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Sorry I Just Need To Vent A Little...


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So I have has the most horrible day that I have had in a long time.

It started out that I had to get a job. :angry: I have been a stay at home mom for 7 years (I haven't had a job since I was in high school) So this was a little hard. Well I ended up getting one and I started it today. I had my mom set up to watch my two kids for 4 hours while I went to training. My mom calls me at 7 am to brake the bad news that my grandpa was killed last night in an accident. :(

...I had one of those old time cowboys for a grandpa. He went to feed the horses and he had just called my grandma at 4:40 pm and said he was on his way home to get something and to go help out a friend. He broke something on his truck that he had to start it under the hood. He must not have realized it was in gear. The truck ran over him and through him almost 100 feet from when the truck was parked before he started it and there was a fence that he flew into. The truck went through the fence and let out the horses (6of them) the people down the road saw the horses out and when to get them and put them back in the fields. They found my grandpa at 5:15 and he was no longer alive. At 5:30 there were two police men at my grandma's door telling her what had happened. The medical examinator said he passed away at 4:42pm...

Its my dads step dad that I have known my whole life and my parents have been devoiced for 22 years. So for my mom to know before me was kinda heart braking. Well it has been over 24 hours when the accident accrued and my dad and his wife found out and I still haven't got a call from them. :angry: Since I have a hard time dealing with death and facing it. (my dad has no clue about this because he has nothing to do with me because of a jelousey issue) I just pushed it to the back of my mind and went to training. When I got home from training I had an email from my husband. Saying his boss just offered him a different job that made more money :D and that I wouldn't have to take the job I got and that he would be going to Montana m-f and home on the weekends. :angry: We did this once before and it was hard but back then we had no kids. I told him to do what ever he felt good about and then I told him about my grandpa. He doesn't see m to care. Hasn't asked me anything about it or asked if I'm ok or not. Its so flusterating!!! His aunt passed away around Christmas time. It was a huge thing and we all knew that she was going due to caunser. All he says is "are you going to clean all day wednesday so that we can go to fireworks wednesday night" :angry::angry: Like I'm a kid. He must not realize how not fun it is to be sick for 4 days and have to find a job at the same time and then to have a grandparent pass away.

Sorry for even posting this I just needed to vent and I cant vent to anyone at my house or it just make big problems. So thanks to all of you that read about my horrible day.

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Wow!! I am SOOOO sorry for your loss. But, think of it this way, he died doing what an "old time cowboy" would love doing, doing something with his hands, hard labor, and on his TRUCK! I know how it is. My hubby is a cowboy, and loves to tinker with his own truck. You now have an additional "tough" guardian angel watching over you! My deepest condolenses. *HUGS*

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Ditto on Tyger's comments about your Grandpa. I'm sorry you had such a bad day and for the loss of your Grandpa. Thats a tough one. Let's hope tomorrow's gonna be fantastic! And I'm glad you vented. It's nice to have outlets ;)

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Vent anytime, sweetie. I'm so sorry. I got chills reading about your grandpa, because that is how my own grandpa died--only it was his tractor.

I hope the new day is better.

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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, but like Tyger said at least he went doing something that he loved. The rest of us can only hope to go out the same way.

It's good to have a place like TT to come and vent when you need too. I've done it myself as have many others so never apologize, we're here for you.


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Sorry to hear about your loss. We're all here if you feel the need to vent some more.

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WOW!! My deepest condolences!!! I am very sorry for loss, please feel free to vent here anytime you like. I think we have vented here at one time or another. I will keep you in my thoughts and prays.

Best wishes!

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So sorry for your loss and that you're not getting the support you need right now. Sometimes people are really at a loss about addressing death. Never apologize about expressing yourself here. Good luck with the new job. That is stressful enough, but usually the first few days are the hardest. Take care.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks EVERYONE!!!

I have been MIA for a few days.

Well my lovely father never called to tell me about anything.

As for my husband he is a pain in my ass. I was gone for about 13 hours the day of the funeral and when I got home he said "the kids need to get in the tub, good night" and didnt speek to me for two days. I think he was mad that he didnt get beer...poor baby...

I have decided that death brings out funny things in people. For the last 7 years I have always called my grandma on Tuesdays. Well I called her today (she about died thinking something eles had happened) and she was telling me that all my dad and his wife are doing is calling and asking for things of my grandpas. Im selling the horses for her because she cant take care of them her self. Im to far away to take care of them for her and no one is seeming to help out with anything. Im the only one that is an hour away and the rest live within 10 mins of her and I went an fixed her computer and helped her wrap gifts for a baby shower.

Thanks again everyone!! It means alot.

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I just saw this thread and wanted to offer condolences on your loss.

Sounds like your husband needs to grow up.

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