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hi im elly

i just found this site last night actually and have so far found it extremely helpful and helped me be more hopeful too

like many other woman i am still having problems having an orgasm via g-spot or via my partner

he is incredible though and is willing to try anything and everything under the sun with an incredible patience that i dont seem to have sometimes lol

so any others out there like me, u are not alone :) and i have hope that we can get there

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Welcome! I hope you find us "stimulating"! :P

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Welcome! :)

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hi im elly

i just found this site last night actually and have so far found it extremely helpful and helped me be more hopeful too

like many other woman i am still having problems having an orgasm via g-spot or via my partner

he is incredible though and is willing to try anything and everything under the sun with an incredible patience that i dont seem to have sometimes lol

so any others out there like me, u are not alone :) and i have hope that we can get there

Girl, that's right you are not alone!! Lucky you finding us and so young! I did not have my first g-spot O until I was 38!!!!! You'll get there! READ on and welcome!!!!!

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Welcome, we are always happy to have new friends join us.

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OMG this is soooo cool

seriously i have been on so many other sites with forums and it takes DAYSSSS for any response to something, and her, *BAM* and there are replies everywhere, i love it

finally a place that i feel more welcome in

this is officially my favorite site ever now :)

if any of u guys have any advice on g-spot orgasm i would be much appreciated, i put a post up in the sexpert section

it has a better description there of some of my questions, if u have anything i would be much appreciated

sun_flower969 how did u end up getting there? was there a huge difference in activites during that moment and such?

im so curious as to all of ur guys's experiences on ur first g-spot orgasm lol

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welcome welcome welcome!!

my first g-spot o? I'm one of teh odd balls who didn't really have to work at it and BAM it just happened. I know maybe not what you were looking for. can you get it with toys? or have you not had one at all?

i havent had one at all, dam u are lucky :P lol

i can do clitoral, but i have only been able to get it through masterbation instead of my partner helping me out ;) lol

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sun_flower969 how did u end up getting there? was there a huge difference in activites during that moment and such?

Well it was kind of weird. I had always wanted to cum that way but it seemed out of my grasp. So I just accepted that I could do it but not during intercourse. I had given birth to my third child and you know after that you have to abstain for obvious reasons... they recommend 6 weeks.

I think we waited 4 which is a LOT for us LOL! anyway... we were pretty hot and heavy and when he got on top of me he held my ankles back by my head. I felt something different, intense, good! I couldn't get enough I couldn't pull my legs back far enough. I kept trying to pull them back more and more and then BAM! It hit me. It felt different than the "usual" orgasms. Warmer, deeper, earth shattering. I literally cried (lame I know) I had waited so long and now it "just" happened.

The next day I googled G-spot orgasms and guess what I found... Mikayla's holy grail article! I have been here ever since!

Yeah that's my story! ;)

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Well it was kind of weird. I had always wanted to cum that way but it seemed out of my grasp. So I just accepted that I could do it but not during intercourse. I had given birth to my third child and you know after that you have to abstain for obvious reasons... they recommend 6 weeks.

I think we waited 4 which is a LOT for us LOL! anyway... we were pretty hot and heavy and when he got on top of me he held my ankles back by my head. I felt something different, intense, good! I couldn't get enough I couldn't pull my legs back far enough. I kept trying to pull them back more and more and then BAM! It hit me. It felt different than the "usual" orgasms. Warmer, deeper, earth shattering. I literally cried (lame I know) I had waited so long and now it "just" happened.

The next day I googled G-spot orgasms and guess what I found... Mikayla's holy grail article! I have been here ever since!

Yeah that's my story! ;)

lol that is a good article i just read that one last night, it is how i found the site lol :)

wow, u know i have trouble putting my legs up that high mostly because im like 5'1 and he is like 6'5 or sometihng i dont even know, but the hieght does present some problems in some areas such as sex positions

maybe if i put lots and lots of pillows lol under my butt who knows

dam that sounds amazing though :) exaclty what im looking for, a powerful earth shattering orgasm that doesnt leave me wishing i had more which happen during masterbation for me :\

funny how random it was though, i tihnk most likelythe letting things go and not focusing on getting there probably helped a whole lot

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lol that is a good article i just read that one last night, it is how i found the site lol :)

wow, u know i have trouble putting my legs up that high mostly because im like 5'1 and he is like 6'5 or sometihng i dont even know, but the hieght does present some problems in some areas such as sex positions

maybe if i put lots and lots of pillows lol under my butt who knows

dam that sounds amazing though :) exaclty what im looking for, a powerful earth shattering orgasm that doesnt leave me wishing i had more which happen during masterbation for me :\

funny how random it was though, i tihnk most likelythe letting things go and not focusing on getting there probably helped a whole lot

I think the key is arousal and relaxation! If you are able to fully relax it will come easier. Lots of foreplay! make sure you are REALLY ready! You sound a lot like me! I never could get there with a partner either! Trial and error, practice makes perfect and all that! Keep us posted!

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I think the key is arousal and relaxation! If you are able to fully relax it will come easier. Lots of foreplay! make sure you are REALLY ready! You sound a lot like me! I never could get there with a partner either! Trial and error, practice makes perfect and all that! Keep us posted!

that sounds right, i think the relaxing part is way harder for me

i shall, i see him tomarro at night, argh its too far away >_< :P

and i have sent him the g-spot article, and other stuff and he is coming up with ideas too to help me relax and such *fingers crossed* i know i will enjoy the night thats for sure, who knows i might just get even closer lol

still i always find it worth it, the trials and errors, u learn alot about what u like and dont like as well as what ur partner like or doesnt like and what he is turned on by

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that sounds right, i think the relaxing part is way harder for me

i shall, i see him tomarro at night, argh its too far away >_< :P

and i have sent him the g-spot article, and other stuff and he is coming up with ideas too to help me relax and such *fingers crossed* i know i will enjoy the night thats for sure, who knows i might just get even closer lol

still i always find it worth it, the trials and errors, u learn alot about what u like and dont like as well as what ur partner like or doesnt like and what he is turned on by

GOOD! :) Just remember sex isn't about teh destination, but teh journey. Corny, sure, but oh so true!

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GOOD! :) Just remember sex isn't about teh destination, but teh journey. Corny, sure, but oh so true!

i agree, like most things i think its always the getting there that makes everything worth it too, what happens along the way and such

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Welcome to TT elly. Sounds like you've already stated off with a bang so to speak.

lol true,

what can i say i came with a purpose, and questions lol, and stayed for the people

and really interesting topics, sex is just one of those things in life that u will never learn everything about, there is always more to learn...which is the best part about it

nice pun btw :)

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lol true,

what can i say i came with a purpose, and questions lol, and stayed for the people

and really interesting topics, sex is just one of those things in life that u will never learn everything about, there is always more to learn...which is the best part about it

nice pun btw :)


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