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What Is The Funniest Thing You Have Seen In A Store?


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I have to tell you this. I went to the supermarket just to grab a few things. I figured since we will be having a snow day tomorrow I got some baking things in so my daughter and I can make cookies. Well we are supposed to be getting 8-12 inches of snow. Well these two ladies are in the bread isle arguing over one of the last loaves like we are never getting out again. I could never figure people out with this. Well they both pulled on it and the bread went all over the floor.

I am just like do these people thing they will never get out. They all run for bread, milk and eggs. I am glad I didn't need any of those but it was a good laugh.

Oh the other last night I was out for a girls night out. This couple started fighting their drinks were just delivered...she threw her drink all over the guy. He wasn't pissed about it being thrown on him...he was mad because she wasted $7.50.

So I was thinking what was the funniest thing you have seen while either out shopping or out to eat?

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I have to tell you this. I went to the supermarket just to grab a few things. I figured since we will be having a snow day tomorrow I got some baking things in so my daughter and I can make cookies. Well we are supposed to be getting 8-12 inches of snow. Well these two ladies are in the bread isle arguing over one of the last loaves like we are never getting out again. I could never figure people out with this. Well they both pulled on it and the bread went all over the floor.

I am just like do these people thing they will never get out. They all run for bread, milk and eggs. I am glad I didn't need any of those but it was a good laugh.

Oh the other last night I was out for a girls night out. This couple started fighting their drinks were just delivered...she threw her drink all over the guy. He wasn't pissed about it being thrown on him...he was mad because she wasted $7.50.

So I was thinking what was the funniest thing you have seen while either out shopping or out to eat?

OH GOD, I'm glad I live over here in Jersey.

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Oh GAWD!!! I have worked retail, AND have been a waitress. When I was waitressing, I felt SOOOO more open to being able to laugh out loud at people. It helped that we got the drunk crowd too.

Let's see, one of the funniest? Let's dig down deep into the recesses of my mind (don't mind the cobwebs)..........

OK, this lady came into the restaurant I worked at, and she was totally absolutely drunk off her ass. She was a "hoochie", and always came in with a different man every night (sometimes 3x per week). This time, I was soooo lucky to wait on her, since she had given the other waitress a hard time (we were both prettier than the customer, and the customer knew it, so sent the other waitress away and then saw me and groaned out load). Oh yeah, made for a pleasant experience.

The way this restaurant worked, the stuff is friend in lard, and served as soon as it's ready, so it'll be crunchy when you get it. This woman KNEW that. I get their order, get it in, and get their drinks ready. She's practically fucking her guy-friend on the booth. Thankfully, our boss always backed us up, so didn't care if we said something to customers. So, I told her to please stop doing that in the restaurant, and they could wait til they got home to do whatever. That pissed her off.

Then, I served her food first, since hers was ready first. She got PISSED, and INSISTED her boyfriend of the night get his food too. I told her that she knew how this place worked, and that it'd be out as soon as it was ready, especially since her booth was the only one in my area at the time. She called me a bitch. I told her that may be, but her man's food wasn't ready, and it'd be a bit soggy if I brought it out to him right then. The guy was ok with it all, but she called me everything but white, and INSISTED that she get another waitress. I told her that, if I could, I would be SOOOO happy to oblige, but since it was either me, or the other one she chased off, she was SOL (and yes, I said it all the way too).

She's got a thought....let's stand up on heels, totally wasted and try to get in my face. THAT will make the food come out faster. LOL So, here's this 5'2" snockered woman, with a really out of date beret, trying to get in my face,or more like my boobs, cuz that's as far as she made it, and here she is, yelling UP at me....... well I laughed right in her face, and everyone else in the restaurant did too. My boss came out, with his handy "Out Of Control Customer" bat out, and was behind me, tapping the bat in his hand, and told her that "we don't need your business. Get the fuck out of my restaurant". The look on her face was PRICELESS!!!!

Oh, and they did pay, left, and when we locked up, we found their plates dumped in the parking lot. We LOLed HARD, cuz, since it was seafood combo meals at about $15 per plate, plus their drinks, they wasted about $35

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I work (very part time) at a hardware store. This last Friday night I was helping a customer and we went to walk down one of the lighting isles and we turned the corner and there was a couple completely making out on the floor. They saw us and turned bright red!

A few weekends ago are store manager was helping someone in the plumbing department and some kid (18-19). Some kid walks up to him and asked him if we sold Fallopian tubing. The manager asked him what it was used for and the kid had no idea. It took him a few sec. and the kid turned bright red and say I think I have to go now.

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Want some quality entertainment check out a truck stop! We've seen the truth in the full moon theory! One of our cashiers was dealing with a customer who obviously had at least one problem. Digging in every pocket for the money to pay for her purchase a little at a time. The last pocket had quite a few wadded up dollar bills in it. Between the two of them they began unfolding and counting. The last one was the treasure chest. She pulled it out flat and the girls dope went flying all over the counter! The girl didn't bother with change, she left immediately but the cashier had to clean the mess up and had a little fun keeping customers away while she did it!

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I work (very part time) at a hardware store. This last Friday night I was helping a customer and we went to walk down one of the lighting isles and we turned the corner and there was a couple completely making out on the floor. They saw us and turned bright red!

A few weekends ago are store manager was helping someone in the plumbing department and some kid (18-19). Some kid walks up to him and asked him if we sold Fallopian tubing. The manager asked him what it was used for and the kid had no idea. It took him a few sec. and the kid turned bright red and say I think I have to go now.

LMFAO!!!!!!!! He apparently did not pay attention in Health Class.

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I worked in a restaurant for more than three years and once these two couples came in with their kids. The dads came in one car, the moms and kids in the other. When they left the restaurant, the guys were leaving and one of the moms said, "You guys go on home, we're just gonna go over to the titty bar." and the dads laughed as they walked out. Then one of their kids yells, "Yay! We're going to the titty bar!" really loudly, right in the middle of the lobby. Oh my god, I almost died laughing. His mom looked so embarrassed. She turned to him and said, "Don't you ever repeat what mommy says!"

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I was in Krogers and there was this poor woman there with three kids. It was summer and she was wearing a tube top and shorts. She was trying to hold this 2-3 year old girl who was squirming and fighting her. The baby managed to grab her top and pull it clear down around the woman's waist. She was mortified and I really couldn't laugh until I was out of the store.

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I was in Kroger's pharmacy dept with my wife and she was talking to the pharmacist. She said something about us going away for the weekend. I said, "We're going for the whole weekend?" and I picked up a pack of condoms from the display in front of me and said, "Do you have a 24 pack of these in extra large?" She grabbed a bad of frozen peas out of our card and hit me with it, and frozen peas went everywhere. I laughed about it, but she was so embarrassed she was pissed off for days.

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I was in Kroger's pharmacy dept with my wife and she was talking to the pharmacist. She said something about us going away for the weekend. I said, "We're going for the whole weekend?" and I picked up a pack of condoms from the display in front of me and said, "Do you have a 24 pack of these in extra large?" She grabbed a bad of frozen peas out of our card and hit me with it, and frozen peas went everywhere. I laughed about it, but she was so embarrassed she was pissed off for days.
That is so funny! I'll have to think of one!
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Oh wow the things we hear and see. Things like this help us all smile and laugh when we know we dont' want to sometimes.

I think my favorite is about the titty bar....lol.

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