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Hormone Imbalance And Female Libido


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Hi All,

I am hoping to find someone with experience on the following. My wife has always had a very irregular period, often going up to 3 months without her period. I/we are assuming that this has something to do with a hormonal imbalance. Also, in our (my) effort to improve her Libido, I am thinking that the very irregular period could be related to her relatively low libido. Does anyone here know anything about this?



ps It is a several months wait to see her gyno, and we are not all sure that he has experience with this. We have asked previously about low female libido and the just said it was normal with young children.

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Well how old is she first of all. It could be pre-menopause. Could she be pregnant? The only way to be sure if it is an imbalance is by bloodwork. Having said that, hormones DEFINITELY can affect sex drive! If she does have an imbalance it can be treated with meds or even a soy supplement. Soy is great because it replicates estrogen in women. A lot of women going through menopause or pre-menopause take it and it helps!

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Well how old is she first of all. It could be pre-menopause. Could she be pregnant? The only way to be sure if it is an imbalance is by bloodwork. Having said that, hormones DEFINITELY can affect sex drive! If she does have an imbalance it can be treated with meds or even a soy supplement. Soy is great because it replicates estrogen in women. A lot of women going through menopause or pre-menopause take it and it helps!

She has had an irregular period her whole life, and definately for our 10 year + marriage. If I had not been such an eager beaver we probably would not have kids. She is 39 years young now, she actually is more attrative in my eyes now than ever. She is not pregnant since she had that all tied up while the last kid was pulled out (C section). For the last while, her period has been coming every 6 weeks or so, but until recently always more like 3 months.


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JHard, she needs to get some bloodwork done to see where her hormone levels are at. You may have to push a little to get it done, but it is important to her overall health--not just her libido.

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She has had an irregular period her whole life, and definately for our 10 year + marriage. If I had not been such an eager beaver we probably would not have kids. She is 39 years young now, she actually is more attrative in my eyes now than ever. She is not pregnant since she had that all tied up while the last kid was pulled out (C section). For the last while, her period has been coming every 6 weeks or so, but until recently always more like 3 months.


Wow she is my age... Does this (below) sound like her at all? If so then it is definitely something to talk to her gyno about...


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Sounds like she could be perimenopausal, and also has some ovarian issues. Anovulation or sporadic ovulation happens with perimenopause as well as other ovarian issues. Blood work will give the doc a window to look at but hormones vary month to month and day to day. She really needs to see a good endocrinologist or at least a gyn.

I am in perimenopause but my sex drive is not diminished. My egg supply.. probably, but drive, no.

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It sounds like you may need to push the doc to do the necessary tests. Just because it's common for women with young kids to have a low libido doesn't mean that your wife shouldn't have blood work done. In the meantime continue to do what you're doing and go in armed with info. Good for you two for dealing with this!

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if she has had irregular periods her whole life, then her current problems are not related to perimenopause.

My guess (without being able to see her or examine her) would be PCOS or a thyroid issue. There are, of course, several other issues that can cause irregular periods (including eating disorders, excessive excercise, stress, etc).

Have her start keeping a record of her periods and an other symptoms in her history prior to her GYN visit.

As far as the libido, depending on what is her initial diagnosis, can certainly play a role in her sex drive.

Testing for hormones are important, but NOT hormone testing to see if she is in menopause...hormone testing to see if her thyroid is off, if her testosterone levels are off, etc. Hormone testing for menopause is unreliable and quite honestly doesn't help very much with most diagnoses.

The FSH and estrogen hormones that are abnormal when a woman is menopausal, are also off when she is anovulatory ( not ovulating and skipping a cycle for whatever reason), however, as soon as she DOES ovulate (every 3-6 months in your wifes case) her hormone levels would be right back to normal levels again. There are some preliminary studies looking at other predictors of menopause, but currently inhibin and other hormones have not been mainstreamed yet, and are still in clinical trials...but things are looking hopeful for the future.

Bottom line, IMHO, I don't think her problem is perimenopause, its too long standing. There is something else at play here, and further investigation is definitely in order.

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if she has had irregular periods her whole life, then her current problems are not related to perimenopause.

My guess (without being able to see her or examine her) would be PCOS or a thyroid issue. There are, of course, several other issues that can cause irregular periods (including eating disorders, excessive excercise, stress, etc).

Have her start keeping a record of her periods and an other symptoms in her history prior to her GYN visit.

As far as the libido, depending on what is her initial diagnosis, can certainly play a role in her sex drive.

Testing for hormones are important, but NOT hormone testing to see if she is in menopause...hormone testing to see if her thyroid is off, if her testosterone levels are off, etc. Hormone testing for menopause is unreliable and quite honestly doesn't help very much with most diagnoses.

The FSH and estrogen hormones that are abnormal when a woman is menopausal, are also off when she is anovulatory ( not ovulating and skipping a cycle for whatever reason), however, as soon as she DOES ovulate (every 3-6 months in your wifes case) her hormone levels would be right back to normal levels again. There are some preliminary studies looking at other predictors of menopause, but currently inhibin and other hormones have not been mainstreamed yet, and are still in clinical trials...but things are looking hopeful for the future.

Bottom line, IMHO, I don't think her problem is perimenopause, its too long standing. There is something else at play here, and further investigation is definitely in order.


It is definately not pre menopausal, since it has been this way since she was a teenager. I will have to push the blood work that you mention. Is it possible that some gyno's are just not "clued into" womans libido issues?


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It is definately not pre menopausal, since it has been this way since she was a teenager. I will have to push the blood work that you mention. Is it possible that some gyno's are just not "clued into" womans libido issues?


Sure....it is much easier to fix some things..like irregular periods...with meds, than to fine tune a woman's libido. Libido is cause by testosterone in both men and women.. For obvious reasons, men make more. If ovarian cycles are diminished, 2 things can happen...too much testosterone, and not enough. Blood tests are hard to do because the range of normal is so wide that even if you don't feel well, you can still lie within that normal area. There are some docs that are willing to supplement hormones but side effects can be irreversible, especially with testosterone. So look for a gyn who will listen, check a thyroid test, and hopefully regulate the cycles with a progesterone medication. If her cycles can be brought back in line, her libido should perk up if it is her hormones. If that doesn't happen, then a low libido can be due to young children, stress, and fatigue. A woman's monthly hormones are extremely complicated.

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I would suggest bloodwork and a thorough exam. Also, it is clinically proven the libido can be boosted by having more sex. I know, this seems backwards, but the truth is, when you have sex your hormones run rampant, and the more sex (and orgasm) you have, the more you want sex. This works for both men and women. So, while it seems sort of assbackwards, get her to have more sex.

Also, libido in general weans as we get older. Our hormones change, our bodies adjust. Her not having a period regularly definitely affects her hormones (or her hormones can be responsible for the lack of regular periods) but it doesn't have to be a death sentence. The key is, trying to get her to take responsibility for it.

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Hi J!

Okay SO I realize I'm young, but I too usually go anywhere from 3-6 months without a period when I'm not on the shot. I've been like this since I was 12 (I thought my first period was a fluke since I didn;t get it again for so long) but i have to say my libido is probably on teh highend of the scale, so my question for you is, is her low libido a recent change? Or has she always been like that? Just wondering....


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Hi J!

Okay SO I realize I'm young, but I too usually go anywhere from 3-6 months without a period when I'm not on the shot. I've been like this since I was 12 (I thought my first period was a fluke since I didn;t get it again for so long) but i have to say my libido is probably on teh highend of the scale, so my question for you is, is her low libido a recent change? Or has she always been like that? Just wondering....


I talked with her about this today, and mentioned that I had posted on it, she said "did you tell those people how damn horny you are!" Well, I was overly horny until very recently, put another way...I had a hard on from sometime in 1984 until earlier this year :D When I talked to my friends about this they tended to agree that I was expecting to much. Well, I have calmed down a bit recently, and frequency is not a problem at all (still very close to daily), I just want her to loosen up and let me please her. I actually do think that things are getting better.


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I talked with her about this today, and mentioned that I had posted on it, she said "did you tell those people how damn horny you are!" Well, I was overly horny until very recently, put another way...I had a hard on from sometime in 1984 until earlier this year :D When I talked to my friends about this they tended to agree that I was expecting to much. Well, I have calmed down a bit recently, and frequency is not a problem at all (still very close to daily), I just want her to loosen up and let me please her. I actually do think that things are getting better.


I gotcha! I'm with the girls about the testing and all but this sounds more like a mental thing now. As long as you guys are open and she's willing to try then, well Lucky you!!

Almost daily?! Man I need to get married!

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I gotcha! I'm with the girls about the testing and all but this sounds more like a mental thing now. As long as you guys are open and she's willing to try then, well Lucky you!!

Almost daily?! Man I need to get married!

You may be better off leasing! :D


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You may be better off leasing! :D


Where is the leasing office? :) I'm with Suz, wouldn't mind looking into a once-a-day model, even a twice-a-day! :P

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I talked with her about this today, and mentioned that I had posted on it, she said "did you tell those people how damn horny you are!" Well, I was overly horny until very recently, put another way...I had a hard on from sometime in 1984 until earlier this year :D When I talked to my friends about this they tended to agree that I was expecting to much. Well, I have calmed down a bit recently, and frequency is not a problem at all (still very close to daily), I just want her to loosen up and let me please her. I actually do think that things are getting better.


Almost daily-I think some husbands on here will be rolling their eyes at you!

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Hi All,

I am hoping to find someone with experience on the following. My wife has always had a very irregular period, often going up to 3 months without her period. I/we are assuming that this has something to do with a hormonal imbalance. Also, in our (my) effort to improve her Libido, I am thinking that the very irregular period could be related to her relatively low libido. Does anyone here know anything about this?



ps It is a several months wait to see her gyno, and we are not all sure that he has experience with this. We have asked previously about low female libido and the just said it was normal with young children.

jhard, www.womentowomen.com gives alot of info on this subject. Maybe this will help.

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