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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Good Head Gel is made for oral sex on men. It does contain glycerin in it, which can trigger yeast infections, so it's not recommended to use vaginally. BUT that's entirely your call. I've used this stuff, slathering it all over my hubby's cock, and he felt no discomfort......totally the opposite, come to think of it!! LOL
  2. I have to agree with the other posters. It sounds like he's just NOT that into you. He may want you around for a handy romp now and again, but, if you're close enough to see each other farily easily, and he chooses to go out with friends more often than seeing you (or totally replacing seeing you with his friends), then darlin', he's not your BF, he's a guy of convenience, in his eyes. I would just tell him that you are letting him go, since, he hasn't made time for you, it's time for you to find someone who's WILLING to MAKE the time with you. Best wishes!!
  3. I get severe UTI's, and, basically, do what the doctor tells her and you to do. Frequent urination is key, cleaning up after having sex too. Make sure she drinks plenty of water, if she can cut out caffiene/dark colas as well as coffee, that would be GREAT. Dark colas and coffee are really hard for the bladder to break down. She should also try to eat yogurt. The active cultures in the yogurt help keep the bladder free and clear too. Other than that, if the UTI's continue, she may want to be referred to a urologist to see if surgery is a possibility.
  4. There is porn for all tastes, genres and styles. From toe fetishes, goth, all girls, all men, leather, bondage, to anime, animals, hairy, anal, and more. There's a slew of different kinds out there. As far as what kind of people you find attractive, each person is different to what they like, so it may be hard to find one that you find everyone attractive in, but you'll probably be able to get a few that will have some that you find attractive. You'll probably have to do a specific search online, cuz most online stores usually get the stuff that is considered the "norm of porn".
  5. Tyger


    I have no idea what the post amounts are for you to reach different statuses. I *think* that the first 49 you're a "Newbie", then at 50, Virgin. Then there are different statuses. It's just a fun little "title" that really shows how much you post. No biggie. As far as joking goes, so long as you don't get insulting, show prejudice, or violent, then we're pretty much fine with joking around. Usually, if someone gets offended, they'll PM you.
  6. LMAO "Hildegard"!!!! Too funny!
  7. In addition to all the great advise given already, it sounds like you've forgotten one MAJOR thing when it comes to having sex with your hubby! It's all about fun and reconnecting as a couple. You're trying SO hard to cum, that you're not relaxing and truly enjoying your time together. No wonder you can't orgasm! So much pressure!! Along with the other great suggestions of clit stimulation and masturbation nights, just try and RELAX and have fun.
  8. I just love the California Exotics Impulse line of toys! I have several, and love all the options on them. This one is an i5, so there are 5 vibe settings & 5 levels of intensity to choose from. With all of the settings, you have a total combination of 125 different vibes & patters. Left 2 buttons control the intensity, the right controls the patterns of vibes. I also love the colors that they choose for these Impulse toys. This one’s a nice red color, and the probes match perfectly. With this toy, you get 2 for the price of one! 2 you ask? Yes. This toy has 2 hard plastic inter-changeable heads. Just twist off and pull to unplug and do the reverse to plug it back in. You can feel 2 thump kind of clicks to make sure it’s locked & loaded, ready to go. One head is a ribbed shaft, bulbous headed probe, and the other is a smooth, slim, g-spot probe. On mine, the g-spot probe was a bit harder to get clicked in, but I finally did it. Sliding the back off of the base, insert 3 AA batteries from your stock, and 2 up, one down, snap back the cover, and yes, we have pow-ah! And what pow-ah we have! At first, just hearing this toy, I was like, uhhhh, that’s kinda loud. And feeling the tip of the toy, didn’t feel overly strong, but then I grasped the toy fully in my hand, and you can feel the vibes very strongly, which is why it’s called “hypersonic”. Deceptively strong, I was very excited to try it out, cuz I am a gal that LOVES the strong vibes! This toy is NOT waterproof, but cleaning the probes was simple. Unplug, wash with warm water and soap, and let thoroughly dry before plugging in. Since this is hard plastic, it’s got hardly any odor whatsoever, which is wonderful! “Heading” off to be bedroom for some solo fun, I warm myself up with some light touching with the ribbed vibe, and I was getting excited by the powerful vibes. Rubbing it against my clit felt wonderful, and really get me feelin’ tingly. It wasn’t as full-feeling as I like, so, I twist that off, and try for the g-spot. This is where I ran into a problem. As I was trying to thrust with my preferred setting of vibes and intensity, where the buttons are right there on the top, and the base is small, I kept hitting the buttons, and loosing my “groove”. I came close a few times, then the vibes switched up on me due to my wandering digits, and, well, I lost it. Trying again later, I had the same problem. So, where it felt good, it wasn’t as fantastic as I was hoping. This is great as a teaser, but for me, not great for a closer! I may have better luck when hubby comes home from his shift, and is able to hold on to the sides better. I give this item 3.5 paws up. Which Head Will Be Your Favorite?
  9. Guess I wouldn't fit in!! LMAO I've been known to give sex toys as gifts for other occassions, or "just because".
  10. I LOVED David Bowie in his role as Jareth!! He was damn sexy!! And your hubby looks very cute! Sad that he can probably walk better in heels than I ever could!! And, it wasn't lost on me that David Bowie plays bass, and so looks like your hubby does too. Wonderful that you're so accepting to allow your hubby to do this comfortably!! Awesome!!! *Ducks her ancient head.....* I remember Glam Rock!!
  11. Tyger


    Yep, you get upgraded to different status levels after so many posts. Though, I guess Virgin status may be something none of us expected to ever see again!! LMAO
  12. Welcome to TT!! I love your Avatar! I think Jennifer Anniston is extremely sexy and funny!!
  13. 1. What drives you buck wild in the bedroom? When my man lets me blindfold him, and just lets me do whatever I want to him. He's been opening up a lot!! 2. What totally turns you off in the bedroom? Bad breath. Yeah, I know, weird. 3. What is your favorite type of sexual experience? (ex straight, doggie, oral, bondage, etc...) Bondage 4. What makes you hard (Men) or wet (Ladies)? Girl on girl action. 5. What is one tip or idea you'd like to pass on to everyone here? Be willing to teach your lover how to please you, and let them teach you how to please them. Don't get offended or hurt by their suggestions.
  14. Dum-dum-dee-dum….here cums the bride……and everyone else in the wedding party for that matter! This Vivid DVD stars some regulars like Savanna Samson, Rebecca Love, Mark Davis, Victoria Givens, Chris Cannon, and Evan Stone, and these wedding goers are sure to give you a thrill! Emma & Steve are about to get married to please their rich parents, and they don’t even know each other. And, before the bride and groom say “I Do” to each other, they DO about everyone else in the wedding party! Steve is a sexy, muscular, tattooed hunk of man, and Emma is one pierced sexy shaven princess. Steve first gets down and dirty with a petite, voluptuous brunette, who happens to be a bridesmaid, and they both really go to town. Emma gets a 3-some with the best man and groomsman. Each one of them really knows how to give a show of awesome oral, fingering, and fucking. More wedding party romps ensues, including a FF scene, and a MFF scene too. Emma & Steve decide to make the best of things, seeing as they are married, they may as well enjoy each other, since, due to a hellacious pre-nup, they can’t cheat on each other. So, they consummate, & consummate, & consummate!!! After all, the parents of the recently wed want lots of grandchildren! Something for everyone, you may forget to grab yourself a doggie bag after the reception! Each scene is lengthy and with alternate angles. Not the greatest music (bow-chica-wow-wow & techno), you really don’t hear much of it with all the moaning and sighing and getting distracted by the awesome lingerie. As with other Vivid DVDs, this one has extras, alternate angles, photo galleries, and other fun extras! I give this DVD a Tyger rating of 4 paws (out of 5). Hard To Believe She Wore WHITE!!!
  15. I have to agree. You are in charge of yourself, and need to be accountable for your actions. If you think that what you're doing would upset your hubby, then you need to stop. I too love to flirt, and sometimes do it unconsciously, but it's mild flirting, and in no way to the people I speak with think that I am ready to get up and go off to go sleep with someone else. There's a line that one needs to know not to cross. You need to learn when you're starting to cross that line, and stop. There's harmless flirting that most people do with each other, married, in relationships, or not, then there's the heavy, serious flirting that you have admitted to doing. Like a couple of people have said, if you think that your husband would have a problem with what you're doing, then you should stop. Say that if your husband were to do it, and then you would think he was cheating when he did it, then, yes, you're doing something wrong, and should stop. If you've got people that want to meet you, and don't care that you're married, then you're flirting a bit too hard. There's nothing wrong with feeling good about yourself, and, flirting and being flirted with does give that ego boost, BUT you really should be careful and not cross that line. PLUS, as a married woman, you should NEVER give out where you live online, or even your real name. When you're in communication with people for a looooooooooong time, and build a trust with someone, that's one thing....like I know a few people on this board by their real names, as well as their SNs. But, it took a looooooooooooooong time for us to build that relationship with. But, flirting heavily with men, and then hinting around that you'd like to meet them someday, it is a BAD idea. I hope you learn where that line is, quickly, so that you can concentrate flirting more with your hubby with the seriousness & intensity you've been doing online. Good luck to you, and best wishes.
  16. I hate hate hate it when people borrow things and destroy it then refuse to pay for it, or replace it. Especially things of value. If the trailer was worth some $$, get an estimate, and go to small claims court. They borrowed it, and depending on the age of the kid, the father is responsible for it, if the kid is under 18, if he's not, sue the kid. I would say that before you do that, send a letter of intent, stating that they either need to fix the trailer to your satisfaction, as they promised, in say 10 days, or further legal action will be taken. If you remember the date they borrowed it, put that on there too. Keep a copy for yourself, and hand it to them. If you mail it, they may just say they never got it, and certified, they will see who it's from, and won't pick it up. That way, you can say that you personally handed them this letter on such n such a date, and that you tried to go the legal route as much as possible. Make the letter short, sweet, and to the point. Then, if that doesn't work, there's court. The last person to take advantage of me like that I am no longer speaking too, since she also screwed over my FIL & MIL as well. I cut off the friendship because I tried several times for her to take up responsibility and she wouldn't do it, and talked shit behind my back. I am the BITCH for trying to get her to do what she promised she would, but she won't say that, she'll just play the victim. I am thankful that I got retribution and that I cut her out of my life and won't let her back in. We don't need users and abusers like that. Let their asses go out and buy their own shit to destroy, IMO.
  17. Awesome!!! Can't wait to read some more Mikayla!
  18. Wow. I don't blame you for being upset by this. It is something that really needs to be addressed with your BF. If after 3 mos, he doesn't want to make love to you, this is definitely a cause for concern. I'm assuming he's young and in good health? Not on any medications that may cause him to have ED (erectile dysfunction)? There could be many reasons why this is happening, some normal, and some that will give you cause for concern: ~He felt too pressured to have sex, and worried about disappointing you. ~He is taking some sort of drug(s) that make erections more difficult. ~He was sick. ~He is having sex with someone else. ~He is no longer sexually attracted to you. ~He is under a lot of stress. There are others, but I don't want to throw too many speculations in the bowl there. Of course, we on the board have no way of knowing what is his issues. And, unless you come right out and ask him, I fear that this will continue until something happens. There is NOTHING wrong with coming out and asking him this. If y'all are together, and have had sex with each other before, then there's no reason for you NOT to ask him what his deal is. Simply ask him "Why wouldn't you make love to me when we were last together?" Don't bombard him with other questions or speculations. Just come out and ask him this. Sometimes, the answer "I don't know" is an honest and acceptable response, but I don't think that this is one of those times to accept that answer. 3 months IS a long time, and there is a reason, and only he knows it, and it's not fair of him to not give you some sort of reason as to WHY he didn't treat you with more love and affection. I'm sure that this has affected your self-esteem. However, please know that you are NOT unattractive. He was attracted to you for a reason, as were/are other men. And, from what I've read from a couple of other posts, you sound like an intelligent young lady, who writes very well, and, to me, you sound very smart. That's also very attractive. I wish you the courage to ask him and to stand up for yourself to get some well-deserved answers. Best wishes!
  19. So, this is one of my cats, BooBow (not like bow-wow, but like a ribbon/bow). He was really tired after using my daughter's "vacuum", and just stretched out to relax for a bit. It's REALLY hard being a cat here in this house!
  20. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you here!
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