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Name Game!

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Okay so just thought this would be kinda fun!

What's the story behind your s/n (for TT) or your real name?

My s/n littlemissnonamegirl was created because no one could ever remember my real name in class for some reason which is Amy. So anytime a teacher used to call on me, they'd go...you, little miss no name. I guess a three letter name is really hard to remember :lol: ! So, voila! I figured it stuck on rather well. lol

My real name Amy, I was named after my great great grandmother Alice. She was a CLOSE member in our family, and they her nickname was Amy. weird right?

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Several years ago when my youngest daughter first got into using the computer alot I wanted to be sure she was being smart and safe and not giving out any private info. She was really into "Smallville" at that time and constantly online with people talking about it so I set up an account with that name from a character in the show and started chatting with her just to see if I could trust her not to be stupid. She passed the test fine (she's a smart girl!) and I just kept the name for my alias. Finished with that experiment real quick.....nothing gets on your nerves faster than the goofy talk of young teenage girls! :DB)

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My So is always laughing at me and saying 'oh........shelly.........' :rolleyes:

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Pappy was the nickname given by a former gf's kids. It was because of my driving. I never speed to get anywhere and usually drive about 55 since it really seems to save gas. The only times they would see me drive fast was when I took my 68 out for a test when I rebuilt the motor. Their GM had a new Camaro and was always trying to get me to race her from the country house into town on the old blacktop road. The ld is my initials and the 04 is for the year I set up the account.

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I set up this account to "hide" from my daughter, so I could post things that were TMI for her. I asked my best friend, who encouraged me to get a toy in the first place, what I should use for a name. He sent me a couple, and I liked this one the best. As I get more and more toys, he assures me that the name fits very well. Obviously, he doesn't know Mikayla!!!!

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My is fairly boring and simple really.

Holly is my real name, and it never fails that people always give me the nickname "Hollywood," even my husband has always called me this, as well as several family members. I have heard it and responded to it my whole life! :rolleyes:

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Obviously, he doesn't know Mikayla!!!!

Don't forget abou tRob. He has a warehouse full of them! LOL!

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Aiden was the name that I was going to name my son if he had been a girl.

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Aiden was the name that I was going to name my son if he had been a girl.

ohhh nice name!! my sons name is dylan. and when we get preg. it will be either brenna or lennon for a girl, and for a boy either jack(after my granda) or declan. good irish names!! :lol:

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I've used "Valntyn" for more years than I can remember... I'm guessing for around 14 years or so. I was trying to think up a forum sign-on name one day, looked down at my desk and saw my Winnie the Pooh mug. In the picture on the mug, Pooh was carrying a card that read, "Happy Valntyn's Day." I thought the spelling was the cutest thing ever and it's stuck with me ever since.

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Mine s/n is from Beavis and Butthead. I love those two and my former co-workers gave me the nick-name Beavis. When ever Beavis got into sugar or sugary food he would have a sugar hype and scream out loud "I AM THE GREAT KORNHOLIO".

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My screen name is the runic symbol Thurisas from the first Aett of the norse Futhark. Thurisas is a rune of protection and I felt that on the net, you can never have too much protection. In Norse religion it is the symbol of Thor and the actual rune represents his hammer, called Mjollnir. I have been known to craft runes and this one has always spoken to me.

My real name, Randy, was given to me because my parents foresaw how horny I would be...just kidding. I'm told they couldn't agree on a name(I narrowly escaped being called Jed :o and I have my father to thank for avoiding that bullet) and they didn't know whether I'd be male or female. I think they finally got tired of arguing. They decided on Randy if I was male, and Randi if I was female. Practicality of a couple Mainers. My name means Shield Wolf and I've always loved that.


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Mine is actually kinda boring.

I know several people probably think I am some sort of a lush, but the truth is, I rarely drink.

I went to a bar with some friends of mine several years ago.

We ordered our drinks, I decided I wanted a shot of Jack Daniels.

I went up to the bar, ordered a shot and drank it.

Some guy at the bar looked at me and said "Oh your a whiskey woman eh?"

It has stuck ever since then.

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Kitsy is shortened/nickname form of the Japanese word Kitsune meaning, literally, fox. Less literally they are wise trickster spirits that go through many physical changes with the gaining of knowledge. Kitsune, in one form or another, is a nickname I've had since middle school, but a lot of friends have started calling me Kit or Kitsy, so I went with Kitsy. Foxes mean a lot to me so it fits.

My real name, Jessica, is what narrowly saved me from being "Sarah Lee" and as amusing as it seems at first "Nobody does it like Sarah Lee"? Come on...

I was also almost named Rebecca, to the point that my gran thought that WAS my name and told all my relatives that it was my name. I've gone by nicknames for most of my life though because there's about a million Jessica's so it gets confusing. I've also taken to spelling my name "Jessika", just for the sake of easily being able to pick out papers in classes and such without having to trudge through a bunch of last names to find the right Jessica :lol:

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Mine's pretty simple Di's my wife, hence I'm her guy. Pretty boring but it works.

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This one's real deep:

I like tigers. :P

Yep, not as fancy as some, but, it'll do.

Actually, almost all the SNs I have have a tyger in it somewhere, and the "Y" in the middle makes it a bit different.

Truth be told, my real name, is one you're familiar with, yet I am not the same one. My name is Meaghan. No, I am not kidding. :lol:;):rolleyes:

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I just love the name Shariana and hope to name my daughter (if I have one) that..... My boyfriend likes the name Helen.... so maybe Helen Shariana? Hm.... gonna take some thinking! ^.^

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Mine's pretty simple. I was born in 1948 so that makes me a baby boomer,


My real name is quite different so if anyone I happened to know ended up here(not likely) it might lead to questions. Sometime I will

be comfortable enough to tell all.

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Tango is alpha code for T, my first and last initials or as I sign my initials "TT". Can't use my real name, I'd be unemployed !!!!

And all this time I thought this come from "Tango and Cash"! I Got my learning for the day!

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mine is kind of cute...

An older gentelman we ment once could never remember my real name (not a usual one) so he kept calling me...Miss Lovely lady.

I had to swich it around because TT wouldn't except lovelylady...so I'm ladylove

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