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How did my house turn into the kid house on the block? :huh:

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How did my house turn into the kid house on the block? :huh:

Not sure but I will put mine on the plan and she will be down soon....lol

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I think the rain will subside tomorrow! Thank GOD!

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My birthday is in three weeks, and I am so excited about the girls-only weekend that starts TOMORROW for me and my sister! She's married, so of course I feel like it's way over-due! Hahaha! Yippeeeeee!

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Cleaning out closets and such while my daughter is away. Apparently she must have been home one time when the mail man came so I put a TT package away in the closet and forgot about it. It is from April 2nd....lol. It was a dvd, lube and coochy cream. Just funny that I forgot about it. It was like a mini Christmas.

I've been saying I've got to clean my closet for weeks, this gives me incentive. Who know maybe, but probably not.

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Guest eminatic

so...went to the doctor. she didn't look at me or give me an exam, and prescribed me medicine for a bacterial infection despite already having had a culture taken 3 times with the results coming up negative. when i mentioned this she looked in my file and said "oh yea.....well just take it anyway" she said she was "certain" that was why i couldn't have sex....

i did mention to her that i had a lack of desire, not just pain. i also told her i had stitches down there and the spot that hurts the most seems to be where the stitches were. but she was convinced i needed medicine for bacteria...

although if i could just stop the pain i would be happy, even without any sex drive.

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so...went to the doctor. she didn't look at me or give me an exam, and prescribed me medicine for a bacterial infection despite already having had a culture taken 3 times with the results coming up negative. when i mentioned this she looked in my file and said "oh yea.....well just take it anyway" she said she was "certain" that was why i couldn't have sex....

i did mention to her that i had a lack of desire, not just pain. i also told her i had stitches down there and the spot that hurts the most seems to be where the stitches were. but she was convinced i needed medicine for bacteria...

although if i could just stop the pain i would be happy, even without any sex drive.

E, are you going to find another Dr. (MD) to help you? I think you should!

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E, are you going to find another Dr. (MD) to help you? I think you should!

I couldn't agree more, considering that she didn't CONSIDER would be enough for me. I highly suggest finding a new doc who knows what they are doing...

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Guest eminatic

well...i am trying the medicine she gave me..but so far all its done is make me really itchy =/

she also changed my birth control to ortho tri cyclen lo. which is a higher dose than any pill i have taken before.

i don't really know who i'm going to see when i go there...i've never seen the same person twice at that place...and i've actually never seen the doctor, just the nurse practitioners.

anyway i've been pretty much laid off at work so i guess i'll just try the new pill and medicine for now and see if anything changes. i'd rather not pay the $25 copay again X_x plus my annual is in october so if something isnt working out i will bring it up then i guess

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well...i am trying the medicine she gave me..but so far all its done is make me really itchy . . .

Not to be a mother hen, here, but itchy could be a sign of allergic reaction, which if it turned serious could mean anaphylactic shock (can be deadly).

If you get hives with the itchiness, that would be another sign of allergic reaction.

Check the medication info side-effects section, and see if it says anything about itchiness being an allergic reaction. If so, check with the doc shop or pharmacy to see if you should keep taking the stuff or quit.

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Guest eminatic

lol oh, no i don't think its anything serious like that...i just meant its itchy because its exactly like the monistat 7 day applicator set and whatnot. so throughout the day its constantly leaking back out and keeping everything a little too wet for comfort :<

also why can't the applicators have a rounded tip?! i can seriously feel it scraping my insides every time and it HURTS :(

someone needs to invent this D:

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lol oh, no i don't think its anything serious like that...i just meant its itchy because its exactly like the monistat 7 day applicator set and whatnot. so throughout the day its constantly leaking back out and keeping everything a little too wet for comfort :<

also why can't the applicators have a rounded tip?! i can seriously feel it scraping my insides every time and it HURTS :(

someone needs to invent this D:

Why don't you do that, Em? Then you can patent it and you won't have to work retail ever again.

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Had fun trading pics and video last night...we were bad, but it was fun. Definately made it a nice part of my weekend. Then I hung out with some great friends today by the pool.

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Guest eminatic
Why don't you do that, Em? Then you can patent it and you won't have to work retail ever again.

LOL that does sound tempting.

in other news my baby strawberry plant has finally started to produce berries! :kiss:

i remember when they were just little seeds that i dropped on the floor and had to use a magnifying glass to locate XD

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I'm talking to my sister, having the most delicious conversation......

Multi tasking is getting tuffer by the minute.....

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Finding a new place where I can keep my dog is harder then I thought.

I am keeping at it. Sooner or later I will find it.

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Last Monday I bought a CD at a truck stop. As I was paying, the cashier said, "Here she is now" and introduced me to the woman who recorded the CD. I didn't think that was so weird until I started telling people and they were like "What?".

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I'm leaving for my interview today!!! :D But, that also means I'll be away from here for the next few days. Hope I do well!

God luck! I'm crossing my fingers for you.

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My 6 year old lost her first tooth today! AHHHHhhhhhh

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My new step-daughter walks up to me today, hugs me, and whispers "I think I just got my period." AAAAHHHHHH!

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