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How Have You (or Will) Been Affected By The Economy Recently?

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Bad news all over the media.

have you been affected? if so, how?

Have you made any significant life changes recently?

In the next 6 months do you think it'll get

a. much worse

b. a little worse

c. start to improve

d be over?

And, please state where abouts you live (either state, or country if not in the US).

my answer to above is B...a little worse, but would not be surprised if it was Much worse.


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Guest eminatic

hmmm im in between a little worse and much worse...o_O

due to budget deficit my state issued a hiring freeze to the public schools, therefore i could not get the job i wanted. i live in las vegas.

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hmmm im in between a little worse and much worse...o_O

due to budget deficit my state issued a hiring freeze to the public schools, therefore i could not get the job i wanted. i live in las vegas.

This is uber common right now. But we are very much teh reason we are in this spot. I know here in NY we were apperently going nuts on the spending and now have a couple billion dollars in debt. My question is where do people get the money to loan us to make us this far in debt adn why, oh why do law-makers and decision makers think borrowing money or running a state on credit is a good thing? Where the hell are all my taxes going? Everything but food is taxed and taxed to the max here! So can someone tell me where these taxes are going? I saw go line by line through our laws and find teh stupid and firvouls ones that cost more money to enforce than if it weren't an offense to begin with. Like did you know it's illegal in NYS to back out of your drive way? Yeah. F-that. I'm sure someone had a good reason for this but, me thinks it's a little out dated. Oh and legalize pot. Think of the taxes! (no, i'm not a pot smoker so those taxes wouldn't offend me.) I'm telling you New York, Legalize pot and put a tax on stock trades, we'd be out of debt and well into teh green (haha i said green) in no time!

Personally I think that things will get worse before they get better, but i do see thing beginning to turn around. People are being more careful about spending and they are saving as much as they can. This is great, because once things do start to turn around people will have a good safety net and will feel comfortable spending more on things like cars, clothes, dinners out, vacations. But I think we're going to see a real boom in tangable goods, like cars and home renovations because people (or at least I do any way) like see what my money got me. Yeah vacations are great and expensive dinners are fun, but then next day what do i have to show for it? snap shots and a lobster bib. Nice.

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I work at a non-profit and we are definitely feeling the effects of the economy. Our nomal million dollar annual campaign is coming in 10-15 percent below that. At first thought, that may not seem like it matters, but the programs we fund feed people who won't eat otherwise (like the elderly and children from "poor" families), and provide shelter for the disabled, after-school programs for kids who will otherwise be home alone or on the streets getting into trouble, etc. As the economy slumps, there are more demands for our services, but less funding to make them happen. Have you ever had to tell a man who was just laid off after 12 years at the same place that you don't have the money to help him get medication for his ill child? That is how the economy is affecting me the most, through my job. Not being able to go to the movies as much or whatever seems small comparitively.

I had a part-time, barely over minimum wage job opening. I ran the ad one time in the local newspaper. I had over 70 applicants, many with college degrees. The last time I had the same position open (several years ago) I advertised for a week and had 12-15 applicants. This is a true sign of the times.

It will get worse before it gets better. I hope not much worse, as I hate to think what that will mean, but it is hard to remain optimistic.

Oops, forgot to say, I am in Arkansas.

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I as well think it could get a little worse but wouldn't be surprised if it got much worse.

I'm in San Diego and its layoffs left and right in this town. They're looking at raising the sales tax. The California budget crisis is in everyone's face it seems. As far as effected, sure. Isn't everyone? At my work, we've seen a drop but we're still doing just fine. We're just cutting back where we can. No extra expenditure, belts tightened.

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We live in the upper midwest. Places are closing and everybody is laying off.

My stepson just got laid off from a job he has held for three years.

My So's plant now limits the workers to 45 hours a week.

It is the same everywhere else around here.

I am afraid it will get worse before it gets better.

I don't expect to see any real improvement for a least two years.

I feel living in the country give us an advantage.

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Im in the midwest as well, and Ive been hearing more and more about layoffs. I work as a manager at a restaurant and my hours have been less due to business but I think my position is fairly safe, unless the close the restaurant. My husbands hours were cut a little as well- from 12 hr days to 10 hours. I think we have been very lucky- a little change but nothing significant like others, just living paycheck to paycheck- but at least we have one, kwim.

I think its going to take time to see things get better. Certainly by late 2009 I think we will see an improvement in the economy- until then I think it may get a little bit worse, unfortunately.

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I live in East Texas, about an hour north of Houston. I think it's going to get a bit worse before it gets better.

As far as how we've been affected, well, quite a bit. I don't spend a lot of money to begin with, but, where everything is up in the air, and hubby works for an oil/gas company (he drills for natural gas), you never know what's going to happen. Their yearly bonuses weren't even a quarter of what they were last year!

I don't order stuff thru catalogs or online as much, I've cut down on the groceries, I don't even really drive anywhere, to save gas. We did spend some extra money this last week, cuz we threw our DD's b-day party today, so that was a treat, but, other than that, we've really been just doing what we NEED to do, just to make sure.

I'm getting to the point that, if I squeeze a quarter, I'll make the eagle scream!! LMAO

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I live in East Texas, about an hour north of Houston. I think it's going to get a bit worse before it gets better.

As far as how we've been affected, well, quite a bit. I don't spend a lot of money to begin with, but, where everything is up in the air, and hubby works for an oil/gas company (he drills for natural gas), you never know what's going to happen. Their yearly bonuses weren't even a quarter of what they were last year!

I don't order stuff thru catalogs or online as much, I've cut down on the groceries, I don't even really drive anywhere, to save gas. We did spend some extra money this last week, cuz we threw our DD's b-day party today, so that was a treat, but, other than that, we've really been just doing what we NEED to do, just to make sure.

I'm getting to the point that, if I squeeze a quarter, I'll make the eagle scream!! LMAO

I bet the eagle would like you squeezing him!

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I am in Minnsota...and some of you know my story and I am STILL looking for a job since August!!!!!!

I think its still going to get worse before it gets better. I hope the new pres. does a hell of a better job then the last!

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I am in Minnsota...and some of you know my story and I am STILL looking for a job since August!!!!!!

I think its still going to get worse before it gets better. I hope the new pres. does a hell of a better job then the last!

He will do better, and thing will improve, it will just take some time.

How can you do WORSE then GWB?

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It is affecting us too. The wifes hours have been cut somewhat and the place I work has closed three stores within the last couple of months. What I tell my wife is ,Hang on baby..we are in for a hell of a ride. The immediate future don't look all that promising.

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Bad news all over the media.

have you been affected? if so, how?

Have you made any significant life changes recently?

In the next 6 months do you think it'll get

a. much worse

b. a little worse

c. start to improve

d be over?

And, please state where abouts you live (either state, or country if not in the US).

my answer to above is B...a little worse, but would not be surprised if it was Much worse.


I am in MA I have been unemployed since 04. I did take a temp job this past holiday season but I am a stay at home mom right now. I need a job we are struggling bad! So many bills and I can never catch up it seems.

My answer is, all I can do is hope for the best and keep my fingers crossed. That's what I am doing!

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Of course we've been affected. We're making more than ever before but EVERYTHING has gone up at a time when for the first time in 20 years I'm spending on yummy things for myself. Plus still have 2 girls at home, you can imagine how that goes! :rolleyes: I've been working a part-time job in addition to my full-time one for years now and just when hubby and I both have had all I can take of that double duty and I'm ready to quit, times get tight and so I'm reluctant to give it up yet....I like having that safety net. And yes, I'm sure it will get alot worse before it gets better. Just hope we can all hold out without going under. Ggggrrr....hate this....didn't they get the memo that I'm ready for my mid-life crisis convertible NOW?!

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Of course we've been affected. We're making more than ever before but EVERYTHING has gone up at a time when for the first time in 20 years I'm spending on yummy things for myself. Plus still have 2 girls at home, you can imagine how that goes! :rolleyes: I've been working a part-time job in addition to my full-time one for years now and just when hubby and I both have had all I can take of that double duty and I'm ready to quit, times get tight and so I'm reluctant to give it up yet....I like having that safety net. And yes, I'm sure it will get alot worse before it gets better. Just hope we can all hold out without going under. Ggggrrr....hate this....didn't they get the memo that I'm ready for my mid-life crisis convertible NOW?!

Ironically, now is a good time to buy that car... Wait another 6 months and they will be uber cheap!

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He will do better, and thing will improve, it will just take some time.

How can you do WORSE then GWB?


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We are doing fine, we live pretty simply. No car payment, no back debt, business is great and no worries. I was able to pick up a Whole Foods wholesale account for part of the East Coast right before the holidays and we just finished closing on vacation property. We took advantage of low mortgage rates right now. I think people need to cut back, live more simply and be smart with their money. The economy hopefully will turn around.

In late 2008 we found a financial consultant we trust, as such we decided to leave our stock as it is. We didn't pull it when the panic set in and luckily it is in very safe portfolios. We're very blessed.

I have an ex friend that was a co-worker that has been laid off and they're terrified. They have a good sized mortgage, car loans, credit card debt and they still are not curbing the spending. I think they're in for disaster.

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How is buying vacation property living simply?

It is a conflict of terms. <_<

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How is buying vacation property living simply?

It is a conflict of terms. <_<

If they have the income to do so, then purchasing property is actually a smart idea. Property values usually go up, even though most of the country's in a slump. It's actually a smart investment in the longrun. Hey, if you can do that, then more power to ya!

We don't have a car payment, and a small mortgage. I am looking for part-time work too. I don't really "need" too, but the extra income would be helpful, that's for sure!

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If they have the income to do so, then purchasing property is actually a smart idea. Property values usually go up, even though most of the country's in a slump. It's actually a smart investment in the longrun. Hey, if you can do that, then more power to ya!

We don't have a car payment, and a small mortgage. I am looking for part-time work too. I don't really "need" too, but the extra income would be helpful, that's for sure!

No brainer that it a smart time to buy, but she made it a point that they lived simply.

Living simply usually doesn't involve vacation property. That is my only point.

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Just started looking for a job before I go back to my summer job.... no one is hiring.... driving me crazy!

My boyfriend lives in New Zealand and was hoping to start changing over his money to USD for when he gets his green card...... but 1 NZD is worth about 0.52 USD. >.< It was 0.85 in AUGUST! He's being hit HARD with it.

I honestly don't know if it's gonna get better in the next 6 months, but it's gotta get worse before we see improvement.

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We grocery shop between 3 different stores, and buy ONLY whats on sale. Unless its absolutely necessary if its not on sale, we dont buy it. We have an amish market about 25 min from here..on Saturdays at 3pm all the dairy and fresh meats go 1/2 off. so instead of paying $4 for a gallon of milk we pay $2, 1lb of ground turkey will only cost us about $2.15 per lb. ect. We usually buy enough meat to last us 2wks for the same price of what meat would cost us at the grocery store for a week.

I make my "target" list, and buy ONLY whats on the list..NO EXCEPTIONS..which is hard..i LOVE target.

We dont run the dryer except for towels. Tomorrow is going to be beautiful, so i will hang ALL the laundry out.

WE have oil heat <_< so we keep the heat set at 62 during the day while were working, and 65 at night, and take the chill out with space heaters. believe it or not, or electric bill has gone down. and we still have 1/2 tank left!!

I sell alot on ebay, to buy things like cloths ect when needed.

My hubbys truck died...so we found a nice fuel efficient car on craigslist for $600...needed new tires, since the tires on the truck were less then a year old, the tire guy swapped us the truck tires for new tires for the car!! saved us money that way.

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Thankfully we haven't been affected. From the get go I never got involved in credit cards or any debt that wasn't necessary. The only loans every had was a car payment amd with this due to having the good credit I got 0% interest when I had gotten it. It has now been paid off for over 5 years and it is in excellent condition so I am not looking to get into another one right now, but what I did was I still put half of what I was paying on a car payment away every month so when I do go I can almost pay for it outright. The one thing my parents taught me was that you buy what you need not what you want. To not implulse buy to go home and think about big purchases first and go from there. The only bills are the necessities. I still go out and enjoy myself as I have lived conservatively all the time.

This includes even with my daughter's father getting laid off Dec 1st. Thankfully he is going back to work on March 27th. Even then I still enjoyed what I liked to do. I look at friends of mine that have 2-3-4-5 credit cards and I just shake my head. I have been very fortunate.

I wish everyone the best. I shop between 2 stores as they are within a few blocks of each other. Also to say on gas and wear and tear on the car. I only drive when I have to and I food shop twice a month.

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