it anymore unless he gives you oral. Then after he tries it, try a few 69's then after that I am pretty sure that oral sex will no longer be an issue. Good luck.

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If STD is the major argument against oral sex I have to wonder where intercourse became a good idea. I am sure this may be a matter of a mental thing or a closeness issue as stated by Mikayla, Tyger and a few others already. He may just need to be taught to pleasure you and I'm sure you can handle that!

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