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Tips For Learning The Art Of Anal


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After reading a little on this site and finding some of jens writing I knew i found a place of like minded people. Jen is a Gem And I love that fact that I have stumbled across someone who recommends Anal sex for hetero sexuals. Nobody really encourages anal play and or sex in a hetero sexual relationship like I have found on here. It is refreshing to see especially from a female. I would like to share what I have learned over the years. I will try not to make this too long but want to give you a little background. I have been with the same lady My wife for quite a few years now and like many men my first try at anal sex with her I was an Idiot. Slap a little lube and let’s go. It hurt her like hell and not only did she not even want to go there again but knowing I hurt her I did not want it either but after 5 or 10 years The thought of it became very erotic so I started reading as much as I could find on the subject and let me say there is not a whole lot of good info out there past use lube and go slow. People are misinformed for the most part about Anal Sex. I stumbled across a site that was for hetero anal sex lovers and there was quite a bit of good advice on there much like I see on here and I also did some reading by Jack Moran. I have compiled all of this info and found that you can teach anyone The Art Of Anal -- (kinda catchy huh. I think it would make a good title for a book) I thought it would be nice if someone with an audience such as Jen would do an in depth how to of anal for heterosexual couples or a small series on it. Now let me outline what I have learned over the years and how it can work for anyone. You need to know what is going on down there and how to control it. You have 2 sphincters one outer sphincter that is the opening and then there is another sphincter a couple of inches in and you need to be able to control both of these. The best way to learn this is with your own finger. Your finger will let you know when you are working the right muscle. You use your finger as a Bio feedback tool to let you know when you are contracting the muscle/sphincter. With some lube a little rubbing to relax it and you gently slide your own finger into your rectum you will feel the first sphincter but you don’t always feel the second one. Now with your finger fully inserted you try to tighten the muscle. You can start by trying to tighten the muscle to stop from peeing. It is like a kegal except for another orifice. You finger will help you isolate and concentrate on the sphincter muscle. The better you can tighten and hold the better you can control this muscle and the better you can control it the better you will be able to relax it. For the basic exercise you will want to tighten and hold for a count of 5 then relax for a count of 5 repeat this for 1 - 2 minutes once to twice a day. Yes it sounds strange and where can someone sit around with their finger in their butt other then at work where I am presently writing this. Well you can do it in the shower or you can do it in the bathroom sitting on the toilet when you don’t have to have a bowel movement. This basic exercise will tune you into being able to control the sphincter muscle that is at the center of problems with anal penetration. After a week of this with one finger you will find that you do not have to coax your anus to allow the finger to slide in and you are also toning and training these muscles it isn’t that you are stretching them in a tearing way. It is like working out the more you stretch and work out the more limber you will become. In one of the responses on the board one women said why would any women let a man do this to her and it could cause loss of bowel control when it is the exact opposite. I know someone who after a stroke he had a hard time controlling his bowel movement and his Dr told him he had to relearn to control his sphincter muscle and he was to do exercises. I did not ask if they were with his finger in his butt because how could I explain my knowledge of how to train the sphincter. once you have done this for a week you should of mastered the 1 finger and it is time to try for 2 fingers you will want to put one in first and relax then try to slide the second one in and repeat the tighten and relax exercise the same as with one finger. after you have completed this with 2 fingers for another week you will have learned to control the sphincter muscle without having to still have your finger in there to tell you if it is working in fact you should be able to tighten it into quite a contraction by now so you can practice your anal kegal anywhere you please.

The 3rd step is to pick a small smooth toy 3/4"x 6" to try for and need I mention Lube and a wide base toy. Rule of thumb with lube too much is almost enough. You want to try and insert your toy however you are conferrable but I do suggest to start you insert the toy yourself there will be plenty of time for your partner to insert things into you once you have mastered this. One way of insertion is to sit on your knees but with your legs apart so that your butt can hit the ground. This is a semi relaxed way you can sit and apply light pressure down onto something. Make sure your 2 fingers will go in to get things ready then what you want to do is to put the toy on the floor pointing up so you can sit on it and I suggest doing this on a towel with the toy well lubed then you can insert the tip and gently try to slide down onto it. A good method is to take a deep breath and apply downward pressure as you blow the air all of the way out and you want to blow it out from your stomach. You should see your stomach go in as you blow all the way out this will help you to relax as you blow out. Once you have the toy in you can try tightening or bearing down on it a few times as you have learned before and your body will adjust to it. From here is up to you how big of a toy or real penis that you want to be able to take, I just suggest you work your way up a little at a time. Well if you made it this far I thank you for reading it and hope that you can put it to use. Maybe this can be done as a couple and you both learn sphincter control. I think it is good for a man to realize what his partner is feeling. I know this works but I would love it if I could get feedback on couples that try this method and what the success rate is. Thank you for reading my in depth stories and experiences of learning the art of Anal.

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Thank you for all the information, I started out in a similar manner, I was curious one night after I heard people talking about it. Of course I was a teenager at the time, but I guess I am almost a professional now. And as I mentioned before, I've gotten my BF into it to. He is also able to insert objects into his ass. Every once in a while, I'll use a strap on and he'll let me go wild.

My original question was about how far and wide can a person go? I can take on almost 6 inches and 2.25 inches wide. I'd love go deeper and wider.

When you go to the online sex stores, people say they can take on more than 6 inches, how do they do that? I wanna do that too


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Thank you for all the information, I started out in a similar manner, I was curious one night after I heard people talking about it. Of course I was a teenager at the time, but I guess I am almost a professional now. And as I mentioned before, I've gotten my BF into it to. He is also able to insert objects into his ass. Every once in a while, I'll use a strap on and he'll let me go wild.

My original question was about how far and wide can a person go? I can take on almost 6 inches and 2.25 inches wide. I'd love go deeper and wider.

When you go to the online sex stores, people say they can take on more than 6 inches, how do they do that? I wanna do that too



HI Your information is great!!!! I love anal sex!! I think that women should have the three orgasms!! Clitiral "most common" G-Spot "Most Intense" Anal " Most incredible"

You want to know how to take more then the 6 inches that you can take now?? Use a good lube and try an inflatable plug! You can pump them up till your staisfied & then some!!

I am 5'2' my bf is 6'4 he is 9 1/2 inches hard, & almost 3inches round,, I love every inch he gives me!!!!! :P

Ease your self into it & you'll be cummming in no time on something bigger then you ever thought possible!!!! :D

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Lisa. Even though you can take 6" you should still try the finger exercise to be able to relax both of your sphincters and know that you can control them.

to answer your question on depth. If you cannot get past the 5"-6" range then I would go to something thinner and you may have to experiment with the angle that you are going in. the sphincter angles back toward your back and does not go straight up so if you are both trying to go straight in that may be the problem. Go with something that is thin and long to see if you can work out the best angle then when you can get 8" in you are doing pretty good. There are a lot of people who can take the 10" 12" and even 15" but not everyone can get that far and i am pretty sure you would be happy with 8" to 10" you should be able to achieve that with something thin and then work up to something thick.

Good luck and Happy probing

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I'm liking anal more and more  :P  9 inches is the biggest I've ever taken anally, but I think I could do more - it wasn't that difficult.  It's very erotic :)


HI Janet I'm with you!! I Love it!!!!!!! :D The bigger the better!

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  • 1 month later...
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Did anyone try any of this advice ?  would like to hear who tired the anal exercise and what success you had with it.


I did and it was very good advice! Made things so much easier and funner just after the first 5 times doing them...

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  • 2 months later...
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ok i know mostly here are women talking about the anal thing, but for a shy, timid, guy that is gay,, i have only tried it like 2 times, and the first time it was on my side, which worked for me but then he wanted to go doggie style I guess you could say.. is it me or did it feel like there was a certain limit that he could go? in other words I would have loved for him to go deeper, but is there like an (not trying to sound gross) organ or something there that begins to hurt. He was about 8.5 inches.. I'm only 5'9/ 130lbs and pretty fit and masculine, but that fustrated me., and another question i had is .... do you feel like you have to go when he starts,,, you know what i mean...I felt worried that something would happen if he pulled out.. it didn't however, but it felt that way, and is there any tips on preparing maybe...

thanks gals!! ;)

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Honey, anal sex does take a little practice, and it takes a little time to adjust to the "feeling" and the "pressure"of it. I suggest you read my article on anal sex:


That will answer most of your questions. The question about the bm thing - well, if you have any leftover stool in your rectum, that will get pushed UP when he is going in - so that is the feeling of fullness as well as pressure that you feel. Try to evacuate as much as possible before you have sex or even try an enema - although I usually don't think those are necessary.

Then, as he is pushing IN you push OUT - or DOWN - like you would be having a bowel movement. This makes the spinchter open and makes you more relaxed. YOu will NOT have a bm - trust me.

Make sure you have lots of lube. I know my one good, gay friend thinks that saliva is the world's best lube and I keep telling him NO, NO, NO - you will tear those senstive linings and you will hurt more. Also, just to be safe, you ARE using condoms, right? Be safe, not stupid, protect yourself!

Good luck, and let me know if I can help you any more.


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YOur rectum follows the curve of the base of your spine, making certain positions more difficult to achieve in comfort with a long dildoe or cock. The curve is most likely the blockage you feel in the doggy position. Try another, like the misionary, face-to-face position.

THANK YOU for the advice.. now maybe i can be more willing to try it again as I have been so hesitant to even meet anyone because I was so embarrassed that if it were attempted again I couldn't do it.

Thanks again!


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  • 1 year later...
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i know this is an old post buried in the back of the files but i still believe it is a good one with the best advice being the anal training. with that said i have found something that i think would help people in learning to do their anal Kegel

the main thing is to learn to control your sphincter. if you can tighten and hold it you are controlling it and when you can control it you can learn to relax it. here is a great device to help you learn if you do not want to use the finger method.


this will work just as well in your anus to learn to isolate the muscle and tighten it.

if you read my original post with this little device in mind it will make sense. maybe Too timid can look at adding something like this to their line up. i know it isn't a toy but learning to do your kegel's both vaginal and Anal can enhance your sexual pleasure and that is why we are all here : )

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  • 1 month later...
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Well, from another RN... I'd have to say I respectfully disagree. I know from working in the colonoscopy room that the transverse colon is 60 to 70 centimeters from the anus, or more than 24 inches. In other words, there's not a toy on this site or a (human) penis that will reach that far.

My husband is 9 inches, and I've had a 12" toy all the way up, without pain... and I've seen a video of a girl taking an 18" jelly dildo all the way, too. I think the key is for the initial penetration to be slow and steady, allowing the internal organs to accommodate the intrusion.

Actually, the most difficult part for me is about 4 or 5 inches in, which I believe is where the rectum bends into the sigmoid colon. This will straighten out if we give it a few minutes, and then (in my experience, anyway) there seems to be no limit on how deeply I can be penetrated. And VERY deep penetration feels simply wonderful. If I'm having trouble getting past the bend, we switch to spooning on our left sides.. this helps straighten the bend out. Once I've got the full length of him in me we can switch back to whatever position we want .

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  • 1 month later...
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After reading a little on this site and finding some of jens writing I knew i found a place of like minded people. Jen is a Gem And I love that fact that I have stumbled across someone who recommends Anal sex for hetero sexuals. Nobody really encourages anal play and or sex in a hetero sexual relationship like I have found on here. It is refreshing to see especially from a female. I would like to share what I have learned over the years. I will try not to make this too long but want to give you a little background. I have been with the same lady My wife for quite a few years now and like many men my first try at anal sex with her I was an Idiot. Slap a little lube and let’s go. It hurt her like hell and not only did she not even want to go there again but knowing I hurt her I did not want it either but after 5 or 10 years The thought of it became very erotic so I started reading as much as I could find on the subject and let me say there is not a whole lot of good info out there past use lube and go slow. People are misinformed for the most part about Anal Sex. I stumbled across a site that was for hetero anal sex lovers and there was quite a bit of good advice on there much like I see on here and I also did some reading by Jack Moran. I have compiled all of this info and found that you can teach anyone The Art Of Anal -- (kinda catchy huh. I think it would make a good title for a book) I thought it would be nice if someone with an audience such as Jen would do an in depth how to of anal for heterosexual couples or a small series on it. Now let me outline what I have learned over the years and how it can work for anyone. You need to know what is going on down there and how to control it. You have 2 sphincters one outer sphincter that is the opening and then there is another sphincter a couple of inches in and you need to be able to control both of these. The best way to learn this is with your own finger. Your finger will let you know when you are working the right muscle. You use your finger as a Bio feedback tool to let you know when you are contracting the muscle/sphincter. With some lube a little rubbing to relax it and you gently slide your own finger into your rectum you will feel the first sphincter but you don’t always feel the second one. Now with your finger fully inserted you try to tighten the muscle. You can start by trying to tighten the muscle to stop from peeing. It is like a kegal except for another orifice. You finger will help you isolate and concentrate on the sphincter muscle. The better you can tighten and hold the better you can control this muscle and the better you can control it the better you will be able to relax it. For the basic exercise you will want to tighten and hold for a count of 5 then relax for a count of 5 repeat this for 1 - 2 minutes once to twice a day. Yes it sounds strange and where can someone sit around with their finger in their butt other then at work where I am presently writing this. Well you can do it in the shower or you can do it in the bathroom sitting on the toilet when you don’t have to have a bowel movement. This basic exercise will tune you into being able to control the sphincter muscle that is at the center of problems with anal penetration. After a week of this with one finger you will find that you do not have to coax your anus to allow the finger to slide in and you are also toning and training these muscles it isn’t that you are stretching them in a tearing way. It is like working out the more you stretch and work out the more limber you will become. In one of the responses on the board one women said why would any women let a man do this to her and it could cause loss of bowel control when it is the exact opposite. I know someone who after a stroke he had a hard time controlling his bowel movement and his Dr told him he had to relearn to control his sphincter muscle and he was to do exercises. I did not ask if they were with his finger in his butt because how could I explain my knowledge of how to train the sphincter. once you have done this for a week you should of mastered the 1 finger and it is time to try for 2 fingers you will want to put one in first and relax then try to slide the second one in and repeat the tighten and relax exercise the same as with one finger. after you have completed this with 2 fingers for another week you will have learned to control the sphincter muscle without having to still have your finger in there to tell you if it is working in fact you should be able to tighten it into quite a contraction by now so you can practice your anal kegal anywhere you please.

The 3rd step is to pick a small smooth toy 3/4"x 6" to try for and need I mention Lube and a wide base toy. Rule of thumb with lube too much is almost enough. You want to try and insert your toy however you are conferrable but I do suggest to start you insert the toy yourself there will be plenty of time for your partner to insert things into you once you have mastered this. One way of insertion is to sit on your knees but with your legs apart so that your butt can hit the ground. This is a semi relaxed way you can sit and apply light pressure down onto something. Make sure your 2 fingers will go in to get things ready then what you want to do is to put the toy on the floor pointing up so you can sit on it and I suggest doing this on a towel with the toy well lubed then you can insert the tip and gently try to slide down onto it. A good method is to take a deep breath and apply downward pressure as you blow the air all of the way out and you want to blow it out from your stomach. You should see your stomach go in as you blow all the way out this will help you to relax as you blow out. Once you have the toy in you can try tightening or bearing down on it a few times as you have learned before and your body will adjust to it. From here is up to you how big of a toy or real penis that you want to be able to take, I just suggest you work your way up a little at a time. Well if you made it this far I thank you for reading it and hope that you can put it to use. Maybe this can be done as a couple and you both learn sphincter control. I think it is good for a man to realize what his partner is feeling. I know this works but I would love it if I could get feedback on couples that try this method and what the success rate is. Thank you for reading my in depth stories and experiences of learning the art of Anal.

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After reading a little on this site and finding some of jens writing I knew i found a place of like minded people. Jen is a Gem And I love that fact that I have stumbled across someone who recommends Anal sex for hetero sexuals. Nobody really encourages anal play and or sex in a hetero sexual relationship like I have found on here. It is refreshing to see especially from a female. I would like to share what I have learned over the years. I will try not to make this too long but want to give you a little background. I have been with the same lady My wife for quite a few years now and like many men my first try at anal sex with her I was an Idiot. Slap a little lube and let’s go. It hurt her like hell and not only did she not even want to go there again but knowing I hurt her I did not want it either but after 5 or 10 years The thought of it became very erotic so I started reading as much as I could find on the subject and let me say there is not a whole lot of good info out there past use lube and go slow. People are misinformed for the most part about Anal Sex. I stumbled across a site that was for hetero anal sex lovers and there was quite a bit of good advice on there much like I see on here and I also did some reading by Jack Moran. I have compiled all of this info and found that you can teach anyone The Art Of Anal -- (kinda catchy huh. I think it would make a good title for a book) I thought it would be nice if someone with an audience such as Jen would do an in depth how to of anal for heterosexual couples or a small series on it. Now let me outline what I have learned over the years and how it can work for anyone. You need to know what is going on down there and how to control it. You have 2 sphincters one outer sphincter that is the opening and then there is another sphincter a couple of inches in and you need to be able to control both of these. The best way to learn this is with your own finger. Your finger will let you know when you are working the right muscle. You use your finger as a Bio feedback tool to let you know when you are contracting the muscle/sphincter. With some lube a little rubbing to relax it and you gently slide your own finger into your rectum you will feel the first sphincter but you don’t always feel the second one. Now with your finger fully inserted you try to tighten the muscle. You can start by trying to tighten the muscle to stop from peeing. It is like a kegal except for another orifice. You finger will help you isolate and concentrate on the sphincter muscle. The better you can tighten and hold the better you can control this muscle and the better you can control it the better you will be able to relax it. For the basic exercise you will want to tighten and hold for a count of 5 then relax for a count of 5 repeat this for 1 - 2 minutes once to twice a day. Yes it sounds strange and where can someone sit around with their finger in their butt other then at work where I am presently writing this. Well you can do it in the shower or you can do it in the bathroom sitting on the toilet when you don’t have to have a bowel movement. This basic exercise will tune you into being able to control the sphincter muscle that is at the center of problems with anal penetration. After a week of this with one finger you will find that you do not have to coax your anus to allow the finger to slide in and you are also toning and training these muscles it isn’t that you are stretching them in a tearing way. It is like working out the more you stretch and work out the more limber you will become. In one of the responses on the board one women said why would any women let a man do this to her and it could cause loss of bowel control when it is the exact opposite. I know someone who after a stroke he had a hard time controlling his bowel movement and his Dr told him he had to relearn to control his sphincter muscle and he was to do exercises. I did not ask if they were with his finger in his butt because how could I explain my knowledge of how to train the sphincter. once you have done this for a week you should of mastered the 1 finger and it is time to try for 2 fingers you will want to put one in first and relax then try to slide the second one in and repeat the tighten and relax exercise the same as with one finger. after you have completed this with 2 fingers for another week you will have learned to control the sphincter muscle without having to still have your finger in there to tell you if it is working in fact you should be able to tighten it into quite a contraction by now so you can practice your anal kegal anywhere you please.

The 3rd step is to pick a small smooth toy 3/4"x 6" to try for and need I mention Lube and a wide base toy. Rule of thumb with lube too much is almost enough. You want to try and insert your toy however you are conferrable but I do suggest to start you insert the toy yourself there will be plenty of time for your partner to insert things into you once you have mastered this. One way of insertion is to sit on your knees but with your legs apart so that your butt can hit the ground. This is a semi relaxed way you can sit and apply light pressure down onto something. Make sure your 2 fingers will go in to get things ready then what you want to do is to put the toy on the floor pointing up so you can sit on it and I suggest doing this on a towel with the toy well lubed then you can insert the tip and gently try to slide down onto it. A good method is to take a deep breath and apply downward pressure as you blow the air all of the way out and you want to blow it out from your stomach. You should see your stomach go in as you blow all the way out this will help you to relax as you blow out. Once you have the toy in you can try tightening or bearing down on it a few times as you have learned before and your body will adjust to it. From here is up to you how big of a toy or real penis that you want to be able to take, I just suggest you work your way up a little at a time. Well if you made it this far I thank you for reading it and hope that you can put it to use. Maybe this can be done as a couple and you both learn sphincter control. I think it is good for a man to realize what his partner is feeling. I know this works but I would love it if I could get feedback on couples that try this method and what the success rate is. Thank you for reading my in depth stories and experiences of learning the art of Anal.

I recently started anal exploring and no, as you eluded too, this does not make you gay. My first attempts were akward, as I did not relax and learn to contol my muscles. Now it is much more pleaurable I must say. My very first toy was actually a condom coverd (green) bananna, which was not a bad experience. The bananna was followed later with a cucumber and after several times, I finally bougth a Doc Johnson purple dildo. It is very flexible , maybe a lil too flexable, 7"x 1" . I found squatting on my knees pleasurable, but because it is so flexable, thrusting is out in this position. Being somewhat new I was concerened about taking it all in, but have no problem with the 7 inches and am considering a bigger one. Any suggestions out there??I found laying on by side the best way to manuvere it for the most pleaurable sensations. Has anyone tried using ice-cubes (inserted) then a device for more different sensations?? Just wondering. Thanks enjoyed article.

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Well, from another RN... I'd have to say I respectfully disagree. I know from working in the colonoscopy room that the transverse colon is 60 to 70 centimeters from the anus, or more than 24 inches. In other words, there's not a toy on this site or a (human) penis that will reach that far.

My husband is 9 inches, and I've had a 12" toy all the way up, without pain... and I've seen a video of a girl taking an 18" jelly dildo all the way, too. I think the key is for the initial penetration to be slow and steady, allowing the internal organs to accommodate the intrusion.

Actually, the most difficult part for me is about 4 or 5 inches in, which I believe is where the rectum bends into the sigmoid colon. This will straighten out if we give it a few minutes, and then (in my experience, anyway) there seems to be no limit on how deeply I can be penetrated. And VERY deep penetration feels simply wonderful. If I'm having trouble getting past the bend, we switch to spooning on our left sides.. this helps straighten the bend out. Once I've got the full length of him in me we can switch back to whatever position we want .

From an MD perspective, the anus is the 2 sphincters, the rectum in the next 5-8 inches, the sigmoid colon is anywhere from 8 to 24 inches ans the sigmoid enters into the descending colon. Therefore, you can have anywhere from 13-32 inches to play with before you get to the descending colon, and toys there would probably hurt. The sigmoid can be very long and have a twist in it..and this can cause trouble inserting toys. If it hurts, STOP. Try changing position, lying on the left side, then on the back, then on the right side and wiggle the toy a bit (gently) to see if it will get past the block. Everyone is different and some can take 12 inches and some only 9. Just work with what you have and remember that it is supposed to feel good!

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Well, from another RN... I'd have to say I respectfully disagree. I know from working in the colonoscopy room that the transverse colon is 60 to 70 centimeters from the anus, or more than 24 inches. In other words, there's not a toy on this site or a (human) penis that will reach that far.

My husband is 9 inches, and I've had a 12" toy all the way up, without pain... and I've seen a video of a girl taking an 18" jelly dildo all the way, too. I think the key is for the initial penetration to be slow and steady, allowing the internal organs to accommodate the intrusion.

Actually, the most difficult part for me is about 4 or 5 inches in, which I believe is where the rectum bends into the sigmoid colon. This will straighten out if we give it a few minutes, and then (in my experience, anyway) there seems to be no limit on how deeply I can be penetrated. And VERY deep penetration feels simply wonderful. If I'm having trouble getting past the bend, we switch to spooning on our left sides.. this helps straighten the bend out. Once I've got the full length of him in me we can switch back to whatever position we want .

From an MD perspective, the anus is the 2 sphincters, the rectum in the next 5-8 inches, the sigmoid colon is anywhere from 8 to 24 inches ans the sigmoid enters into the descending colon. Therefore, you can have anywhere from 13-32 inches to play with before you get to the descending colon, and toys there would probably hurt. The sigmoid can be very long and have a twist in it..and this can cause trouble inserting toys. If it hurts, STOP. Try changing position, lying on the left side, then on the back, then on the right side and wiggle the toy a bit (gently) to see if it will get past the block. Everyone is different and some can take 12 inches and some only 9. Just work with what you have and remember that it is supposed to feel good!

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  • 11 months later...
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Well, from another RN... I'd have to say I respectfully disagree. I know from working in the colonoscopy room that the transverse colon is 60 to 70 centimeters from the anus, or more than 24 inches. In other words, there's not a toy on this site or a (human) penis that will reach that far.

My husband is 9 inches, and I've had a 12" toy all the way up, without pain... and I've seen a video of a girl taking an 18" jelly dildo all the way, too. I think the key is for the initial penetration to be slow and steady, allowing the internal organs to accommodate the intrusion.

Actually, the most difficult part for me is about 4 or 5 inches in, which I believe is where the rectum bends into the sigmoid colon. This will straighten out if we give it a few minutes, and then (in my experience, anyway) there seems to be no limit on how deeply I can be penetrated. And VERY deep penetration feels simply wonderful. If I'm having trouble getting past the bend, we switch to spooning on our left sides.. this helps straighten the bend out. Once I've got the full length of him in me we can switch back to whatever position we want .

NINE INCHES. . . . .W O W. Most of the time I can be content with 6" but other times well........Lately when I am having solo anal as I become more aroused I use my Mr Pink. Mr Pink has a smallish head for easy insertion but becomes deliciously wide at about 3" in all the way to his base at 10". And to think I nearly threw him away cuz I thot he was too big and I never used him...at least not until lately.

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