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Its gonna be a long day on a couple of fronts. Worried abotu people near and dear to me....especially my mom.

((((((HUGS)))))) - I am home sick today, don't try to call because my voice is gone, but I can still chat with the best of them. :P I am here for you puddin pop!

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((((((HUGS)))))) - I am home sick today, don't try to call because my voice is gone, but I can still chat with the best of them. :P I am here for you puddin pop!

No voice...oh poor thing...I remember that last week when I had none and you all were having fun teasing me about it. Sorry couldn't help it. We know no matter how ill you are....the laptop is still there. Hell I see many years down the road your wishes will be to be buried with your phone and laptop...oh and dont' forget the whip.....hehee

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Ten forum members with birthdays today and I'm the oldest :(

Yes but your aren't the oldest person on the forum! Still young! IMO! :kiss:

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It really stinks when you think you know someone really well and then find out you didn't know them at all. :angry:

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I have just been through one of the worst weeks since my divorce.

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I find it very ironic that he acts disinterested until he hears I had a date, now he wants to know who with, what we did, where we met, etc. Men can be so funny. Can one of you please explain why your species does these things? :rolleyes:

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I find it very ironic that he acts disinterested until he hears I had a date, now he wants to know who with, what we did, where we met, etc. Men can be so funny. Can one of you please explain why your species does these things? :rolleyes:

Man laws, you'd have to read the book I guess...

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I'm sorry to hear that Shelly. If you ever need an ear to bend, I'm a pretty good listener.

Thank you MOHD. Good to know, I appreciate that.

I may need to take you up on that sometime.

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Guest eminatic

i know i normally don't have a life but the other night my friend invited me to go bowling with 2 of his guy friends and well...i kind of liked one of them but my friend seemed mad later when i asked if he was single and wouldnt answer me =/

i think he'll be keeping us separated from now on :<

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i know i normally don't have a life but the other night my friend invited me to go bowling with 2 of his guy friends and well...i kind of liked one of them but my friend seemed mad later when i asked if he was single and wouldnt answer me =/

i think he'll be keeping us separated from now on :<

Sounds like your friend likes you... ;)

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Sounds like your friend likes you... ;)

My thoughts exactly!!

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Got some really good news. I have an interview next week. I am hoping it is finally a step in the right direction so that I can get things together in my life.

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My school dropped ALL of my classes on me because my financial aid didn't go through and they required payment. >.<

So, I had to go BACK to the school to reregister and pay out of pocket... >.<

But, it actually worked out better.... sorta.

Can't have the teaching with music class I wanted, but I got a better time for my A&P and got a child growth and development class.... should be good! ^.^

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Guest eminatic
Sounds like your friend likes you... ;)

lol he's told me in the past that he liked me but was afraid to talk to me so he sent his friend to do it instead (which is my ex) but i've made it pretty clear i don't feel the same way, its just not there. i've also been clear that i will never sleep with someone who is a confirmed cheater (which he is).

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lol he's told me in the past that he liked me but was afraid to talk to me so he sent his friend to do it instead (which is my ex) but i've made it pretty clear i don't feel the same way, its just not there. i've also been clear that i will never sleep with someone who is a confirmed cheater (which he is).

Gotcha! :)

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Got some really good news. I have an interview next week. I am hoping it is finally a step in the right direction so that I can get things together in my life.

YAY!! Congratulations!! Just getting an interview these days is awesome!! Let us know what happens, ok?

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Good policy, Em! Who needs that??

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It really is amazing how happiness can find you when you least expect it. And it feels kind of nice, too. Wow, who knew?

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Why is my life filled with endless DRAMA????

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Why is my life filled with endless DRAMA????


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