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Your First Time In An Adult Shop?


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So, the new contest has me wondering, what was YOUR first time like, going into an adult shop? Gross, creepy, enthralling, scary, wonderful, fun? Let us know!!!

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My first time was just recently in December. I went in to buy some stuff for my hubby at Priscilla's. I had a great time looking at everything thinking Wow there's a lot of cool stuff. :lol: The only drawback was there were these 2 older men (like 50's) snickering like teenage boys and they seemed to be following me through the store. After a while I doubled back so they could go on ahead of me. I caught up with them again by the men's section and they were still snickering about everything. <_< But all in all it was a good shopping trip although I spent way too much. :P

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can i have two firsts?! The first first was a long time ago, maybe 10 years. I went to a local sex shop (a girlie one) with another couple. I had a crush on the guy so that was kind of thrilling. Not sure what he thought, but he did get very embarrassed when he turned around to see me fingering a flesh light! lol

The second first was last week (all part of my own private sexual revolution). Similar shop. I was the only one there. I was looking for a g-spot vibe. The sales woman was very cute. She stood nearby to help with questions as I called my cyber lover from my cell and asked which vibe he thought "we" should get. "Gee what do you think, honey?" lol That was VERY fun.

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Never been. ;) Who needs it with TooTimid?


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My first time was on my 18th b-day. I've had my first trip planned for a LONG time. I said I was going to get turkey legs for everyone at the Wal*Mart closest to us (about 15 minutes away). I lied lol. I made up a story saying that they didn't hold them for me so I had to go to a further away Wal*Mart. Truth is, I got the turkey legs at the Wal*Mart and went over to my local Sex Store (named Galaxy).

When I went in there, I was EXCITED!! I have been wanting sex toys since I was 13 because masturbation got nowhere (fingers don't work on me). I showed them my i.d. and they were excited for me because I got a discount. So this guy who's name is "Moose" (I guess it's a nickname lol), who is now my go-to guy, talked me through a few things like size and shape. I walked around and there is was. I never had a color preferrence until this very moment. It was pink on one side and light purple on the other with white going down it's center. I WANTED THIS ONE!! I grabbed it and we tested it out.....it buzzed with umph behind it. YAY!! So then we moved on to lubes. He shot straight for the Wet Platinum lube. It was a skinny, small tube and I was like "What the.....how is this supposed to last me!?" but he grabbed my finger and put some on. One drop was all I was going to need so I knew why it was so small. My total for that day was 28 bucks (it's a cheap store which I love. Hey, I'm saving for college here) and I skipped out merrily with my first toy.

Unforeunately my first toy has stopped working for me since the buy of my second to last toy but you never forget your "first" lol. And as for the turkey legs, they made it home slightly cold. My mom was wondering what happened. I sent her a text from the store saying there was traffice and I was stuck in it (Georgia ALWAYS has traffic) so she'd think I wasn't out painting the town red or something. I got home and told my family my bogus story and we had turkey legs and Sprite. And that night.....well, you know the rest.

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My first time in an adult store was less-than stellar. It was in Maine, which is pretty sheltered to begin with, and it's right outside of Augusta. It's this little seedy place, that's in a renovated house. It does have a big privacy fence for the majority of the parking lot, and I parked behind it the first couple of times I went. I had an "obvious it's me" car. LOL

So, I go in, and it's dark, and there's this big fat guy behind the counter, smoking, and looking at a mag. He kinda gave me the creeps, but his wife was also there, so that did make me feel a bit better.

I see that they have peep show booths in the back. They had a decent selection of toys, gag gifts, videos and fetish stuff, for the space they had, and for the town they're in.

I went back several times after that, and, even started parking right in the front. I didn't care who saw me. At least they new I was "fun"!! LOL

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Good topic!! Well also being from maine there really isn't much selection!!

My first time in an actual toy shop I was 10 or 11 and with my step mother

who bought some monstrosity LOL I was embarrassed by her, not that the

creepy guy behind the counter helped in the least. I wanted so bad to get

out of there!!!!!!!!!!!

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the first time I went to an adult store, I went because I had been looking at some stuff here at tootimid and I wanted to really look at the item before buying it so I went to Priscilla's so I could see the actual item before buying it here! That being said, it was very. . . educational! Seriously, I learned a lot just looking around the store. It was then that I realized how very immature I obviously am because once I caught sight of the baseball-bat-sized dildos, I knew I had to leave before I busted a gut (which would just have been rude!). ;)

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