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If At First You Don't Succeed, I Failed Again.

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I am practically in tears, forewarning it may get a bit whiny, sorry guys...

So I am in college, and I applied to a few schools as a transfer student because I wanna get the ...outta where I am right now, I mainly stayed at this school b/c they gave me a free ride and whatnot. I didn't get into my dream school the first time, and I STILL don't get why...I had a 3.8, all around activities, awards, community service, etc. etc. So i figured, eh well why not try again figuring hey I had a semester or two in college my grades are even better than what they were, why not? I bet I can do it. So, I waited all this time, and five mins ago I just brought in the mail...and once again...rejected. I am just ready to quit, because i don't get it!!! why can't i get in?!?!! I have worked my butt off and done so much and I can't even get into this school. It hurts me so badly because I know I have what they are looking for, and I am heartbroken this is the second time I didn't get in. I feel like I got punched in the gut and then beaten repeatedly with a baseball bat 80 more times. I just feel miserable, and depressed. I have two other decent colleges that accepted me, but that's not the point...what good is it, if you're upset? I just feel so defeated and like nothing matters at this point...

Thanks for letting me vent people, I'm sorry I'm really just depressed about it. I feel like a failure

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Failure is when you stop trying! Apply again and again and again until you get what you want! I know you faced this same thing with your dancing and should treat this the same way. KEEP PUSHING! Sometimes you have to kick doors down to get what you want! Keep your chin up!

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Oh please, please, please, honey do NOT give up on your dreams! You have no idea how you will regret later giving in to any compromises that will kill the passions and dreams you have for what you want to do in life. Your first obligation is to yourself so don't let anything or anyone stand in your way....keep pushing and trying....you WILL make it and be so proud of yourself. I will be rooting for you all the way and sending as much positivity as it takes!

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Don't give up your dreams...you are young and this is the best time for you to realize them. It is a process...one step inf front of the other. But that does not mean you won't have to take several steps back or to the side every once in a while. You are not a failure. You are disappointed and it seems overwhelming today, but you have two choices: give up and settle for 2nd best, or keep trying for your dreams. I will be thinking of you. One thing that ANY college notes, and that is perseverance.

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Often schools aren't just looking for grades/activities they're looking at TYPES of classes and TYPES of activities, and usually they're dividing people into very precise sets so they can have a well-rounded class. So unless you go out and do something super special, preferably related to your major, it's going to take a lot of perseverance and luck 'cause flat-out college apps suck. -hug- Sorry it's being such a pain but don't take it personally - I've known people with a 4.0, 10hrs of community service a week, clubs and theatre and all sorts of activities that have been rejected from schools.

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Thanks for letting me vent people, I'm sorry I'm really just depressed about it. I feel like a failure

First off hun, I want to say I feel for you, I've been there quite recently actually and I know it's hard, I know it. But keep trying. The other thing that you need to always remember is that unless your going to Harvard or Yale, the name of the school really isn't important. All that matters is how happy you are and if the school offers what you want. That being said I would totally plug my own college but I think that's wrong.

The other thing that I have learned, and I know this sounds harsh but bare with me, is that there is always someone just a little bit better. So, you just need to learn to sell yourself. This time around did you ask for an admissions interview? Stick it out at your current school just one more semester and try again, this time go in with guns blazing. " I have a 3.8 GPA, I'm recuse children from wells and I love puppys. You want me." A friend of mine was able to talk his way into grad school even though he technically hadn't graduated. Go in, and just show 'em how awesome you are. Sure, that other person may be better on paper, but they don't want it enough to go in and say hi!

It's kinda like dating though, after geting the reject button so many times, maybe you should think about rejecting them. Anyone who will say no to a (seemingly near perfect from what you describe) canidate may not be someone worthy of you. If it comes to it, turn your nose up and give 'em the finger. Also you do have the right to ask why you got rejected, it might be something that you can fix or improve on.

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In this day and age it seems that many schools, jobs, etc.... have to carry a certain amount of ethnic diversity, not based on anyone's qualifications or abilities. I hope you will take full advantage of the full ride that you have at your school now until you can get what you want. Don't let it pass you by. Opportunities like this are not always taken. Education is not everything but it does have advantages.

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In this day and age it seems that many schools, jobs, etc.... have to carry a certain amount of ethnic diversity, not based on anyone's qualifications or abilities. I hope you will take full advantage of the full ride that you have at your school now until you can get what you want. Don't let it pass you by. Opportunities like this are not always taken. Education is not everything but it does have advantages.

The other day I turned on the radio and tuned into the Rush Limbaugh show and he made a great point " Go look for books at the book store or library on how to fail? You wont find them". It easy to fail, we born to do that naturally and it part of our being as humans but success is how we define it." We'll his rant that day was that people can succeed if they make an effort too and here is a guy who should know. Radio is one of the toughest business. Getting fired happens more often then getting an annual 2 percent pay raise each year. And few will ever succeed to the same level in ratings his show produces or the levels of revenue that some with it but the stories behind the success are incrediable.

Like him or hate him isnt the point, he offers some good advice in that you only fail when you stop trying. Take the oppertunity to try and analyze why and keep eyes and ears open for oppertunity. Often success comes in a different form then what we had hoped. Some times you have to try and carve out a oppertunity where there appears to be none.

Diversity is part if the system today, it shouldnt be but it is and there good and bad associated with that one. It depends on why you got turned down. But when I was working in television they wanted interns from colleges and I wasnt in college. So I did it the hard way, I called and wrote the stations looking for employment to the point I was harassing them and this went on for many months. One day I came home to an aswering machine that had two messages waiting for me regarding interviews for some openings. I didnt get them but I learned what the people were looking for so I continue my harassment plan. Months later another interview on a rainy day so I went in for that one and they was impressed. Got that job. As I learned the ropes over the next few years I came to realize that schooling wasnt as important as it seemed. It was just a place to start and once you got your foot in the door it meant nothing. So many people had specialized degrees in a field like tv video production where they was better of with something in marketing. Twenty years later the field has changed since the tecnology has replaced humans for the most part. Those who stuck around and new how to handle the machines are the only one making the pay checks. For on air talent, it was all about looks and how it came across to viewers. Look good chances are you get work rather easy unless you work behind the scenes. Today alot of people dont want to be hired for that but then others couldnt care less long as they employed.

So Attitude and your approuch to success however you define it is key combined with determination will get you success. staying power is always an obstacle just ask any of us guys on here


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The other day I turned on the radio and tuned into the Rush Limbaugh show and he made a great point " Go look for books at the book store or library on how to fail? You wont find them". It easy to fail, we born to do that naturally and it part of our being as humans but success is how we define it." We'll his rant that day was that people can succeed if they make an effort too and here is a guy who should know. Radio is one of the toughest business. Getting fired happens more often then getting an annual 2 percent pay raise each year. And few will ever succeed to the same level in ratings his show produces or the levels of revenue that some with it but the stories behind the success are incrediable.

Like him or hate him isnt the point, he offers some good advice in that you only fail when you stop trying. Take the oppertunity to try and analyze why and keep eyes and ears open for oppertunity. Often success comes in a different form then what we had hoped. Some times you have to try and carve out a oppertunity where there appears to be none.

Diversity is part if the system today, it shouldnt be but it is and there good and bad associated with that one. It depends on why you got turned down. But when I was working in television they wanted interns from colleges and I wasnt in college. So I did it the hard way, I called and wrote the stations looking for employment to the point I was harassing them and this went on for many months. One day I came home to an aswering machine that had two messages waiting for me regarding interviews for some openings. I didnt get them but I learned what the people were looking for so I continue my harassment plan. Months later another interview on a rainy day so I went in for that one and they was impressed. Got that job. As I learned the ropes over the next few years I came to realize that schooling wasnt as important as it seemed. It was just a place to start and once you got your foot in the door it meant nothing. So many people had specialized degrees in a field like tv video production where they was better of with something in marketing. Twenty years later the field has changed since the tecnology has replaced humans for the most part. Those who stuck around and new how to handle the machines are the only one making the pay checks. For on air talent, it was all about looks and how it came across to viewers. Look good chances are you get work rather easy unless you work behind the scenes. Today alot of people dont want to be hired for that but then others couldnt care less long as they employed.

So Attitude and your approuch to success however you define it is key combined with determination will get you success. staying power is always an obstacle just ask any of us guys on here


I like your point Glenn!

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"Don't give up for you aren't a failure until you fail to try!"

I hated my first college so I changed to one that wasn't my favorite (I didn't even apply there at first) when I was first applying, but I found I LOVE it!

Look at all your options.... I thought I would LOVE my first school... but I realized it wasn't for me.... look at your options and don't be afraid to try something you think you won't like.

I thought I would HATE a large school, but I wound up hating my small school and loving the one I'm at now... you never know until you try!

I wish you the best of luck and hope you can find the right spot! *hugs*

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There are never failures, only obstacles to your ultimate goal.

This is one of those obstacles.

There were a couple of really good points made.

Sucess is your only choice here, failure is NOT an option.

In times like these... I cry, have my fit, and go through my little funk about how I screwed up, or missed out on something.

Then, I pick myself up, grab my hat, dust my boots off, then get right back into the game.

Do NOT let some faceless name dictate YOUR dreams and YOUR hopes and YOUR goals.

You are the one who does that.

If you really want to get in this school, find out what THEY REALLY WANT.

If it is not the same as what YOU want, then I would find a differant school.

Believe me, if you give up on this school, you will kick yourself in the ass for years to come.

I do every day, I gave up on my dream of going to Baron, to get my certification in diesel mechanics.

Now I lay in bed at night and think "What if?"

Trust me, dreams are a dime a dozen, makeing them come true is costly but so rewarding in the end.

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I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to give me some insight and sweet replies,

I understand the importance of perseverance and not giving up, I am still really upset, but I was just spur of the moment upset when I wrote this post. I'm not going to give up on my dreams, and even though I did not get into this school, one of the others I was accepted to, is gorgeous, and actually closer to where I can go to the city and dance in a company which is great.

thanks again to everyone, you guys are truly kind.

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Honey, you are a smart girl. ou are going to succeed in getting what you want, I don't doubt that for one minute. Maybe the timing isn't right, but when it is, you will be ready.

Take advantage of every oppertunity that you can. You are strong, smart and don't understand the words 'I GIVE UP!!' Go get em, little missy!!

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“An inventor fails 999 times, and if he succeeds once, he's in. He treats his failures simply as practice shots.”

Charles F. Kettering

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Just remember poor Edison

"I didn't fail 3,000 times. I found 3,000 ways how not to create a lightbulb"

There is always a learning experience! ^.^

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This was exactly the quote I was looking for when I searched for quotes.

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For a good look at someone who could have given up due to lack of favorable result check out the trials and tribulations of Abraham Lincoln! http://showcase.netins.net/web/creative/li...on/failures.htm

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