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Hi everyone. My name is Caitlin, and I've been using TooTimid products for about a year. I've lurked for awhile, but I think I'd like to join in on some of the discussions. I've read a lot of helpful posts with lots of good information, and hopefully I can give something back to the community.

My story. I'm a young music teacher (24 yrs). I'm more conservative and shy.. I actually just had a good laugh out loud about posting on here. I never thought I'd do it! :-) I haven't been too successful in the relationship department lately, so I decided to try some of the TooTimid products to stand in. I was actually afraid that the products would be useless to me, since I'm more of an emotionally invested person when it comes to intimacy, and that I wouldn't be able to get pleasure out of a product. I was obviously wrong. Haha.

Now my fear is once I find a guy, he'll get a little freaked out about the toys. Should I even tell him? When do you tell him? I also fear that he'll no longer be enough to satisfy me all the way. In the past, I never felt like I needed something other than the real thing, but now I'm spoiled. There is NO way I'd ever ask a guy to help me use a toy or watch me use a toy. No way, case closed. Maybe I'm just being closed minded even though I constantly reconsider it, but that deflates the romance for me and I'm not sure every guy would be happy about it. Also, in my mind I kind of like to seperate what happens when I'm using the toys on my own and when I'm being intimate with a partner. Younger single ladies or former younger single ladies - any younger single guys (are there even any on here?) - feel free chirp in with any thoughts on that!

Thanks in advance for any replies.

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First welcome to TT Caitlin. Good for you for steeping up and taking care of your own need.

I understand the conservative quiet personality. It's me. I've broken some of that shell lately and if I can at 40 something you sure can at 20 something, if you want to.

I think in this time toys seem to be very common in relationships, and they no longer hold a 'clandestine' identity. However, I don't think you need to whip out the toys in the beginning of a relationship. After a time you may want to have a 'talk' to feel out his views, and introduce the idea. Believe it or not it can enhance your intimacy and it's liberating in a way. I know that may be hard to believe and the idea may be very intimidating, you'll just have to experience to know.

As far as being spoiled...... well I do love the toys, but there's no substitute for a man's touch and all that initials.

I'm in NYC often, I love to visit the city.....

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I told my SO about this post and he said he enjoys using toys with me because he gets pleasure out of seeing me pleasured. I use them in front of him and he uses them on me. When he uses them on me, it feels emotionally different than my solo sessions. When I got solo, it is all about getting the O, but with him, there is more satisfaction - like I said - an emotional connection.

He says that any boyfriend who won't use toys with a woman isn't a very good boyfriend because he is letting some hang-up of his get in the way of his woman's pleasure. I agree completely.

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I told my SO about this post and he said he enjoys using toys with me because he gets pleasure out of seeing me pleasured. I use them in front of him and he uses them on me. When he uses them on me, it feels emotionally different than my solo sessions. When I got solo, it is all about getting the O, but with him, there is more satisfaction - like I said - an emotional connection.

He says that any boyfriend who won't use toys with a woman isn't a very good boyfriend because he is letting some hang-up of his get in the way of his woman's pleasure. I agree completely.

I agree totally with you on this. I know the idiot in my past used to say I can't use anything that resembles a penis on ya. That to him it just wasn't right that a person do that. Thankfully my SO is the total opposite. He loves using toys on me and watching me use them on myself as well.

He needs to let go of his hang ups as it is mutually satisfying when using toys. He gets to see the pleasure he gives you and you get to enjoy that pleasure.

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Iha is soooo spot on here [as per usual]. I completely understand the notion of 'toys are for solo time' and that you are worried that the real deal won't be enough. As has already been pointed out, the real deal is always, ALWAYS so much more than just orgasm! The connection - emotional and physical - is another important (and for most women) essential element of sex.

Now, the other issue that I have with some women and toys/relationships is, when they get a man (or a partner) the toys sometimes cease to exist. Why? Some women even STOP having orgasms because they are not willing to admit that they need that clitoral stimulation (via hand or toy) and as a result, will become to 'shy' about self pleasure and thereby forgo their orgasms! I find this so perplexing. I implore ALL women to use toys (or manual stim) during sex if that is what they need! Sometimes a simple bullet can give you so many orgams that your partner would be INSANE not to want you to have that pleasure!

While I am not sure that all men would welcome a big dildo being introduced during play (and I am not sure why this would be an issue) - I think any couple's toys or clitoral stimulators would be such a great thing for both of you.

Don't be afraid to introduce the idea of toys - more men than not enjoy watching a woman pleasure herself with toys - and sometimes want to 'help.' Men are visual creatures, so seeing their woman with insertable toys is a BIG turn on!

Go forth and be honest - tell the man you are interested in toys - but only when the time is right. Not the first date, not the first intimate experience, but soon....enjoy!

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I agree with Mikayla and Iha here. We use them freely and have wonderful sex without them too. My man likes using them on me to see how many orgasms I can handle :lol:

I can't imagine not using them with or without him. He's much more inventive than I am.

But welcome to the forums and you'll find what works best for you.

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Welcome to the forum! It is sometimes difficult to break our old habits and/or views on what is/is not acceptable. I think you'll find that this board is all about trying new things. If you never try it you don't know if you missed out on it.

I think the ignorance of men who view toys as competition rather than enhancement is going out of style. To be blunt, most guys I know are lucky to have a woman who tolerates them and really couldn't say they satisfy their lady without help.

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Congrats on braving the first posting!!!

As far as toy introductions, I totally know how you feel.

I love sex toys (duh). I've never hidden the fact that I use them. But, I did let new lovers know (I've been with my hubby now going on 8 yrs) that I used them, and that was something I enjoyed. But I also told them that, unless they asked, I would leave them for my private time. I never forced them to watch me use them, or insist that I use them. More often than not, they'd get curious and ask to use them with me. This way, they considered it "their idea" and were more comfortable with the thought of it.

Until I met my now hubby. He is a southern guy, with old-school values/ways of thinking. For the longest time, he thought of sex toys as competition & replacements, instead of enhancements & fun. Then, soon after I joined TooTimid's Review Team, and started getting more toys in, hubby got curious, and, after many reassurring conversations, he dared use a few on me. He loved my responses, and when we got stuff in that he could use on him too (thanks again Meg & Rob for that!!!), he really opened up, and has changed his mind and trying a lot of new things!!

Anyway, good luck, and welcome again to the forums!!!

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And a young single I can say that I know what you mean about being emoptionally invested verus just a toy. But ya knwo what? I love my toys! LOL And so do guys. They love the fact that you take your pleasure into your own hands. And don't forget, guys never really grow up and they always love playing with toys, it's just a new kind of action figure!

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Welcome! We are happy you joined us!

See the discussion and info you generated?

That is what TT is all about! Good people, good info, interesting insights.

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[quote name=SuzyP' date='Feb 22 2009, 11:14 AM' post='9652 And don't forget, guys never really grow up and they always love playing with toys, it's just a new kind of action figure!

Suzy, sometimes your sense of humor sends me over the edge!

You are killing me!! :lol:

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Oh Lord, now informercials for the new 'action figure' are running through my mind....

Guys, you have got to get the NEW ORGASMO 2000! The best action figure on the market. Not for those who don't want to have a GUSHING good time! IT walks, it talks it screams your name! Log on to www.orgasmo2000.com and right now, for the price of one, you can get 2 TOYS! That's right, put in the keycode GSPOT and get the new gushing gizmo 300 for FREE! That's right guys, make your woman squirm and moan and get her gushing in an instant. What are you waiting for - you know you want to play!

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Oh Lord, now informercials for the new 'action figure' are running through my mind....

Guys, you have got to get the NEW ORGASMO 2000! The best action figure on the market. Not for those who don't want to have a GUSHING good time! IT walks, it talks it screams your name! Log on to www.orgasmo2000.com and right now, for the price of one, you can get 2 TOYS! That's right, put in the keycode GSPOT and get the new gushing gizmo 300 for FREE! That's right guys, make your woman squirm and moan and get her gushing in an instant. What are you waiting for - you know you want to play!

:lol::lol::lol: Trying not to pee my pants!!

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Oh Lord, now informercials for the new 'action figure' are running through my mind....

Guys, you have got to get the NEW ORGASMO 2000! The best action figure on the market. Not for those who don't want to have a GUSHING good time! IT walks, it talks it screams your name! Log on to www.orgasmo2000.com and right now, for the price of one, you can get 2 TOYS! That's right, put in the keycode GSPOT and get the new gushing gizmo 300 for FREE! That's right guys, make your woman squirm and moan and get her gushing in an instant. What are you waiting for - you know you want to play!

You just forgot to mention it's karate chop action!

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