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Tpbm (the Person Below Me)


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TRUE and it was GREAT

TPMB was frustrated yesterday


TPBM had sex last night

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False, my sex-life is on a hiatus...still taking applications for a Valntyn Surrogate to get me through.

TPBM thinks smokers are a turn-off.

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False, my sex-life is on a hiatus...still taking applications for a Valntyn Surrogate to get me through.

TPBM thinks smokers are a turn-off.

Still waiting for my application. ;)


TPBM is getting ready to go on vacation

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BTW, I too think smoking's a turn off.

No, not getting ready to go on vacation either. LOL

TPBM has had kids walk in on them while they were masturbating.

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BTW, I too think smoking's a turn off.

No, not getting ready to go on vacation either. LOL

TPBM has had kids walk in on them while they were masturbating.

False....at least not yet as I just recently started doing this

TPBM is having a relaxing day of doing nothing

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No, I am puttering around the house, though leizurely.

TPBM likes loud music.

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nope, never...but then its my house and who is anyone to judge what we do here? ;)

TPBM likes em a little older.

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nope, never...but then its my house and who is anyone to judge what we do here? ;)

TPBM likes em a little older.

True...considering mine is 13 1/2 years older...lol

TPBM is happy the weekend is over

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True...considering mine is 13 1/2 years older...lol

TPBM is happy the weekend is over

False, I loved the weekend! I worked a great, great festival and I'm super sore and need more recovery time.

TPBM knows they are going to have "a case of teh mondays" tomorrow.

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False, I loved the weekend! I worked a great, great festival and I'm super sore and need more recovery time.

TPBM knows they are going to have "a case of teh mondays" tomorrow.

False actually looking forward to it.

TPBM has been busy today

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False actually looking forward to it.

TPBM has been busy today

TRUE - a water main broke in front of my house - Yippee!

TPBM is looking forward to pleasant dreams tonight

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True, i've slept pretty much all day

TPBM is feeling particularly friskey!

True oh so totally true

TPBM is looking forward to a special night with their SO this week

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True, but every night is special :wub:

TPBM is craving captain crunch cereal.

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OMG Aiden!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! I've been eyeing that box over there for an hour!!!! True story!

TPBM has dishes to do.

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FALSE! I don't feel like eating much in the summer

TPBM loves the rain

True... as long as I'm watching it through a window!

TPBM sings in the shower.

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TPBM has had a long day!

False....it hasn't been too long of a day

TPBM is looking forward to a nice time with their SO tomorrow night

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