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Viagra Ain't Working...


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Been a lurker for years. Got a problem and hope you all can help. My significant other age 52 (since April) is a sweetheart BUT his penis is as limp as last month's celery. He smokes and drinks and has had a stroke so he's on high blood pressure medication. The doctor gave him viagra 100 mg. and it ain't working. Any suggestions.... Will another medication work? <_<

...and yes I have told him he needs to stop smoking and drinking....

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It sounds as if your SO is on some heavy meds, that he really can't risk taking any higher dose of the Viagra due to conflicts of the medications could have with each other. He has a lot of health issues, some of which, he really could take care of, like loosing weight, quit drinking (that he shouldn't do since he's on medication). Some people find it impossible to quit smoking, though he should really try. You can only insist so much. HE'S the one that will have to WANT to change. Though, he should speak with his doctor.

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He has high blood pressure and his doctor gave him Viagra???? That seems odd to me.

First, yes, the smoking and the drinking can and does make his condition worse. Smoking in particular is horrible for people with ED (erectile dysfunctions). I would urge him to quit for all those reasons I am sure he knows.

Second, Viagra is not the best med on the market, but it is one of the cheaper ones. I would suggest looking into Cialis or Levitra - but he has to get his bp under control.

Third, these are not wonder drugs. Has he had a urologist look at him? Does he have any vaso-blockages? Can he ever get or maintain an erection - masturbation time? Does he care if he does or not? There can be a lot of things at play here. If he has a true ED - there may be other medications and things he can try. If it is psychological - then there is another way to go. It is all dependent on what the true 'cause' of the ED is.

I wrote an article on ED - all kinds- you may want to print it out and give it to him to read. There are helpful links and sources for him to turn to.

Go back to the doctor - YOU go with him. Tell the doctor what is going on, and insist on seeing a specialist. There are things to be done - just hang tight and see what you get told.

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I have Ed bad also and I take viagra, When I can afford it, but I also have an enlarged prostate that Im on meds for that and my doctor warned me that if I take the prostate med too close to taking viagra it can cause problems. I would think his doctor thought of this with

his high blood pressure meds. Because there is a warning on viagra about men with high blood pressure taking it. I would make a return visit to his doctor.

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Guest naughtymaid

I can speak from previous experience he may need an erection device to even get it up. My husband of 21 years had alot of problems.... it worked;was humilating for him at first but we worked around it. You can always work these things out with a delicate approach.........please ask if you want some more info. Right now I am soooo busy and about to head out for a trip Friday[back monday] so please think of alternate things and definately a different doc!!! Do not push him just relax and give the opinions and experience from us OL' GALS with experience and knowledge to always give ya some help.

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Thanks all! :)

You've gave some excellent advice.

My first step is to have a nice long talk with him about the drinking and smoking. Then we can look at other meds for the ED. In the meantime, we'll enjoy some TooTimid toys. lol :P

Mikala: He really doesn't have uncontrollable bp. He takes meds now more to protect against a spike then anything. When he had his stoke he was under pressure from a divorce, his business was having problems, and taking TWO 100 mg tablets for a night of pleasure. Right in the middle of having fun, bam. I need to ask him about "private time pleasure."

Again, thanks for the advice. M

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In addition to the above advice of "going back to his doc", he may also want to look at the emotional side of things.

There is a misconception that a pill (viagra, cialis, levitra, etc) will cure him immediately. This is not the case. There are a variety of causes for ED, and psychological factors are a BIG part. The meds he is on for his BP absolutely can be a factor, as well as the drinking, smoking, and other things every one has commented on. However, if he is discouraged with his lack of response to the erection meds, or is worried about having a heart attack, or just plain has low self esteem because of his health issues, that can make a HUGE impact on his ability to get it up and keep it up.

First question: Does he get spontaneous erections? (morning wood or in the middle of the night?) If so then his problem may not be 100% biological.

His Doc may or may not have a lot of experience with ED. If he is not getting any response, he may wish to talk w/ a urologist.

Good luck.

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