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Pet Peeves With The Public


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Ok this is probably going to make me come across like some old biddy but I honestly felt this way even when I was young and since the boards are sluggish lately I want to get your take on my little pet peeves and hear some of yours.

#1 - People who wear their pajamas out in public. Is this just a phenomena down here in the south or is it all over the country? Now I realize that once in awhile you might have a sick kid or something and have to make an emergency run to the store or something like that, but that's not what I'm talking about. These people have adopted this as their everyday wear and I don't care how bad this sounds but it makes them look ignorant, trashy, and slovenly. When my relatives come over here from Europe and see the sloppy way that people walk around in public over here it blows their minds. It makes them look like they have no respect for themselves or others. How can they expect anyone to take them seriously? You don't have to get all "decked out" but come on....at least get dressed!

#2 - People who don't teach their children how to behave in public. Apparently they have gotten to the point that they can just ignore thier little darlings screaming, running wild, throwing tantrums, and getting into everything and assume that everyone else can too. Wrong! There is nothing more annoying than having to put up with that and the parents not even trying to reign them in. People....it will not scar your "little precious" for life if you tell them NO once in awhile. I guanantee most of us were expected to behave and it didn't hurt us, so what's the deal? Have some respect for other people and teach them to also.

#3 - Cell phone conversations....We DON'T want to hear it!

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Ok this is probably going to make me come across like some old biddy but I honestly felt this way even when I was young and since the boards are sluggish lately I want to get your take on my little pet peeves and hear some of yours.

#1 - People who wear their pajamas out in public. Is this just a phenomena down here in the south or is it all over the country? Now I realize that once in awhile you might have a sick kid or something and have to make an emergency run to the store or something like that, but that's not what I'm talking about. These people have adopted this as their everyday wear and I don't care how bad this sounds but it makes them look ignorant, trashy, and slovenly. When my relatives come over here from Europe and see the sloppy way that people walk around in public over here it blows their minds. It makes them look like they have no respect for themselves or others. How can they expect anyone to take them seriously? You don't have to get all "decked out" but come on....at least get dressed!

#2 - People who don't teach their children how to behave in public. Apparently they have gotten to the point that they can just ignore thier little darlings screaming, running wild, throwing tantrums, and getting into everything and assume that everyone else can too. Wrong! There is nothing more annoying than having to put up with that and the parents not even trying to reign them in. People....it will not scar your "little precious" for life if you tell them NO once in awhile. I guanantee most of us were expected to behave and it didn't hurt us, so what's the deal? Have some respect for other people and teach them to also.

Amen and amen! What about girls who walk around with a word across their ass.. JUICY or PINK... My husband hates that! Probably because we have girls! LOL

We went on a trip 3 years ago. My girls were 2.5 and 1.5 at the time. We had to fly. I'm sure you know how kids are on planes... Well, we brought toys for them and snacks and a portable DVD player. People complimented us on how "they were the best behaved children they had ever seen on a plane" It wasn't my skills or my husbands. We just brought things to keep them occupied! I think parents just expect their kids to be able to handle things, like a 5 hour plane trip, without thinking about their needs.

And then the meltdowns commence!

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OKay the PJ thing pisses me off to no end! UGH GET DRESSED!

I don't have kids, but I know my mom would have beat us silly if we didnt behave.

Pet Peeve #3, this formed since working at the gas station, LINE JUMPERS! Why do you think your cup of coffee is more important than any one else's? I may be hella impatient in a line, but man, I stand my turn.

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I'm not sure why women walk around in pj's...maybe they're hoping that they

will untie and fall down like a woman I saw in the mall,she bent down to pick up

her child and her bottoms fell down fast,she had to put her child down first to pull

her bottoms up,I was bummed out...only because she had panties on...darn it!!

I don't have a problem with women walking around in shorts and bluejeans...with

words on their asses,its sort of sexy in a way,might as well read something while

I'm looking at it...

Another reason I don't mind is because my girlfriend wears shorts with"bootylicious"

on her ass,and other words too on her shorts and bluejeans

Another thing I notice at the mall that most women do,including my girlfriend is...

can you guess...yep,my girlfriend loves to wear her thongs and gstrings up above

short or blue jean level...I don't mind it because women look sexy doing that,not

to mention turning alot of heads especially when they squat down for some reason

which seems to happen often in the malls...you can't help not too look...

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Any one going out in PJ for any reason - is just wrong

Kids need to know the difference between outside run around behavior and public social acceptability. All these things are taught and learned by example. Children don't know self discipline they need to learn it. We have had many situations in our life where out children were fabulous in adult situation, but no-ones perfect. There were some issues that were less than optimal, these failures were good lessons for everyone.

Not only do I not want to here others conversation, I certainly don't need for you to carry on a conversation on your phone at my table when we are sharing a meal. Politely excuse yourself, then return when your done with your business.

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At one job I had, we where told NOT to wait on a custoner if they where on their phone.

This was at a gift/antique store. The owner said if they couldn't give us their undivided

attention, they didn't get ours. NEXT!!

My big pet peeve is people who throw cigarette butts out the car window. What is up with that????

If you want to smoke, fine and dandy, smoke, but how is that different then me throwing a candy wrapper out the window?

Put it in the ashtray, or like my stepson, have a empty soda can in a cup holder and put them in there. How hard is that?

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At one job I had, we where told NOT to wait on a custoner if they where on their phone.

This was at a gift/antique store. The owner said if they couldn't give us their undivided

attention, they didn't get ours. NEXT!!

I know there was once store, Aunt Annies I think? that had a pay phone with a sign on it "if you can carry this, then you can use it in line." or something like that. Lved that

My big pet peeve is people who throw cigarette butts out the car window. What is up with that????

If you want to smoke, fine and dandy, smoke, but how is that different them me throwing a candy wrapper out the window?

Put it in the ashtray, or like my stepson, have a empty soda can in a cup holder and put them in there. How hard is that?

Ugh my now not so best friend and her hubby throw EVERYTHING out the window! Even their 2yo son has done this! But then again I'm a tree hugging hippy, lol, my car gets TRASHED before I ever throw anything out of the window, which never happens

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It ALWAYS pisses me off when I hear someone say "I can't", especially if they never even tried to do it! It disgusts me to no end when they give up with no effort whatsoever!

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#2 - People who don't teach their children how to behave in public. Apparently they have gotten to the point that they can just ignore thier little darlings screaming, running wild, throwing tantrums, and getting into everything and assume that everyone else can too. Wrong! There is nothing more annoying than having to put up with that and the parents not even trying to reign them in. People....it will not scar your "little precious" for life if you tell them NO once in awhile. I guanantee most of us were expected to behave and it didn't hurt us, so what's the deal? Have some respect for other people and teach them to also.

This. Oh Lord. I work in a tropical fish shop, so like any pet store, we see a lot of kids come through, and you can't imagine some of the heathens I have seen. I sure do love it when their idiot parents let them run around on our perpetually wet floors and hit the tanks. I don't know how many times I have had to tell kids not to hit the tanks... it scares the fish, and gives me the extra task of having to wipe their grubby little fingerprints off the glass. I don't even like kids, so I sure as hell don't enjoy playing disciplinarian with brats.

That said, we do get a decent number of well-behaved, intelligent kids who are content to just enjoy looking at the animals and ask questions, but they're far outnumbered by the heathens.

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It ALWAYS pisses me off when I hear someone say "I can't", especially if they never even tried to do it! It disgusts me to no end when they give up with no effort whatsoever!

I agree! You don't know what you can do if you don't try......

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Guest eminatic
OH how about people who go into a store 5 minutes before closing and hang out. Ugh yeah this happened to me tonight.

this is my BIGGEST PET PEEVE EVER! i HATE people who don't have enough freakin respect to abide by a store's business hours! i work at a fabric store, and it takes TIME to cut an entire cart of fabric, at least 15-20 minutes. and an additional 10-15 minutes to go to the cashier and have them ring it up. close at 9:00 means you need to be OUT THE DOOR at 9, NOT just coming up to the cutting counter. people that do this DISGUST me. even worse are people in the store after closing, and then try to argue with me about prices or get me to make an exception for them.

and these are usually the same people who complain that the line is too long, the store is messy, shelves are not stocked etc. well guess what? when YOU have us keep the registers open 30 minutes AFTER we are closed we are now behind schedule. no, retailers do not just leave when the store closes (also annoying are people that say "what are you complaining about? u get to go home in a few minues) um, excuse you, no we do not "go home in a few minutes" there is a policy that no one can go home until the registers are closed, books are balance, reports sent to corporate, fabric is put away etc. if you keep us after we have to stay later which means we use up allotted hours. we are only allowed a certain number of hours a week so if we use more when the store is not open guess what? we have to CUT hours the following day to make up for it (usually in the form of getting rid of the mid shift workers). so i dont wanna hear shit from these people about the store being understaffed/lines too long, its their own damned fault!

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OK OK OK!!! LOL! I'm one of the people that annoy you by going out in my pajamas. Now, I'm not talking all the time, I DO have clothes...that I even wear occasionally...LOL. But I will go to the convenience store after taking the kids or whatnot. Now, I'm all with you on people not taking care of their kids behavior. That drives me batty! What irritates me more than anything is when a friend comes over, and doesn't even watch their kids. Umm, excuse me, but my kids are old enough, that my house isn't babyproofed anymore, therefore, when you bring your kids over...WATCH IT YOURSELF!!! I'M NOT YOUR DAMN BABYSITTER!!! Ok, much better...lol. :P

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I've worked retail since 1991, are you sure you're ready for this? LOL:

*Line jumpers. It's just rude. Wait your f'n turn, or go to another/shorter line.

*Now, I have a 5 yr old, and she will throw a fit every once in a while if she wants something & I just can't get it for her (or won't), but I usually get her to calm down. There was only one time that I couldn't, and I hurried outta there as fast as I could, cutting my shopping trip down considerably. I was apologetic immensely, however, on the same subject, if you don't know the kids, they could be having a bad day, sick, tired, or something else. Now, if parents ignore a fit, one that everyone is enjoying, they should ask the front to watch their cart until they can get the kiddo to settle down.....out in the car!

*I did bring my DD out in PJ's twice. Once was because she was SOOOO sick, and she wanted to stay in her PJ's, which was a matching set. Though I did insist she wear sneakers. I hate the ones that go out in PJ's AND slippers!! I mean, c'mon!!! The other time I took her out in PJ's was when her school had a "PJ Day". I had to go to the store to get a few fill-in things. I didn't really notice that much up North, but down here, PJ outtings are rampant. And it's the same people over & over, so I'm doubting their sick.......

*People who expect everything for nothing. You buy something, the seller tells you (as does the box) that there's a 30 day warranty, with the store, then there's a warranty with the item for a certain amount of time. The customer goes home and 4 mos later comes back (usually without a reciept) and wants a FULL refund!! WTF??? Call the company!! I know it's a hassle, but jeez!!! If your dumb ass broke it, then deal with it, and buy a new one, being sure to take better care of it!!! Most retailers will refund the $$ for customer service, but, if you do this, don't don't don't bitch when the prices go up, because those items get thrown out, and the store doesn't get credit for it, so it's an out-of-pocket expense. Yes they make $$, but that's what they are THERE for!!! They have to make up the loss somewhere!!! DUH!

*People on AFDC/TANF that get the cash off their cards first, then turn around & buy cigarrettes, booze, DVDs, music CDs, or stuff that those benefits are NOT for!!! Get a job if you want to support your habit or get the latest 50 Cent CD, not MY problem that you don't have the extra to get that shit.

*I hate people talking on the cell phone while at the register. In store, I can understand, I do it, however I usually cut the conversation short cuz I hate shopping to begin with, and trying to handle a cell, kiddo, and cart, well, no thank you! But, if you're in line, unless it's important, I really don't need to hear about your neighbor blowing leaves in your lawn, or screwing so-n-so's husband, ok? TYVM

*I'm with you poon! Those people that wait and wait and wait for that oh-so-close parking spot. If you're old or handicap, ok, but 9 times outta 10, it's just some fat ass person that is too damn lazy to walk another 50 feet. My mom is one of the waiters.....she gets pissed at me cuz I will park further on down, and told her that others are in worse shape than she, so it wouldn't kill her to walk off a few pounds by walking to the damn door. :rolleyes:

*People who will bitch about prices, yet are so wasteful with thier money. They're bitching about how expensive everything is, but, if you peek into their carts, they have junk food, video games, DVDs, lots of beauty supplies, clothes, or whatnot. I mean, have we forgotten how to BUDGET people? And that they HAVE to buy name-brand EVERYTHING. I save us about $40 each shopping trip by cutting down, buying the store brands, and shopping around the 3 major stores here for groceries. They're all within a mile of them all, so it's not like I'm saving on gas by going to just one.

*Shoplifters!! They not only steal, but, again, in the end, it affects everyone because the store has to make up for the loss somewhere, which means higher prices for the consumer's to pay!

*As far as the retail workers.......I hate it when you say that you found a bunch of stuff on a rack that was marked one thing, and they have to go check, acting like it's the BIGGEST inconvenience in the world! Excuse the hell outta me for wanting to have a price honored!! Not MY fault y'all forgot to take a sign down. And I tell that to them too.

*Associates that would rather carry on a conversation with each other than help me or ring up my items. Talk on your own time.

*Bashing the company you're working for while at work. I don't find this appropriate at all. I will warn you all, I will compliment you to a manager (I take the time to do this often) if you treat me with respect. If you're just there, you don't get recognized much. If you're rude, annoy, or piss me off, I will make time for that too, and complain about you. I look at name tags dear.

*People that park right NEXT to the cart coral things, and leave their carts beside their cars, and drive off. I mean, really!! Is it that hard to turn the corner??? I will admit to not always getting the cart in there, because I had a small child, and didn't want to leave her for any amount of time. But I would try real hard to put the cart out of the way, or up on those little "islands" that they have in parking lots, so they won't be in the way as much.

*People that empty out their cigarrette trays in the parking lots, or dump dirty diapers on the ground. WTF is up with THAT??? Most places have trash cans right near the cart coralls, or, if you feel the need to get rid of that stuff right THEN, drive up to the door, and get your ass outta the car, walk to the front door, where there's always a trash can. I don't wanna step in your nasty butts or shitty diapers! Thank you, but NO!!

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I am one of those people who will stop to let someone out of a spot but it's nothing to do with wanting that spot really. I like my cars without the dents and I'd rather not deal with the owner or their insurance to keep my cars looking good. I do the same at stop signs too. I'll wave other cars on through in order to avoid the inevitable idiot that will cause an accident. In winter I'm even worse about this cause I've seen too many ignats that just cannot figure out how to stop at a sign or light. I've sat and watched even the local cop do this, sliding into the middle of the intersection with a stupid look on his face.

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I hate the "ghetto" fabulous attitudes. Let me make this clear I live in the boonies of the frozen north. NO inner city within liek 3 hours drive. SO can someone explain to me how someone who has lived here thier entire life knows what it's like to be in the "ghetto" I don't want to hear the ebonics cause i know your making your englich teachers cry. The worst is the "ghetto rednecks" they come i rocking their bling and grills (yeah I've seen it) but then hey open there mouth and it's all "hey ther buck-shot" WTH

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How about people who can't say a simple please or thank you when appropriate?

Doesn't cost a thing, takes only a second, and a thank you with some sincere eye contact

can go a long way in making someones day better.

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How about people who can't say a simple please or thank you when appropriate?

Doesn't cost a thing, takes only a second, and a thank you with some sincere eye contact

can go a long way in making someones day better.

I dislike this one immensely. To the point if they don't say anything I look right at them and say you are welcome. I am trying to teach my daughter manners yet the adults around can't use them. One time after I held the door for someone Marie said mommy shouldn't they say thank you. They looked at her in disgust because she asked that. Respect these days is very nill to none it seems.

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I HATE it when people park in handicapped parking spots when they shouldn't.

I also hate it when people don't respect fragrance free areas. There are only a few places where I can supposedly be free of others fragrance: my workplace, my church, my doctor's office. People ignore the fragrance free policy all the time, especially in church. They can wear their stuff almost any place else. Please let me have a few migraine free zones!

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I also wonder when it because OK to wear pj's out in public. I was taking some post-grad classes at a local college last year and saw it all the time there, as well as the store - Wally, Target, etc. When did this become OK?

I hate girls who wear words on their butts or breasts AND then complain about only being looked as a sex object. WTF? If you wear "babe" accross your butt, what do you expect a guy to think?

People who have mindless cell phone conversations in restaurants and such, that is another one for me. Sure, there are times we have important calls to make or take in public, but mindless chit-chat that disrupts others seems rude to me.

And I am a self-proclaimed road-rager! I think people who drive slow in the fast lane should have their DL revoked! Same for those who don't use turn signals or use them when they are not the one turning but rather the person in front of them is (happens A LOT here), pull out in front of you then putz along (like on a highway or interstate) and those who pull right next to another person but then go 1/2 mile faster than the other person so it takes 10 minutes for them to pass and in the meantime they hold up traffic behind them (like on a 4-lane highway or interstate).

There are more, but I will leave it at that as to not make you all think I am a total hater! :P

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The other thing I love are the ones in the left lane that all of a sudden decide they want ot make a right hand turn.

The other getting to the TANF/Family First cards. I love when the card is rejected and then they pull out lots of cash. Yet I see others that are denied as they make a few dollars too much are out working their asses off and get no help. Yet there are others that cheat the system like crazy and sit on their ass and do nothing.

My other thing is about neighbors. I have one that lives next door. Their driveway is completely empty and they park all of their cars in the street including in front of my house. Easter they closed in a family members car to the point there was no way of her getting out. So when I knowcked on their door I got an attitude because they had to come out and move their car....well they should not have done that. It was both of their cars that were parked in front of and behind it.

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People that have conceale carry permits that think they can't wait for an excuse to use them!

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