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Women And Anal

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I joined this site just after my first experience with anal sex. I was looking for other people who didn't really think that I was strange. I guess i just want to know why most women have a problem with it. I can't talk to anyone about it, because it is looked down upon in my social circle. I just feel like all of these other women are missing out. Any thoughts?

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Sure, I have some thoughts on anal sex for women. My thoughts are that more women should give it a go! I suspect that more women in your "social circle" are doing it than would admit...I think the taboo of it is overtaking the actual discussion of it. Anal sex has been looked at as some kind of homosexual experience, or as a beastiality done to women during rape...not true! Anal sex can be enjoyed by women, men - both heterosexual and otherwise - on a regular basis as a natural, normal part of lovemaking! I feel that anal sex is misunderstood. People are afraid of it, afraid of the "residue" the stigma, the overall pain......there should be no pain in anal sex, if you are doing it correctly!

So, I say to you, I am a woman, I enjoy anal sex. I think more women should try it, but to each his / her own! Please, discuss with me, or any of the other supporters who will post here, any questions, concerns or otherwise that you have!


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Perhaps you went to fast...the key to anal sex is to go slow, let the anal opening adjust to what is going in and then push in a little more...then wait, then push in more...then wait...then more...etc. Once it is in, then you can thrust. Trust me, the anal opening will adjust to fit any size penis without pain. If you are having pain you are not relaxed or doing something too fast.

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Perhaps you went to fast...the key to anal sex is to go slow, let the anal opening adjust to what is going in and then push in a little more...then wait, then push in more...then wait...then more...etc. Once it is in, then you can thrust. Trust me, the anal opening will adjust to fit any size penis without pain.  If you are having pain you are not relaxed or doing something too fast.


Fast is a BAD thing... I love this with hubby because he goes slow. He is very large to say the least, and the first time I thought he ripped me in two. However, it works best for me if we start out with me on top where I can take as much or as little I need to get started... afterward, many positions feel great. I am with Mikayla as far as more people are doing this than you know! I let it slip one time while talking to my sister "the uppity child" and I was amazed at her response! She said "OMG I can't believe you just told me that! He and I do that nearly every time, I LOVE IT". I was in TOTAL shock to say the least. Don't be suprised at who is not only doing it, but enjoying it.

Hope this helps,


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So last night at work the conversation turned to sex (as it always seems too ) and I brought up the subject of anal sex. I was surprised that a couple of people admitted to trying it and enjoying it. The majority were disgusted. Who cares though. They don't know what they are missing.

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On a personal note, I don't cum with anal by itself and believe me, it wasn't for lack of trying and I've tried with different men, so its not the partner. Its more like anal adds to my regular vaginal sex...like clit play. I like doing what I do because its GREAT.

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On a personal note, I don't cum with anal by itself and believe me, it wasn't for lack of trying and I've tried with different men, so its not the partner.  Its more like anal adds to my regular vaginal sex...like clit play.  I like doing what I do because its GREAT.


HAHAHA you go girl... and to the other gal? Who acted disgusted? LOL I bet they went to the liquor store right after work, loaded up.... and I bet if you watched them closely today at work, they are probably walking a little differently and have a HUGE smile on their faces... hahahahahahaha....


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A lot of women refuse to do anal...they find it offensive, disgusting...whatever. It is their choice...and my personal opinion....their loss. So, as you can see from talking with us ladies here and those at work...it is more accepted and practiced than you knew before! So go at it and have fun, just go slow and lube, lube, lube!


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HAHAHA you go girl... and to the other gal?  Who acted disgusted? LOL I bet they went to the liquor store right after work, loaded up.... and I bet if you watched them closely today at work, they are probably walking a little differently and have a HUGE smile on their faces... hahahahahahaha....



*evil giggle* you just KNOW it...lmaooooo

Make sure its a GOOD lube too...some of that stuff is so bad, its like you didn't put anything on it at all.

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I agree slow and lube. My wife started out just doing it occasionally just because I would press the issue, but after a while first her willingness changed to anytime I would ask then, the first time she asked for it I was blown what guy wouldn't love to hear "hey hun how about stickin' that thing in my ass" She was definetly feeling the pleasure. Since then she has actually had a few orgasms from anal, and or properly working a butt plug. I think she started feeling more at ease about it when she found out her sister actually prefers anal.

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Pain has been an issue with my two partners and no positions that we attempted, relaxation or lubrication helped so neither wanted to try again. It wasn't a matter of desire or willingness.

I have tried to stimulate myself anally with my wife's dildo, and it hurt like hell. I love anal stimulation, but I don't blame anyone who is a bit afraid.

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I have to say, My wife blew my mind saturday. We had sex twice in the morning(I love saturday morning cartoons!) and she was asking about a third time. I said, no way, after two really hot encounters, I was about tapped out. She looks at me, and with no hint of joke or tease she asks, What if I let you put it back there? I WAS FLOORED!! I have wanted to try this for quite some time, and now We are beginning to educate our selves and she is willing to try. I don't want to mess this opportunity up, so I am asking for all the women and men on here who do this regularly or have any advice to pass it on. I am checking out a good site I know of that is very good on sexuall health and send her some E-mail articles to read. I hope this goes well, and I'll let you know how it all goes. I have one question at the outset of all this.....How should I stimulate her anal opening to begin to get it relaxed. I have average length, but some pretty large girth, and don't want to go too fast. I began with my finger saturday, but we got interrupted and deceided to go slow, and learn what was most comfortable, and the best way to go about trying anal for the first time.

Thanks for any responses, I don't want anything really crude or stupid, so please be respectful.


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