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what type of clothing turns you on for me it's mini skirts and high heels I find those so damn sexy. It's the visual seeing the legs and wondering it she wearing panties under there.

So I would like to hear from both male and female what turns you on would it be a man in a suit or uniform or women in a tight fitting dress whatever it is.

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what type of clothing turns you on for me it's mini skirts and high heels I find those so damn sexy. It's the visual seeing the legs and wondering it she wearing panties under there.

So I would like to hear from both male and female what turns you on would it be a man in a suit or uniform or women in a tight fitting dress whatever it is.

Visually? A man in uniform is nice

intellectually? Someone who can speak more than 2 syllables (since I am the mom of a toddler)

emotionally? Someone mature, self-assured, compassionate, kind and loving

sexually? great hands, (strong, flexible, gentle) willingness to please and be pleased

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Visually? A man in uniform is nice

FACE! nice smile eyes... I don't even notice body type until later I swear! unless it is extreme... also it doesnt matter what they wear although a suit is nice... If they care about how they look and express them self through clothes, tattoos, hairstyle or whatever it's all good!

intellectually? Someone who can speak more than 2 syllables (since I am the mom of a toddler)

Smart guys, smart asses! Guys who try to intimidate with their intelligence. I tend to disarm them!

emotionally? Someone mature, self-assured, compassionate, kind and loving

Sensitive, understanding patient, experienced, open minded...

sexually? great hands, (strong, flexible, gentle) willingness to please and be pleased

A HUGE.... sense of humor! LOL NO really If a guy gets me laughing... Forgetaboutit!!! Like Pinky said, a willingness to please me!

I think the number 1 thing that turns me on is if he wants me and shows me without restraint! That's HOT!

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sexually? great hands, (strong, flexible, gentle) willingness to please and be pleased

You too with the hands? OMG sometimes I can't even look at certain people's hands when we're in public. It makes me blush!

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Visually? A man in uniform is nice

Thier eyes and sexy outfit! It can be a miniskirt, tight jeans, sexy dress or a costume(wifes maid outfit is pretty damn sexy)!!

intellectually? Someone who can speak more than 2 syllables (since I am the mom of a toddler)

Someone I can talk to on my level is nice! I hate stupid people!

emotionally? Someone mature, self-assured, compassionate, kind and loving

Same as Pinky and passionate about life!!

sexually? great hands, (strong, flexible, gentle) willingness to please and be pleased

Willingness to please and be pleased, plus someone that knows what they want and can let you know how to acheive their goals in bed! Openminded is a biggie for me as well!!

Pinky and Vanilla, you both would love my hands!!haha

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A guy in a white tee and blue jeans will do it for me every time.

I love strong, sturdy slightly rough working hands.

Sweetguy has a job that gives him strong sexy hands, and when we first got together,

and I would tell him how much his hands turned me on, he would look at me like I was crazy.

Now he is used to my craziness and gets a charge out of playing with my turn ons.

Just this morning he was cutting wood, and dressed in blue jeans and a white tee and put on leather gloves. YOW!!

I was out there 'helping' him in a flash!! Although the DD's fell outta my tank top a few times and we made a extra trip to the machine shed,

the work got done. Wow, cutting wood is hot work............................ha ha ha!!

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I live in a new subdivision that is still being developed. Since moving there, I have learned how much of a turn-on a guy on heavy equipment (tractors and such) can be! Something about a guy being in control of all that metal, and out working in the hot sun, sweat glistening ... whoa!

When they aren't working, I notice eyes first. A sexy pair of eyes can be on just about any face and still get me hot.

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I think what turns me on the most is when a man knows how to treat a woman. Whether it is a listening ear, holding my hand or knowing exactly what I need even if I don't. Too many times things are rushed or not enjoyed. When you find someone that has the same goals, ideas and inspirations that is all you need. It can be the simplest thing of just a phone call, glance or just knowing that you are thinking of them.

To me I have come to realize it is about the whole package. I know as we are younger we base eveything on what we read about it all being about the outside. I have come to realize the what is on the inside means so much more and you get so much more out of that.

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Wow! I am surprised so many of you said hands! I have told my friends that before and they thought I was crazy. They way I think about it, is those are the hands that will be loving on me!

I also agree with a man in a nice pair of jeans. I think that is sooo sexy!

I man that can help me feel sexy and comfortable in my own body, no matter what I look like or feel like that day is good also.

But most important he has to have a good sense of humor, good personality and be able to laugh with me!

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Willingness to please and be pleased, plus someone that knows what they want and can let you know how to acheive their goals in bed! Openminded is a biggie for me as well!!

Pinky and Vanilla, you both would love my hands!!haha

You're right, we would probably love a musicians hands..I vote we get to try them out!

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Visually? A neat clean appearence is nice.

intellectually? Someone who I feel comfortable talking to. Someone who I can be at ease around and just be me.

emotionally? Someone mature, a woman who has experienced life, someone who is confident in themselves but caring for others, someone who I connect with at the soul.

sexually? Chemistry! Great eyes (green are my biggest turn on), a nice body but not a super model type I would rather have a mature woman with enough meat on their bones to hold on to. A woman who enjoys pleasing her lover and being pleased herself in return. One who cares enough to take the time to figure out what her man likes and then give him exactly that. A woman who is confident enough to tell her lover what she likes and what she wants and won't settle for less than that.

Guess I ask for a lot, but that's what turns me on

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You're right, we would probably love a musicians hands..I vote we get to try them out!

My wife would probably let me give you a massage, Pinky! Then you and her could have some fun together!!haha A bass player's hands are the strongest because of those bigass strings I play!! Come on to KY girl!!



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My wife would probably let me give you a massage, Pinky! Then you and her could have some fun together!!haha A bass player's hands are the strongest because of those bigass strings I play!! Come on to KY girl!!



I'm driving through Kentucky next week..where do i meet you and your lovely wife? ;)

Oh, and lively banter turns me on, too.

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I'm driving through Kentucky next week..where do i meet you and your lovely wife? ;)

I'm about 60 miles straight north of Nashville, TN!! If you stopped by, you better be ready to spend the night!!! :D

Oh, and lively banter turns me on, too.

That is a biggie as well! You got to be able to carry on a great conversation! Being a smartass can be fun if you are good at it and not degrading!! I'm a pro at that!!hehe

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In addition to seeing my man in uniform, what gets me hot is seeing him cowboy up. When he puts on his Wrangler jeans, a nice starched button down oxford (the tan Hilfiger is my favorite), his belt, boots, and hat...DEAR GOD!!! I don't even want to go out at that point!

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Today I was driving. I came to a red light and like 6-8 dudes in dirty jeans t shirts and hard hats crossed the street... HOT

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I have ecclectic tastes when it comes to appearances, but I like 'em young (preferably late teens), long hair, skinny to slightly athletic build (not too much muscle,) and my fave is tan skin and dark features... mmmm.

I like someone who is scientifically-minded and loves to learn, who I can have a good intellectual debate with, and who is very self-aware and capable of making mature decisions while still maintaining a sort of youthful enthusiasm. Someone who is honest about who he is, is sweet and caring, and doesn't feel like he has to be macho to impress me.

So basically, someone like who I'm seeing now ;)

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I have ecclectic tastes when it comes to appearances, but I like 'em young (preferably late teens), long hair, skinny to slightly athletic build (not too much muscle,) and my fave is tan skin and dark features... mmmm.

I like someone who is scientifically-minded and loves to learn, who I can have a good intellectual debate with, and who is very self-aware and capable of making mature decisions while still maintaining a sort of youthful enthusiasm. Someone who is honest about who he is, is sweet and caring, and doesn't feel like he has to be macho to impress me.

So basically, someone like who I'm seeing now ;)

Interesting..do you like him because he turned you on, or does he turn you on because you like him?

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Ten years ago, I would have said a man in uniform. All of my children (and their spouses) are or have served in the military,

so now I look at a guy in uniform and no matter how old he is, I see somebodys son.

Funny how our perceptions change over the years, isn't it?

I have to admit, a man in uniform is damn sharp looking!!

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Interesting..do you like him because he turned you on, or does he turn you on because you like him?

I'd have to say both. I was definitely attracted to him from the get-go, but I seem to like him more and more the better I get to know him.

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Visually, a clean, neat, relaxed appearance - ok, maybe a little beard stubble if he doesn't have a trim beard

Intellectually: fast paced eclectic and witty conversation.

Physically: confidence - I know some will say that's not a physical attribute, but I can see how a man carries himself whether he's confident. Since my physical tastes seem to change - I think I'm more affected by the intellectual turn on. And the hands and forearms. I agree with a lot of you. Whew.. most definitely.

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Physically: neat and trim, someone that looks like they take good care of themselves without being "prissy", overdone or conceited. A nice tight butt in jeans or slacks is always a turn on, but more important is someone with a sense of humor and a great smile! And most important someone who is comfortable enough with sexuality in general to really enjoy giving and receiving the ultimate in pleasure and experiences....someone who totally revels in the whole journey....it shows if someone is a sensual person at heart or not! Uptight people need not apply! :P

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Physically... I love seeing a guy in snug jeans, a tshirt, boots and a cowboy hat, YUMMY.

I love guys with long hair, nothing better then running my fingers through long hair.

Emotionally? someone who is not gonna be a sissy, and can stand by my side without getting scared when I grab a wrench or flinch when I let out a stream of curses.


someone with some sort of a smidegon of common sense and who has some sort of semblance of a sense of humor.

If they just give me that stone cold look when I crack a joke, I usually turn around and leave at that point.

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