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Cut Or Uncut?


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Exactly!! I agree !! I enjoy seeing the women here and I think all of em are beautiful and have said so several times but some of the comments made on this thread toward men are nothing short of tasteless. It is a low blow to make fun of someones genitalia no matter the gender.

If some guy came here and insulted women's privates the way we have been here I would be the first one all over him. Most of us guys try to be courteous to you girls in the vast majority of cases and I for one would appreciate the same level of respect when it comes to us. There have been times when I have said things that were taken wrong or insulted someone and when I do I ALWAYS go back try to clear it up one way or the other.

I am pretty thick skinned and most of what is said here doesn't bother me even if I disagree but there are comments made on this thread that are nothing short of an outrage.

GEEZ! I certainly did not intend to make fun of anyone :( I am sorry Poon! I sincerely was just looking for opinions on the subject!

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well, part of the original question was if the ladies here have ever been with a man who was uncut. and if there was a difference and if it bothered us or not. and i said no, that i have been with a man who was cut, and uncut, and i have no real prefrance over on or the other.

i dont see how a comment like that can be offensive? dam im confused...this is what happens when the bleach starts to seep into my brain :P

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SweetGuy is the first uncut guy I have been with. I personally like his penis. It seems more sensitive.

S.G. is a very sensitive guy all around, though, not just his penis.

He is keeps himself very clean, and I have never been grossed out.

I find it fun to lick him out of 'hiding'. (:

My two sons are cut because their dad was, and it was the thing to do at the time. (they are 24 and 28)

Sweetguys son is uncut. (he is 22)

If I had a do over, I would leave them the way they where created.

My opinion only.

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I love the look and feel of a circumcised man. I love the way it feel inside me as well as in my mouth. I think the ridge is sexy and adds pleasure for me. Its also medically proven to be more sanitary for a man, and less likely to have infections because it's easier to keep clean. The other thing you need to remember, is that one day he'll be in the locker room with a bunch of other boys, mostly circumcised, being different isn't always a good thing for kids.

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Ya know I find, this post extremely insulting to men and I am not some jhonnie come lately to the forum. Neither am I some mealy mouthed, silver tounged spinless wimp who never post an honest thought in interest of impressing the women here. Women post their tits, legs. and even their pussy here and the guys have enough CLASS not to insult y'all yet Y'all invite men to post pictures and then insult them for doing so and THEN are IGNORANT enough to wonder where all the men are on the site and when they do show up they don't stay.

I sure as hell don't want to see some mans dick, and ya'll sure as hell ain't gonna see mine but if someone wants to how about just not saying anything rather than insulting someone...either that or ask rob to remove the thread. I may be the odd man out here but if Iam I don't give a fat rats ass. The entire thread is degrading to men period.

How is this thread degrading when Sunflower posted this question and asked for feedback?

"Women: What do you feel about the subject? Do you like or dislike a foreskin? Do you care?

Men: Come forward! If you are uncut! I am curious about the ratio of cut vs uncut!

Personally I don't care either way although I do feel that it is there for a reason. I have been with both. Although it has been awhile for me being married for 13 years. My H is circumcised. My ex was not."

We fed back, men and women alike.

There was a direct question, and numerous responses.

Mine was:

"My son is cut, because I like Mikayla felt it was the acceptable thing to do.

I have never been with an uncut man and wouldn't want to personally. It would just gross me out. Sorry, but the truth."

Then a link was posted to a possible and I still say cut ;) penis and Iha added his thoughts.

I continued the discussion agreeing with Iha and saying:

"I wish men would value themselves more than posting a pic of their woodie and saying, "Hi I'm new" or not even post any kind of intro at all."

I was not attacking any individual, this was a generalization of thought on my part. I personally like to see a bit of an intro on new people but being a photo forum, no one needs to introduce and can post as they wish.

Here is your post:

Ya know I find, this post extremely insulting to men and I am not some jhonnie come lately to the forum. Neither am I some mealy mouthed, silver tounged spinless wimp who never post an honest thought in interest of impressing the women here. Women post their tits, legs. and even their pussy here and the guys have enough CLASS not to insult y'all yet Y'all invite men to post pictures and then insult them for doing so and THEN are IGNORANT enough to wonder where all the men are on the site and when they do show up they don't stay.

I sure as hell don't want to see some mans dick, and ya'll sure as hell ain't gonna see mine but if someone wants to how about just not saying anything rather than insulting someone...either that or ask rob to remove the thread. I may be the odd man out here but if Iam I don't give a fat rats ass. The entire thread is degrading to men period.

Now I want to ask you this.

How is my post insulting? Because I wish people would post more than their genitalia for an intro? That I would perhaps like to get to know the person behind the privates?

I don't know where the "mealy mouthed, silver tongued, spineless wimp who never posted and honest thought in the interest of impressing women" comes from either or what relevancy it has to Sun's thread.

I did not insult anyone. I was making again a generalization.

This however was insulting to me:

"Women post their tits, legs. and even their pussy here and the guys have enough CLASS not to insult y'all yet Y'all invite men to post pictures and then insult them for doing so and THEN are IGNORANT enough to wonder where all the men are on the site and when they do show up they don't stay."

Why is that insulting? Because you directly quoted my response. Basically calling me classless, and making direct reference to a past post I had made of asking where the men are on the forum. Basically saying I am ignorant enough to wonder.

I wasn't ignorant, I wanted them to come forward. We have almost 11 pages of registered members that are men. The number is staggering. I wanted to know where they are. Why they don't post because frankly I love seeing them on here.

Then you end your post with:

"but if someone wants to how about just not saying anything rather than insulting someone...either that or ask rob to remove the thread. I may be the odd man out here but if Iam I don't give a fat rats ass. The entire thread is degrading to men period."

Again, I don't see how this thread is degrading. It was an honest question, and honest feedback came in.

The boards are a place of diversity with many differentiating thoughts, expressions and lifestyles. I hope that never changes.

Rob and I have talked many times of the community forming here, and I agree that it's one of the reasons we all come back.

I do take offense that you feel that I am degrading to men, that I have no class and that I am insulting. Just because of my thoughts on how members introduce themselves. Because I personally would like to see the person that goes with the penis or with the pussy.

But you are as entitled to your opinion as well as anyone else.

I would however like to see debate done without the start of a flame war, because I refuse to entertain that.

I however will leave this post with the advice I give my board members from another forum. Flame the post, not the poster. If you have issues with my thoughts, I would be more than happy to discuss them with you. But in context to the original question posted by Sunflower who I may add is a valued member here, I can say that she nor I nor any of the women that answered this post never had any intention of degrading the men that post here.

Because we women that are posting here, walk a different path than the women that don't. We love sex, we love our men and we work to better our sex lives. To make the generalization that we disrespect men is absurd. If that were the case we would align ourselves among the women that don't post here.

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OK, OK! Let's all calm down here. I've been thru this thread 3 times now, just to make sure I got it all.

The original intent of the thread was to see what opinions there are of cut vs. uncut penises (peni plural??). I personally, have never seen an uncut one. I can't tell you if I would like it or not. But, as a personal preference, due to what I am use too, I probably wouldn't like it. Again, I am not sure.

Maybe it's me, but I don't find anything insulting or degrading by asking a simple question on a body part that many women love (and some men too!). And, no, I wouldn't get offended if a man asked the question "Boobs: big or tiny titties, which do you like?" Everyone has a preference, POV, and experience they can share, and should be respected as an individual.

I don't think that the added link to the uncut penis was meant to insult, degrade, tease, or shock, but to show an uncut penis. Not to say "OMG!! Lookit that!". In fact, Sun was very direct when she started that post with "Never seen an uncut man??" Well, if you take it with a wrong tone (knowing Sun_Flower the way I do, I don't think for a minute that she is trying to insult anyone with that), yes, it could be in a teasing tone, but it's not. (BTW, I too think that the man looks cut.) The man that posted the original intro with that pic DID post in the correct forum, and wasn't crude or rude in his posting at all. So, therefore, to me, it's no big deal.

The point was made that intros of men displaying their erections in intros may be due to men thinking this is a dating or hook up site. True that. Same goes for women that immediately post their genitals. Or maybe the man/woman is so confident that he likes to show him/herself off. Either way, and I could be wrong, but, I have never seen anyone degrade, insult, or tell a man that shows off his cock, or a woman that shows off breasts/pussy, that they are unwelcome, and not to show themselves that way. Hence why this board is just FULL of classy people! We can appreciate the human body for what it is: a unique work of art, no matter how it's shaped, sized, cut, or enhanced.

The few that said that they wouldn't post a pic of themselves or their SOs genitals were just making light of it all, and I doubt that they were being degrading or looking down on anyone that chose to do so. How you take a post is on YOU, unless they are sooooo blatant that they are most DEFINITELY being insulted. Being honest is one thing, being vulgar and insulting is another. Again, please keep an open mind to what a poster probably is meaning, and don't jump to a negative conclusion right away. I took the time to reread several "ify" responses that struck me as such the first time, but rereading them really does help put it into perspective. Honest it does.

If, for some reason, you find something insulting, degrading, or not up to standards on the forum, then, please, make an Admin aware of it. Report the offending post. Sometimes the post is deleted, sometimes, it's not. It's all up to the discretion of the Owners and Admins of the board.

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It runs about 50/50 for newborns here. Actually uncut is starting to lead the pack. You have to pay for circumcision now but didn't have to before. I have one brother who is cut, one who isn't (in their 40s). It doesn't seem to be much of an issue. At least they never discussed it with me.

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I definitely see how an uncut man would feel badly based on those of us who find uncut penises to be 'unappealing.' As one of those women who has said as much, I will NOT apologize for my comment. I have slept with both types of 'penises' and I PERSONALLY prefer the cut penis. It in and of itself was not dirty or gross, but I found it to be unappealing for MYSELF. I am as entitled to that opinion as a man who doesn't like a stomach pouch or an unshaven vagina.

I am fully aware that there is a lot about me that some men might find unappealing. Boobs too big, stomach not flat enough, too much cellulite - who knows. In the general sense, if a man said, "I find a woman who has breasts larger than a B cup to be unappealing TO ME" how could I get upset about that? It is THEIR opinion. I could just say, 'well, ya are missin' out, cause that is more to love!'

I don't think this post has to take this turn. I think that we are all entitled to our opinions. Plus, maybe someday I will find an uncut penis that I find appealing- it might have been the man attacked to the thing that turned me off! Who knows! ;)

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I had my son cut, and his dad is cut too. I do wish I wouldn't have, sometimes. It does take away a bit of length and is natural. His Dad wishes he (dad) wasn't cut. I used to hate uncut guys, but now I find it kind of sexy. -shrugs-

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All 3 of my boys are cut, so is my hubby. I made the decision because I worked with the elderly

many of whom had alzhiemers and could not remember how to keep clean. Infection was a serious

problem for them and many of them had to be cut, it was horrible to watch and see how much pain they

went through. I know that as an infant that area is not nearly as developed so not as much pain.

I know that dementia has not been found to be hereditary but my grandmother has it and I didn't

want to chance that with my sons.

As far as my preference I personally prefer cut, mabye its just because its what I am used to but I

never found uncut to be attractive either.

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Plus, maybe someday I will find an uncut penis that I find appealing- it might have been the man attacked to the thing that turned me off! Who knows! ;)

Very true Mik, I think it's really not just the fact of how the penis is cut or uncut or size or any physical attribute it has that makes it not appealing. It has much more to do with the asshat that it's attached to.

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when hubby said he was "uncut' i was like uhhhh eww.. mainly because i have never seen one before..so i asked him a million questions... when i saw it up close and personal...it wasent that big of a deal.

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Some of the opinions expressed here were stated pretty bluntly, and IMO, with an apparent disregard for the feelings of any uncut men who might be reading this thread.... but the thing is, they are honest opinions, and they were stated as opinions. I see nothing wrong with that. I'm sorry that the truth hurts sometimes, but some women here, it seems, just do not like uncircumcised penises. Penises can be a sensitive subject for a lot of guys, I understand, but you can't expect everyone to tiptoe around it when they are asked their opinion. I'm skinny, boyish, and have A cup breasts (If that. They are probably closer to AA.) I am not everyone's cup of tea, and I've heard people refer to my body type as "looking like a 10 year old boy," but everyone is welcome to their opinion and I do not take offense. Some love my look, just as some LOVE uncircumcised cock, but it's not for everyone.

As for myself, I have been with both, and I prefer circed purely for aesthetic reasons. I don't think uncirced is gross and certainly wouldn't think twice about being with someone who wasn't circed, but honestly I do find it a little offputting if the prepuce extends far beyond the head, and dislike it more if it doesn't retract fully during erection. Thing is, I REALLY like the look of the head of the penis, so I prefer it to be exposed. Uncirced, in my experience, feels better though.

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I think the points Synirr made are exactly right on. Yes, it is true, some of us mentioned our preference for cicumcised men. I, having two boys, simply stated that I felt it more 'socially acceptable' - and acceptable isn't even the right word for it. I have been with both, I PREFER cut. does this mean that I think the uncut is dirty or gross? Of course not, I just find cut more appealing, as does Synirr and probably other women too.

I understand and have empathy for the fact that some uncut men who read this thread may be offended, and I think I speak for most of us when I say that it was NOT our intention to be disrepectful or hurtful. However, we all have to be mindful that there are many things that people prefer when it comes to sex: thin over heavy, busty over flat-chested, shaven vagina over hairy, athletic build over pleasantly plump - or the reverse may be true for some too. Not all of these things can be 'changed' or require action. Sure, a flatter woman can get breast implants and a chubbier gal or guy can diet - but the gist of it is, sometimes we just have what we have.

Obviously, uncut men might feel that they had no choice in the matter. Most men who were left uncut are not gonna make the decision as an adult to get cut - and why would they? Just like why would a flat chested woman get implants just to please some people. It is what it is. I feel it is unfair for those of us who prefer cut men to not voice that opinion, in the right context.

Once again, if my saying that my preference is for cut men offended any man here, I am sorry that it hurt or offended you, but I do not apologize for the opinion.

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Wow - I leave for a week and low and behold madness! ;)

To answer the initial question: My current long term boyfriend is uncut. It doesn't bother me. I have to say its quite handy as far as not needing additional lubrication. He keeps himself very clean and is very conscious of that. And yes, I do find the sex a bit more enjoyable. Asthetically, cut is more appealing. But I have no problems either way. I just like the Cock! Now I'm Jewish so I will be circumcising my child when I have one. But if it weren't something I wasn't culturally exposed to I can't say I really know what I would do.

Moving on to the rest of the thread. As someone who posts photos of their body and monitors the photo section, I do not believe it is degrading. To each is own. Sexual expression comes in many different forms.

I have to give kudos to ANYONE--male or female--who is willing to put pictures of themselves up. It takes a lot of guts. It may not be something I would do, but please don't knock those who are willing to show themselves.

Absolutely ToyQueen!

The man that posted the original intro with that pic DID post in the correct forum, and wasn't crude or rude in his posting at all.

The point was made that intros of men displaying their erections in intros may be due to men thinking this is a dating or hook up site. True that. Same goes for women that immediately post their genitals. Or maybe the man/woman is so confident that he likes to show him/herself off. Either way, and I could be wrong, but, I have never seen anyone degrade, insult, or tell a man that shows off his cock, or a woman that shows off breasts/pussy, that they are unwelcome, and not to show themselves that way. Hence why this board is just FULL of classy people! We can appreciate the human body for what it is: a unique work of art, no matter how it's shaped, sized, cut, or enhanced.

Tyger - spot on. We have a separate section titled Pictures of Men for a reason. If you don't want to look at it, don't click on the thread. Now there are those who post photos and you do question the intent. But you've got to sift through stuff in life all the time. Take the bad with the good and eventually you can find the great.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and expressing themselves. This is an open minded community and I hope we can continue to be supportive of many different types of expression.

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