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Stripping Problem

Robin hood

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Welcome to the forum.

First off, fantasies are just that, FANTASIES. Your own personal pleasures deep in your mind. Why is this a bad thing? Just because you're fantasizing about this doesn't make it a goal of yours. And, even if it does, and you're single, use protection, & have willing partners, why is this wrong? What happens between consenting adults, not matter how many, is just that, private.

No need to feel guilty about this, IMO.

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Welcome to the forum.

First off, fantasies are just that, FANTASIES. Your own personal pleasures deep in your mind. Why is this a bad thing? Just because you're fantasizing about this doesn't make it a goal of yours. And, even if it does, and you're single, use protection, & have willing partners, why is this wrong? What happens between consenting adults, not matter how many, is just that, private.

No need to feel guilty about this, IMO.

All the people here are just so open minded about sex I just know one girl who is willing to have sex with just for fun I would like a few more girls. Most other people would think you are someone dirty if you have sex with more than 2 girls and really want to do this ASAP but I'm scared of the reactions form other people.

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I have to wonder if the guilt is what makes this a fantasy for you? IDK much about you or your lifestyle, attachments, involvements, etc... but there is nothing wrong with a fantasy.

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I just want sex all the time and I don't seem to find an appropriate girl too have sex with. The guilt is also about looking at erotic videos and pictures I always find it wrong after I have done it and I feel like I'm the only one doing this.

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Well, I'm sorry if this kills your fantasy, but you're not the only one watching those videos. That's why the porn industry is what it is. Also, I have to agree with Tyger that your fantasy is not only NOT wierd, but completely doable if you find the right people and use the proper precautions. Just remember, many times achieving your fantasy is quite the letdown from what you've made it out to be in your mind.


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I think I know what you're going through. I used to be that way about giving blow jobs. See...I used to live in this little bitty country town right smack in the middle of the Bible Belt. So naturally I grew up hearing things like, "If you have sex before marriage you are going to hell," and, "Giving guys blow jobs is just what whores do." Then I had a bf ask me to do it. I got really offended because I got that stuck in my mind that "normal" people don't do that. That was only the type of things prostitutes did and it was dirty. I actually didn't give a guy a blow job untill much later and had researched it. That's when I found this site. Once you start getting out and talking to people, you normally find those who like things you thought were taboo. Trust me, I'm sure there are TONS of people out there with the same fantasies as you. Honestly, I think that would be really exciting! Just talk to people and try to figure out if there's something in your past that is making you feel guilty. Then its really just about overcoming that and realizing that there are plenty of others out there who share your sentiments.

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I suspect that at your house sex was not something looked at as 'natural' and thusly, sex with more than one person - WHOA that would be sinful!!!

Tyger is right, sex between consenting adults comes in many different forms - and some are more risky than others - so if your fantasy becomes a reality, then good for you. Just be safe and take precautions for disease prevention.

The important thing to remember when it comes to sex, you have to own your desires, wants and needs. For you at 18 this notion is probably very new to you. At some point almost all people come to terms with what they want out of their sex lives. Sometimes fantasies need to stay fantasies, and sometimes those fantasies come to reality. It is all up to you (and your partner) what fantasies happen, and which ones don't.

As for the porn thing - it is of course controversial - but I assure you, in moderation it is very healthy and normal to watch adult features. As long as you realize that they are not reality, but fiction and for fun and adult entertainment.

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OK, think of this LOGICALLY then, if you will. If you were the ONLY man looking at porn, why would the movies be created? There is a market for them for a reason: there's a demand for it. So, you're not doing anything "wrong". You're a MAN. Men are visually stimulated. There is NOTHING wrong with porn. So long as it's "legal" (no underaged girls/guys), then, please don't feel bad. You're not replacing a REAL woman with PORN, so, this really isn't a mortal sin.

I don't know how you were raised, but darlin', it's not making you a bad person. Porn is fantasies on the screen. Please don't feel guilty.

It's not like you HAVE to have porn to get off, right? Finding a woman that's worthy of your kindness, care, and attention take time to find. You're young, take some time, date, learn what you like, what kind of girl (morals, personality, and so on) you prefer. And, have fun!

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I can't say that I know many men who wouldn't want to try a few girls at the same time. And as long as you don't let the porn run your life then you are fine. There may be something in your upbringing that is causing you to feel guilty about it but discovering your sexuality happens to everybody. Some at a young age and some older. It's a natural thing that you should not feel bad about. If you read through some of the articles and some of the older posts you'll see a lot of fantasies and such that pale in comparison.

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