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Orgasms Whilst Asleep


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I know men have "wet dreams" but any other women have orgasms in their sleep? At least once a month when I have a hot dream I will either wake up knowing I have hd one or will wake up mid-orgasm.

Usually the rule of thumb is if I have one in my dream then I really do have one.

Do any other women experience this?

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i have before. But mostly its the waking up mid way. only a few times i have stayed completely asleep and then wake up knowing i had one.....and then yeah obviously soaking wet. lol.

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Yep, have had it happen to me too.

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This is completely normal, and actually proves your hormones are in check! This is not an odd occurrence at all. The funny thing is, most men stop having 'wet dreams' a little after puberty - with true nocturnal emissions happening few and far between - while women can have orgasmic dreams often for their entire lives. Score 1 for women!

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I totally have too! Even before I had ever had sex! I didn't know what it was! NOW I do, oh yeah....

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Me, too. Happend every couple of months!

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The funny thing is, most men stop having 'wet dreams' a little after puberty - with true nocturnal emissions happening few and far between - while women can have orgasmic dreams often for their entire lives.

I wonder if this has more to do with behavior than biology though. If a man doesn't masturbate for a period of time (how long it takes varies between individuals,) it will trigger a nocturnal emission... sort of the body's way of clearing the pipes to make sure all reproductive processes will be in peak condition should the guy have a chance to procreate. From what I've been led to understand, men tend to masturbate more frequently than women on average, so perhaps this is why they have fewer nocturnal emissions? ... After the point at which they begin masturbating regularly (puberty) anyway. Just a thought :)

I've personally never had many orgasms in my sleep, and have had even fewer lately, since I'm having sex pretty much daily in addition to masturbating. I can definitely see a negative correlation between how often I orgasm while awake and how often I orgasm in my sleep.

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I wonder if this has more to do with behavior than biology though. If a man doesn't masturbate for a period of time (how long it takes varies between individuals,) it will trigger a nocturnal emission... sort of the body's way of clearing the pipes to make sure all reproductive processes will be in peak condition should the guy have a chance to procreate. From what I've been led to understand, men tend to masturbate more frequently than women on average, so perhaps this is why they have fewer nocturnal emissions? ... After the point at which they begin masturbating regularly (puberty) anyway. Just a thought :)

I've personally never had many orgasms in my sleep, and have had even fewer lately, since I'm having sex pretty much daily in addition to masturbating. I can definitely see a negative correlation between how often I orgasm while awake and how often I orgasm in my sleep.

I think you may be on to something but i think it's more of a bell curve. Think about Mikayla's normal mantra of teh mor eyou get teh more you want. I think that when you get sex daily, you don't need as many wet dreams. When you get it infrequently you need more then back down the slop on the other side when you NEVER get it your need them rarely too. Remember a woman's ability to orgasim has less to do with her ability to produce a child than (obviously) a man's does. SO maybe for women this really is just a release of pent up hormones.

I haven't had sex in over a year (any takers?) and i only take care of myself once every other month or so (I have no sex drive on my own, but toss a male into it and i'm likely to kill him release some pent up needs)and i rarely have sex dreams and like i said never a big o like i get during sex or masturbation.

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Yes, I've actually found that I'm more relaxed in my sleep, and the dreams I have, almost make it easier to like wake up aroused, I wouldn't say orgasm persay, but along those lines... strange, but true.


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When I have dreams about sex (frequently!), I NEVER orgasm in my dream. Ever. My dreams end up being frustrating, because in the dream I can't O, no matter what I do. But I wake up completely turned on and then can easily take care of things. Maybe if you orgasm in a dream, you actually do orgasm for real - and since I can't seem to O in a dream, I don't really either??

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Yeah, I agree Suzy. Orgasms are definitely good for your health as a women too though, they can actually lower your risk of breast cancer, and I'm sure there are other benefits I can't call to mind at the moment. For men, orgasms can dramatically lower their chances of prostate cancer... up to a third!!! Sexual health is firmly linked to overall health.

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