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Sore After Sex


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This one's a bit embarrassing but my problem is that under my vaginal opening after sex I get very sore skin. It feels a little rough and stings like god knows what to the touch. I didnt used to have the problem but now if we have sex more than twice in two days I cant do some positions such as I can sit on him it hurts too much. Is this just dry skin or do I have another problem? after a day or two (without sex) its no longer painful. Anyone know what it is?

Thanks for any help you could give


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This one's a bit embarrassing but my problem is that under my vaginal opening after sex I get very sore skin. It feels a little rough and stings like god knows what to the touch. I didnt used to have the problem but now if we have sex more than twice in two days I cant do some positions such as I can sit on him it hurts too much. Is this just dry skin or do I have another problem? after a day or two (without sex) its no longer painful. Anyone know what it is?

Thanks for any help you could give


something very similar happened to a friend of mine, and she went to the gyno. turns out she had some sort of infection. a few days on antibiotics cleared it up

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Well we dont see each other in the week just at weekends so when we do have sex it is rather enthusiastic. I dont think I need lube though if anything I think I could do with being drier. The thing is I dont have a gyno as Im 24 and in England we dont get registered until 25. :(

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Wow, really? So no female sees a gyno until 25? That's.. almost absurd.. I'm sorry to hear that.

I would try different types of lubes for now.. maybe cut down the sex a bit as sucky as that sounds.

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Well we dont see each other in the week just at weekends so when we do have sex it is rather enthusiastic. I dont think I need lube though if anything I think I could do with being drier. The thing is I dont have a gyno as Im 24 and in England we dont get registered until 25. :(

thats the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard!! i mean what happens if you have "issues" that need to be addressed before you are 25? do they expect you to wait to have them fixed??

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I know we have to be sent by a nurse but that only happens if you have a serious problem. I have asked but apparently they dont refer you until your developed enough... I thought I would be! I will ask a doctor its just its kind of awkward, its not like with a gyno where you see the same person every time and last time i went and was checked out by a doctor she kept making jokes and complimenting me on having good pelvic muscle.... I would rather not go....

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Come to the states. :D We can see gynos whenever.. lol

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england has socialized medicine right?? socialized medicine has its pros and cons. everyone has coverage co pays are very affordable, as well as meds.

however, you are assigned doctors, and told when you can and cant go.

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england has socialized medicine right?? socialized medicine has its pros and cons. everyone has coverage co pays are very affordable, as well as meds.

however, you are assigned doctors, and told when you can and cant go.

I am from Canada where we also have socialized medicine and you're right, it does have its pros and cons, but I am not assigned a doctor and I am not told when I can and can't go. I am not familiar with the system in England. We have no age limits on seeing specialists. This is a situation that I would take to my GP and he would probably deal with it. I have been going to the same GP for about 15 yrs. If he felt it was necessary or if I asked him to he would refer me to a gyno. None of this would cost me anything, but we do pay higher taxes. The other problem is that in many places there are doctor shortages (all over the world really) and so wait times for specialists can be long.

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Holy Moly, I started seeing a gyne at 16! Oh well, different countries have different rules.

As for the soreness, it could be a few different things: infection, rubbing it raw due to 'enthusiastic' sex, stretched skin (is he particularly large?), reaction to a condom (you DO use them right?) or lack of lubrication (or actually, any combo of the above). I would try to see a doctor, and if not, try a process of elimination - use lots of lube, try different condoms, go slower......but don't let it go on without seeing a doctor.

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As for the soreness, it could be a few different things: infection, rubbing it raw due to 'enthusiastic' sex, stretched skin (is he particularly large?), reaction to a condom (you DO use them right?) or lack of lubrication (or actually, any combo of the above). I would try to see a doctor, and if not, try a process of elimination - use lots of lube, try different condoms, go slower......but don't let it go on without seeing a doctor.

Absolutely behind Mikaya1 100%. Have you taken a mirror and looked at the area? Is the area cracked and open? Is it just "rubbed raw"? What does it look like?

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Do you also have a bit of pain in the beginning? I have that problem because I tend to unconsciously tense my vaginal muscles (nice leftover from a nasty experience). It leads to being really sore and raw afterwards. No fun :( Could also be any number of other things, that's just another possibility.

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You might want to try latex free condoms. I get rashes somewhat like that when I wear latex gloves at work, so I use latex free ones now.

If you have been trying new condoms or lube you aren't used to, you might be sensitive to it, so stick with whatever you know has worked in the past... if nothing has worked before, try latex free.

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Hi We dont use condoms but have both been tested for stds and are clear before that we always used them. I dont think lubrication is a problem if anything i have too much naturally, I think the skin is cracked, it could be due to us being a bit more vigorous but to be honest I dont enjoy sex any other way we always start trying romantic love making and end up the complete opposite. He isnt particularly large really, Its a bit like having carpet burn I sometimes think the problem is i get too wet? I suppose I havent seen a doctor because i keep thinking well it goes after a couple of days, I find it hard to visit when i barely know the doctor in question and they start asking questions about my vagina! but i guess as you say mikayla I cant just leave it

Thanks for all the help guys

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