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Clone A Willy And Clone A Pussy

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Not sure where to put this thread so I'm sticking it here. Hubby and I are looking into these kits. Custom dildo and a pussy "cloned" off of your body.

I want a dildo, but I'm not good at handling the 8" long 2" wide toys out there, I love my husbands penis and I figured this would be great. So when I asked him, he said "sure, as long as I can have one of your pussy too" :huh: so I said.. ok :lol:

Has anyone used these kits? You mix the mold formula, insert your penis, or apply to your female area, let set for a couple minutes then remove. Let the mold harden, then pour in the mixture for the dildo or the pussy.

Before I order one, I wanted to know if anyone's used them, and their comments on the kits.


Clone A Willy and Clone A Pussy

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Thanks Ginger! Yes, read my review, cuz we did the "Penis mold" one. And, be SURE to follow the instructions and timings carefully! When they give specific times......they MEAN them!! It was a lot of fun!

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Thanks Ginger, this is the Clone A Willy and The Clone A Pussy. I guess from what I've read, two totally different kits. I was just worried that it would stick to us, thanks for the review link!

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The kit that I reviewed, if I am remembering correctly, was 3 minutes. But, it starts to harden almost immediately, so not too long. The extra time is to make sure that it keeps it's shape.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I just received the clone a willy kit. Guess what we'll be making this weekend :P

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Enjoy. I am thinking about getting one as well. I think it would be fun to do.

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okay see my friend John has literally a perfect penis, I love to look at it and generally i think penises (peni? is that the correct plural?) are ugly, sorry guys but i do. Not only that but it fits perfectly! he's not very good motion wise, but really he just needs to insert and wait, the Os just come from the awesomeness opf his penis. (okay maybe it is th emotion of the ocean but still amazing) I told him that I wanted to make a mold of it and sell them. He's all for the idea (sadly he now has a girlfriend and I don't think she would approve or even help very big prude), but I never knew which kit to get or if it was good. Now I wish I had :( aww. I'll never again see the phallus of gold. I had such nicknames for it too.


PS Yes, I broke my own rule and told him he was the best, a) he has low self-esteem and needed to hear it and B) it's true. In my book any way

PSS I know that "prude" is mean and not fair but come on, she doesn't put out and won't even allow him to have, look at or think about porn. It's just mean. And yes, I'm very biased and I realize that. I'm sure she's a sweet and wonderful woman. She'd have to be because he loves her and for that I respect her. Whoops. I'm rambling.....

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We were looking at the kit tonight, it comes with an insertable vibrator. I'm selfish, I want to keep the vibe as a toy in itself :lol:

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I bought one of these over a year ago for my friend to make me my own personal dildo or vibrator. I doubt I'll ever see it.....

Bring it up again as a reminder! Offer to help.... ;):D

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would you let me know how this turns out because we were thinking of doing this as well.

Sure Kentucky, I was reading the instructions and checking online reviews of this, everything so far looks to be easy, as long as directions are followed.

The main reason I wanted to do this, is internally I'm pretty small. All of the toys out there seem to be too big and uncomfortable, my husband fits me perfectly, so it seemed to me why not make an exact clone of him? The other reason was that no one else would have a toy exactly like mine :lol:. I like being unique! ;)

Will update as we go along with this tho, so stay tuned!

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Bring it up again as a reminder! Offer to help.... ;):D

We remind each other once a month or so. It's a little hard to help him since he lives over 1000 miles away... We've spent the last year trying to find a way to get together. If we do, I am SO helping him to make that toy! :D

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