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    • We llike it too. I do spread her legs quite wide apart so I get a nice view of her pussy and asshole as it all gets rosy red. She cries and the tears running down and dripping on the table and her hands as she's trying to hold herself up is very nice. 
    • Without your clothes on you look very good, and have a very pleasant to look at "I give you a long fun ride" vibe. You are a little soft around the middle, but many many women love and prefer that look. The facial hair, in my opinion looks best when it it kept on the short side.  Long is harder to keep clean, and doesn't seem to quite match your face. Soft your dick first appears on the smaller side, but you appear to be a grower, and hard looks fantastic and fun. If you know how to use it, it looks like a great fuck. The clothing and hat is a TOTAL NOPE for me. If I were single, and you approached me in any of that, you would not even get the time of  day. You look like a man who is still trying to be, or is mentally still a high school boy. For most women above the age ~23 that is going to be a BIG NOPE. My suggestion is to try dressing like a grown man.  Try something simple like jeans and a simple T-shirt. A black T-shirt or dark grey T-shirt are classic, and paired with some dark blue jeans that fit (not baggy, or tight, and sit properly on your ass and hips) is hot. If you are not sure, you can do this: go to a store, look around and find an ADULT couple where the woman is someone that you think is attractive/hot. This is VERY important. When you go up to them, focus on the guy. Say hello to both of them and introduce yourself. Turn to the  man, and tell him (NOT the woman) that you are trying have more adult wardrobe/clothing. Ask them if you could get them to help you out with their opinion or evening help choosing your clothes. Most of the time they will say yes. When you get asked what you are looking for, tell them you "want something that makes you look good, and attractive would be nice too" because you are hoping to find someone for yourself. They, or more often the woman, with some input from the gut, are going to chose clothes that you will look good in, and likely that other women will find you attractive in.
    • I've been advised KY Warming Gel
    • Sounds Hot as Hell, I love mirrors!
    • Coconut oil! All natural, slicks up nicely and good for your skin. 
    • Oh so This! Love it. Made me wet just reading it. 
    • Sure, it's great for guys' hands to make stroking instantly easier (whether lube, spit, or precum), but what about household items, like jelly or cream or honey (a little thick, that) or... What do YOU use to limber up your lumber??
    • I'm thinking of buying a pair of lady shoes strictly so I can use them for masturbation and cum. Oh, fuck! Red ones totally stiffen me. Any recommendations???
    • I am so fuckin turned on
    • Who hearted me? Wanna cum???
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