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What Aggrqavates You...

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1. If you could change one thing about your SO what would it be? Everyone has at least one aggravation!

2. What one thing sets him or her apart from all the rest? What is your favorite thing about them?

If I could change one thing it would be that he hears me! I swear he is either hard of hearing or forgets things the minute I say them.


ME: It's time to get the house ready. HIM: Ready for what? ME: My family is coming over in an hour! HIM: Well thanks for telling me! ME: I did tell you we discussed the time and everything don't you remember? ...and so on!

The one thing that sets him apart in my eyes is that he really "gets" me. He sees me the way I want to be seen. He always tells me I am beautiful and how attracted to me he is (even when I feel gross) He makes me feel sexy and desired. He finishes my sentences. We find the same things funny.

Like no one else he gets me.

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I love the way my husband tells me I was the most beautiful, sexy, charming women in the room.

I hate the way he pretends to listen but doesn't.....UGH!

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Good thread! It's good to take inventory every once in a while.

1) He works ALL the time. When he's not working he's complaining about work piling up. It's not good for him and it makes me look like a slacker.

2) He is thoroughly good people. One of the best on the planet. And he chose me :kiss:

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He is a up at the crack of dawn and working, day off or not.

He should stay in bed with me and goof off once in awhile.

He is the most decent, honest and responsable person that I have ever known.

He is somebody who can be counted on, 100% of the time.

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1) I wish my wife won't stress over little stuff so bad.

2) She is the most beautiful and caring person I have ever met and is always ready for some of the good stuff!

I could go on and on about what I love about her, but those are the first ones that come to mind!



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1. If you could change one thing about your SO what would it be? Probably that he tends to procrastinate.

2. What one thing sets him or her apart from all the rest? His intelligence and his ability to cut through the bullshit in life.

3.) What is your favorite thing about them? How he is always attentive to my needs, and instinctually knows what I need and his eroticism.

4.) If I could change one thing it would be: Not nipping the nippies so much ;)

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Guest eminatic

1) he always "HAS to go" to parties every night. or when im with him he will say he "needs" to go to a party, which is usually at a bar where i cannot go (i am under 21) or says he'll call me, but instead goes to a party, calls me at like 2 in the morning and then falsl asleep in mid sentence not even aware that i had been up waiting for his call all night and have work in the morning. either that or he'll ONLY call me to masturbate even though he knows i am uncomfortable with phone sex and then he'll hang up as soon as he cums.

2) when he's with me he can't stop staring at me. when we're out somewhere he'll stop just to tell me how pretty i am....little things like that...

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:) I am so glad I started this one... So nice to read everyones answers. Thanks to all that responded!
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Guest eminatic
Forgive me, but it does not seem that #2 in any way balances out with #1. (I should talk, eh?)

lol sorry, i was writing at 3 in the morning :lol: its kind of hard to explain and every time i try he always comes off sounding like an ass**** but i swear he's not :lol: one of my friends used to constantly complain that she hated him and didnt think he was good for me until she got the chance to hang out with both of us in person.

when he's with me he's always SO good to me and its obvious that he cares. yet he wont say that we're "back together" but at the same time doesnt want me seeing other people :huh:

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yet he wont say that we're "back together" but at the same time doesnt want me seeing other people :huh:

This may be what your friend sees and you are not!

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Change one thing? Yeah. He'd stop yelling at the TV like the poeple on it can hear him!

Sets him apart? He's the only person on the planet that can tease me out of a bad mood.

My favorite thing about him? He's not a perfect person, but he's perfect for me :wub:

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Guest eminatic
This may be what your friend sees and you are not!

lol i doubt it, she likes him now, and when she didnt like him was before he dumped me in the first place. its kind of a long story, but basically i had just moved to nevada (he lives in california so we are now long distance) and had already made plans to visit him/bought plane tickets etc. everything was going great and then out of the blue he sent me a text saying he was dumping me without a reason why (to this day i still have not gotten a reason out of him :huh: ) so i hastily made plans to stay with my friend instead, and then RIGHT before i was leaving he called (the first time he'd contacted me after dumping me which was about a week later) and said he wanted me to stay with him afterall. i didnt want to be rude and cancel on my friend the night before when i had begged her on short notice to let me stay with her, so it was kind of an awkward position for me.

what's wierd now is he always wants to do relationship stuff and i tell him we cant do stuff like that cuz we arent dating. and when i suggest an open relationship he says he only wants me and doesnt want me to do anything with anyone else, to which i'll usually ask "well then why did you dump me if thats what you want?" and his response will be "i dont know i made a mistake"

but then when i ask "sooo does that mean you want to undo that mistake?" he'll say no :huh: wtf?

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1. His addicton to WOW (worlds of warcraft), though I get it. I just wish he would not spend SO much time on it. (at least he is home every night right ; )

2. He always puts everyone above himself. Everyone elses happiness is his first priority. Example two nights ago we had friend over for a BBQ and their teenage daughter was visiting (from a prior marriage). The little kids all had eachother to play with, and of course the adults had something in common. Hubby stopped at Redbox and picked up a teen flick for her to watch. I stopped and thought "How many other people would have done that?"

My friends are always asking if they can clone him or if he can give their husbands lessons. He is one of a kind, and he is all mine! I love that man!

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Oh, Gawd!

Well, let me start off with the best parts first!

*He makes me laugh.

*He defends me to anyone & everyone, even if I may be in the wrong. He won't let people talk shit about me and get away with it.

*He is willing to try new things in the bedroom.

*He has a quirky sense of humor.

*he puts thought into all his gifts.

*He helps out people.

*We have our daughter together.

*He's been willing (and insistent), that I be at home with our daughter, as much as possible), until she's school age.

*We have basically the same views & morals on most things.

What would I CHANGE? How big can I make this thread?

*He gets uber pissed uber fast, and gets mad at me when I blow up back (duh).

*he is a tad racist.

*2 words: Road Rage

*he is LOUSY with money! And has no realistic views on reality, financial wize, especially with a house, family, horses, and assorted critters.

*He goes and buys expensive shit, for him, without telling me.

*he doesn't LISTEN. I have to MAKE him acknowlege me, so I know he's heard me.

*He will tell EVERYONE else something important, yet will forget to tell me, then SWEARS he didn't!!! That's my #1!!

*I have to keep him from opening his mouth a lot when my Mom's here (he lacks tact and kindness when talking with her & doesn't truly understand the whole OCD thing).

*He smokes, and WAAAAY too much.

*he watches TOO much TV.

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1. a) I wish he could be happy with a "normal" job. But he has to be outdoors doing hard work, that keeps him away from home.

B) He'd refill the ice cube trays :)

2. My favorite thing about him...oh there is too many...it'd have to be that he gets me, even when I don't he still understands and somehow knows when to point it out to me and when to let me figure it out on my own. And its been like that since day 1.

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good stuff first...

my hubby is the most loving, supportive, and considerate person i have ever known.

ok..things that drive me NUTS

1. MAJOR procrastinator...i usually have to yell, yes yell before he gets something done.(took him 10 days to fix a flat on his truck)

2. he mumbles...but swears he doesnt..

3. has no clue how to pick up after himself.

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1. If you could change one thing about your SO what would it be? Everyone has at least one aggravation!

The selective listening is probably the main one, that and the fact that he can go on for hours telling me every little detail about what went on at work (I'm willing to listen for awhile but come on....it's a job....I've got 2 of them but when I'm out of there I'm done and don't want to go on about it!)

2. What one thing sets him or her apart from all the rest? What is your favorite thing about them?

He is truly a good and kind person...always doing something and helping around here without ever having to be told, and in over 27 years has NEVER said one single hateful or derogatory thing to me or about me!

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1. If you could change one thing about your SO what would it be? Everyone has at least one aggravation!

2. What one thing sets him or her apart from all the rest? What is your favorite thing about them?

Nothing the simple fact that she puts up with all my crap and the fact I am a major pain in the ASS makes her perfect.

I guess that is why she is my LoveGoddess.

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good stuff first...

my hubby is the most loving, supportive, and considerate person i have ever known.

ok..things that drive me NUTS

1. MAJOR procrastinator...i usually have to yell, yes yell before he gets something done.(took him 10 days to fix a flat on his truck)

2. he mumbles...but swears he doesnt..

3. has no clue how to pick up after himself.

Well yes.. but he mumbles in Norwegian ;)

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