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Tpbm (the Person Below Me)


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False I'm a cooler weather guy and it's too HOT here

TPBM loves it when the leaves change colors in the fall

False fall is my least favourte season-back to school

Tpbm loves ice cream

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False fall is my least favourte season-back to school

Tpbm loves ice cream

True - It's unAmerican not to love ice cream! :)

TPBM would like to play in a rock band.

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tpbm is looking forwrad to bed.


TPBM is craving sweets.

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false - I just had some skittles

tpbm has a new toy to try out


TPBM wishes they had a new toy to try out :)

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TPBM wishes they had a new toy to try out :)

TRUE I just ordered a new one!


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TPBM has the day off tomorrow!

That is tricky but I will say TRUE because I am a stay at home Mom (sexy huh?)

TPBM is on their own tonight

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That is tricky but I will say TRUE because I am a stay at home Mom (sexy huh?)

TPBM is on their own tonight

False, wife, two daughters, two dogs, two cats and a guine pig. quite crazy.

TPBM. hates people who have tommorow off because they have to work. :angry:

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False, wife, two daughters, two dogs, two cats and a guine pig. quite crazy.

TPBM. hates people who have tommorow off because they have to work. :angry:

False - I'll be off Friday. :)

TPBM will be sleeping naked tonight.

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TPBM has a crush on someone


TPBM is going to be up past their bedtime tonight.

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True....gotta have my bubble bath every night!

Tpbm indulges in some type of sexual play or experience each and every day!

True if fantasies count

TPBM loves to shop

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False, in fact, I start to yawn every time I go into a department or grocery store.

TPBM has been around the hospital too much lately.

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Soooo True...I'm ready for a permanent vacation - I want to be FREE!

Tpbm is beginning yet another evolution in the way that they see things.

TRUE always trying to be more open minded...

TPBM is a good friend!

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TRue I hope!

TPBM has been in touch with an old friend lately

True actually!

TPBM is looking at a torrential downpour!

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