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Name Game!

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Mine is because I have a tattoo of a Sunflower on my L ankle, You can probably see it in my gallery, the one with the fishnets is me! and 969 is when my birthday is :) (see I bet you all thought it was because I am into doing 69... Shame shame :P)

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Well, I was very vanilla for a long time. Bean is meant to pun on "been". So to me it stands for "have been vanilla". Not quite so vanilla anymore.

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It's an altered version of the word "sinner", not meant to be easily recognizable, and I pronounce it differently as well. It has become my name on almost every site I frequent.

As for my real name, the middle one has a little bit of a story. I am Samantha Jo because my mother wanted to name me Samantha Josephine but thought it would be too long :lol:

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I'm pretty sure I answered this in my intro back in January, but I'll poast it here again for purposes of this thread:

The name was a gift on the occassion that my other loves first visited our home - kind of a long story.

If you are interested, there is a lot of history and background on our website www.ourpolylife.org and if you go to the blog archive from the beginning forward, there is a blog called "Let's Talk about this Goddess Thing." I'll warn you, most of our blogs are really more like essays in length and depth.

The short version is this... I love conquering the laundry. No stain can beat me, it's a personal challenge, and now a running family joke.


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It's an altered version of the word "sinner", not meant to be easily recognizable, and I pronounce it differently as well. It has become my name on almost every site I frequent.

As for my real name, the middle one has a little bit of a story. I am Samantha Jo because my mother wanted to name me Samantha Josephine but thought it would be too long :lol:

It took me awhile to figure out your name. Clever.

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  • 11 months later...
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Ladylove was looking for this thread. So I am bumping it back up

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Mine has to do with my height.....lol.

My SO has to do with mine. His is PILTA...aka Pain in Little Tornado's Ass. My screename used to be Little Tornado and due to issues with an ex I had to change it and my SO thought his was just so appropriate. Oh lordy

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mine is kind of cute...

An older gentelman we ment once could never remember my real name (not a usual one) so he kept calling me...Miss Lovely lady.

I had to swich it around because TT wouldn't except lovelylady...so I'm ladylove

Everytime I see your name that Lou Rawls song starts going through my head. Stop it!

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Everytime I see your name that Lou Rawls song starts going through my head. Stop it!

OMG! LOL me too!

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I guess I never answered this one. Hmmm, don't know how it got away from me the first time, but ... here goes.

A very good friend of mine who was shot and killed by a useless bunch of thugs many years ago used to call me Miss Lady. I wanted to play around with that some, hence the MsLayD.

There is another SN I use a lot that is more of a real sounding name - Gracie Maxwell. That came from what I had planned to name the baby I lost last year. If it was a girl, Gracie, and a boy Maxwell.

Both of those stories are kind of depressing, huh? :huh: Sorry.

As for my real name, I can't reveal it on here but my first name is the female version of my father's first name and my middle name is my mother's middle name. Kind of funny considering how I am the third child and neither my sister nor my brother were named after my parents in any way. LOL!

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My parent's friend named me. I'm not named after anyone in my family. (Who wouldn't want to name their own kid?)

My screen name is the day I signed on to TT. Also my favorite day of the week.

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Well with my real name it is kinds of interesting. My mom wanted to name my brother Christopher and me Christina...well neither of those happened. They never wanted a jr....well somehow my brother got named after my father. Me they asked her and that is what came out....not anything of what they were planning for a while. I became KellyAnn. It was supposed to be 2 words but when the birthd certificate came they had it as one and my mom ended up liking that and keeping it. Yet I was always told it was two names up until I went for my drivers license with my birth certificate and social security card and was like wait this is wrong...oops....no I was the wrong one....lol.

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My TT name is just a name I've liked. My real name, Jeanette, was given to me because my parents wanted me to have a good name if I were to become a doctor or lawyer.

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Gee now why didn't i do this before? Oh yeah cause mine is boring! LOL

I have been called every version of my name (Susan) you can imagine. But for the first time in ages they are alling me Suzy. Growing up my mom always spelled it Susie, but I like the zy better. I narrowly avoided becoming Suzi Q for like and instead ended up Susan Robyn. Yeah i spell Robyn with a y, cause it's sexy.

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When I was a teenager, I used to say why don't you eat me, as a joke. Someone started saying oh she likes to be ate out. Then another guy said yeah EMO, Eat Me Out!! Stupid I know, but I sure do love to have someone EMO.

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Everytime I see your name that Lou Rawls song starts going through my head. Stop it!

That's what my husband said....

My real name is one my parents liked, they used the first letter of the name of a deceased aunt in remembrance of her.

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