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Poison Oak/sumac


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one of the teachers i work with had poison oak, and i brushed by her arm when i walked by her...i went to the sink and washed right away, and dident think anything of it. well this morning when i woke up, my arm was itching, and of course, there it was!! i put lotion on it and blah blah blah. now heres the issue. hubby and i had sex last night, and my hands were all over him, as well as myself. any suggestions on what to do if it shows up in personal places??

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There are many lotions and whatnot available over the counter, some of which I'm sure are safe for more sensitive areas. If it gets too bad you can consult a doctor as well.

Hopefully it doesn't spread... it will not spread person-to-person unless there is residual oil from the original plant still on your skin. For future reference, the best way to avoid a reaction is to pour vinegar on the area of your skin that came into contact with the plant or the outbreak on another person. The reaction is caused by an acidic protein produced by the plant, and cleaning the exposed area with an alkaline solution (such as vinegar or baking soda) will neutralize those proteins and prevent you from having a reaction to them.

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My dad gets poison "whatever" every single year. He's tried everything to get rid of it. All the over the counter products don't do anything for him. We discovered by accident that PHELS NAPTHA -the old fashioned bar of soap *found in the laundry detergent aisle* works great to dry it up. You lather it up really good in your hands and spread that soapy lather all over the poison ivy, oak, sumac. Put it on sorta thick and then just let it sit there and dry on your skin. I'm not too sure about your more sensitive areas if it would sting or not, maybe do a little test patch area first to know for sure. I know my dad swears by the stuff.

Good luck and hope your itching stops soon.

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PS, Synnir, could I go camping with you, if you promise not to bite like all those critters you collect? ;)

What's wrong with biting? :P

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My hubby just had this issue. He's uber sensitive to poison oak and sumac, I don't get it. Even if I roll around in it, I don't get it. I am allergic to TONS of things, but not this stuff!! Weird, I know. Anyway, he just used regular calamine lotion all over the place, including his penis, and it cleared up. My mom recommended that he use BF powder (I think that's it, it has squares on the front in blue and green with pics of hands and feet on it) for any open sores that may ooze, to dry them out. He's so dramatic (he's worse than a teenager girl at times), that he said it huuuuuurt, but I think he just gets that in his mind to make it happen. Yeah, I don't sound sympathetic, but when you work all day long it it, in a t-shirt and no gloves, and then wonder HOW you get it, knowing how allergic you are....you'd think you'd learn!!!

Anyway, I hope you feel better soon!

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one of the teachers i work with had poison oak, and i brushed by her arm when i walked by her...i went to the sink and washed right away, and dident think anything of it. well this morning when i woke up, my arm was itching, and of course, there it was!! i put lotion on it and blah blah blah. now heres the issue. hubby and i had sex last night, and my hands were all over him, as well as myself. any suggestions on what to do if it shows up in personal places??

First I'd have to ask how sensitive you or hubby are to the sumac. For some reason, and depending on the area of the country in which you live, the sumac can be a little tougher to deal with than just oak or ivy. If you don't see some improvement very quickly with the over the counter or natural treatments, or if blisters appear, please consult your physician.

My 9YO got a bad case at scout camp last summer and it took almost 2 weeks and 3 Rx to clear it, and he still has scars. But he is very sensitive to dermal rashes and we tried for several days to treat it ourselves before finally taking him in. Totally aggrivated my mommy guilt, but we just didn't know he was so sensitive. We wound up getting rid of two pair of shoes and washing everything in his room TWICE in baking soda and vinegar rinses. Really, the sumac is not something you want to play around with.

good luck with that...


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it hasent spread anymore, and it seems to be just those few random spots on my arms. they itched when i took a shower and the hot water hit, but once i dried off, the itching stopped

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I went 30 years being able to roll about in poison oak, sumac, and ivy. A few years ago that changed and I had a systemic reaction(I blew up with rashes over 75% of my body) to the poison ivy I had pulled up by the roots in our back yard. That makes a person learn a few things.

1. The oil in all of these plants is called urushiol oil that causes a bonding reaction to your skin. It is light on the leaves, thicker in the stalks, and concentrated in the roots.

2. It takes up to 72 hours to completely show.

3. It can stay in clothes and furniture for more than a year and still give you a reaction if not properly washed.

4. If you react within the first 10 minutes of exposure you have a chance to wash it off with soap and water. The product Tecnu is useful and Zanfel is awesome.

5. This stuff itches like mad but do NOT use benadryl(diphenhydramine) anti-itch cream as it will react negatively with this sort of rash.

6. A useful thing to do is to help with the itch is to use hot water. (Get your shower as hot as you can possibly stand it and run the affected areas under it. It will itch like mad at first and then will slowly go away.)

7. The natural cycle of the rash is 14 days. I have found from personal experience that even prednisone does not decrease the amount of time the rash is there. Zanfel does, but only because it has abrasive granules that scrub away at the rash for new skin to grow.

8. As was previously pointed out, it is not contagious so long as you are able to get the oil off your skin, clothes, and anything else you got the oils on.

Hope this helps.


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I've used Tecnu on hubby, and I put it in his laundry when washing his clothes after he breaks out. That stuff ROCKS!!

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well..i woke up this morning and my arm was stinging a bit, i looked down, and there was a damn spider that just bit me!! with in an hour, i had more huge welts where i was bit!! i guess im allergic to spider bites, who knew...oh and mind the huge welt i know have on my arse!!

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You really need to watch that bite! You could have a very bad reaction, depending on the kind of spider and how allegic you are. We just went through this with my husband (he is a Sentricon Technician and has to crawl under houses a lot). Luckily, we found out that he isn't allergic to brown recluses (sp?)... Anyway, you could become very sick, so keep an eye on it!! ;)

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When I was at ou rhouse in the country I usually knew just where I had contacted the plants. Here in town a few years back I was working morning tour and started getting rashes on both arms. Come to find out that the buddy I was riding with would wait in the alley for me to get in the car. My neighbor's hedges camoflaged the PO within and everytime I rubbed against the hedge I was entering or exiting the vehicle.

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When I was at ou rhouse in the country I usually knew just where I had contacted the plants. Here in town a few years back I was working morning tour and started getting rashes on both arms. Come to find out that the buddy I was riding with would wait in the alley for me to get in the car. My neighbor's hedges camoflaged the PO within and everytime I rubbed against the hedge I was entering or exiting the vehicle.

awwww that sucks

hollywood, i will, i have been keeping cream on it, and so far it hasent gotten any worse. you can clearly see the lil fang marks now though

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The worst part was figuring out what and where it was! I had to wait until fall when the leaves started dropping to find the cause. Needless to say my tats will need some touch-up due to the scratching. Looks like an acne scarred teenagers face?!

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Guest eminatic

wow i've never seen poison ivy and i dont know anything about it (never even HEARD of sumac :lol: ) can you put listerine on it like for regular rashes? i dont think it helps heal it but it does usually stop itching...

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wow i've never seen poison ivy and i dont know anything about it (never even HEARD of sumac :lol: ) can you put listerine on it like for regular rashes? i dont think it helps heal it but it does usually stop itching...

hmmmmm ya know, im not sure. i dont think theres much you can do for it.

the girl i work with is COVERED it spread everywhere it looks so painful

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wow i've never seen poison ivy and i dont know anything about it (never even HEARD of sumac :lol: ) can you put listerine on it like for regular rashes? i dont think it helps heal it but it does usually stop itching...

http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/796_ivy.html - Pix and remedies for all types!

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