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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. There are NO silly questions here, and I'm glad you got some great answers!!!
  2. I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!! I hope it's a great one for you! And, please remember to wrap it, so it doesn't become "VD Day!"!!
  3. Well, I'll answer it again, what the heck!! LMAO I actually wasn't really looking to meet anyone when I met my now hubby. I was actually seeing a guy that was 8 yrs younger at the time, but, he pissed me off that night, so I went out to the bar, just to get out. The younger guy was just a casual thing, and we didn't have an established "relationship", he was more like a booty call. Yes, I am a woman, yes, I had a booty call.....LMAO!!! Anyway, I went to the bar, and this guy started blatantly hitting on me, infront of 2 of his friends. OK, fine. I do an outrageously stupid thing, and go into Austin with him and one of the friends. We go to a BIG country bar (talk about out of MY element....I'm a city kid!!). I made out with this guy, but, after about 3 more dates, found out he was just too immature for me. Nothing happened with us, not for lack of trying on his part, but, I just wasn't interested in him that way. But, the friend that drove to the bar, and that we hung out with, had talked to me a few times, and told me that, since I wasn't going to be seeing his friend anymore, there was nothing preventing me from going out on a date with him. I was stunned, but said OK. And we've been together ever since!!! We've been together for almost 7 yrs now!!
  4. I've never seen these dating sites, but I would assume, being a member on more than one message board, that, when he has been shown to have been logged in, that, indeed, he logged into that site himself. Kind of like here, or MySpace, there is a time stamp that shows when you last logged in, and that, each site has a screen name and password login area. If the basic info is the same, BUT there IS some differences, it sounds like he has, in fact, been on them. Again, let me stress that I have NOT been on them, but, the info I have given are from other message boards. I would trust your "gut instinct". If it's screaming that he's going on them, and that he's lying to you, then I would trust that. Best wishes!
  5. The variety of condoms out there seems almost limitless nowadays!! I hope you're able to find something that works for you, and that you take the time to read over the forum, and are able to find a solution that works for you.
  6. Hello gorgeous!! Welcome to the forum!! I hope you like the information gathered here!
  7. 1. What type of toy do you own? Several. I have dildos made of a variety of materials, dual actions, bullets, suction cup stimulators........my favorite toy materials are glass or cyberskin. 2. What is your favorite toy and why? My favorite toys, are a thick dildo, and a bullet with a clit stimulating sleeve on it (Kinda looks like a pointy tongue of sorts). 3. What is your least favorite toy and why? Hard plastic straight vibes. I don't like hard plastic. I like a fuller, more real feeling. I know, conflicts with the glass feeling, but, plastic just seems a bit impersonal for my tastes. 4. What would you like to see in a new adult toy? I like a range of powerful settings. As well as direct stimulation options. Meaning pointy ends that are a bit sturdy, yet still have a bit of give to them......also, functionality as well as a pretty/sleek design that doesn't scream CHEEZY. You know, something that is elegant, functional, as well as effective. 5. What is your favorite feature on any toy and why? Answered in the above answer. 6. What is your least favorite feature on any toy and why? Too many buttons, in the heat of the moment, I prefer something simple, easy to use, and effective. I LOVE strong vibes, and that's one thing I really look for. I hope that these help. Good luck in your design!!
  8. A guy walks into a post office one day to see a middle-aged, balding man standing at the counter methodically placing "Love" stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. He then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying scent all over them. His curiosity getting the better of him, he goes up to the balding man and asks him what he is doing. The man says, "I'm sending out one thousand Valentine cards signed, 'Guess who?'" "But why?" asks the man. "I'm a divorce lawyer," the man replies.
  9. Sounds like a ton of foreplay fun!
  10. Well, of course they'd come off in bed, I mean, it would be rude not to!! LOL Should I bring my cowgirl hat and spurs too? I could borrow my hubby's chaps too......
  11. Jennifer Lopez, without a doubt!!!
  12. I would stay, personally. The SAME YEAR I got my new car, someone was going up the "down" aisle, at Wal*Mart, tried to get into the parking spot next to me, with a HUGE van, and of course, scraped the driver's side bumper on the corner. Of course, my car is new, and expensive to fix. I was shocked when I came outside and she was still there! Actually, she had someone else driving her van to try and avoid doing anymore damage to my car. I was kinda irritated that this happened, but we exchanged info, and there's a body shop on the way home, where I got an estimate, and, when I was walking in my door, her insurance company called! I was impressed. Not sure if she had really been intending on staying, since I caught her, but she seemed nice enough, and extremely apologetic. I now park as far from the door as comfortably possibly (weather permitting). So there's less chance of someone dinging my car.
  13. Good idea Kat! Doesn't he still owe you something for breaking a bullet of yours?
  14. And, please remember, that when using a Cyberskin product, unless it specifically says that it's safe with ALL types of lubes, DO NOT use silicone lubes with it! Great review! I loved the amused comment about hitting the wall!!
  15. If you're best friends, and can talk about anything, then this shouldn't be that much different. If you're going thru the motions, and maybe faking it (don't know if you are), then how can he know that he's not doing it for you anymore? Most of the men on here will agree with me here, men like a direct approach. They're not mind-readers. If you don't tell them, how will they know? It's not like they can plug into your mind and read it, and it's really not fair of us, as women, to say "Well, he should KNOW." No, he can't unless you tell him. Everyone has a sexual ego, so maybe you could start by saying something like "well, you've had yours, now you need to finish me off" right after he cums. Say it sexily, not with an attitude. He should take the hint. If you say that a few times after he cums, he may get the hint. If he says he "can't", or is "too tired", then there's a major issue. Or suggest one night, that he can't cum until YOU do, and that you will let him know when you do. As a reward, you will allow him to cum after YOU. If he can't control that, he gets punished......that sort of thing. If he still doesn't get it after all that, come right out and tell him that he's neglecting your orgasm needs, and that he needs to buck up, literally, and please you. It's not all about getting his nut. It bears repeating: sex is adult play. BOTH players should be having fun and feel satisfied afterwards! Best wishes!
  16. For some women, the taste as well as the lack of control when the cum shoots in the mouth is a real issue. As far as taste goes, I hope you read this forum, and see the suggestions listed here to try and make your cum taste a little better. Smokers, drinkers, and those that like strong foods (onions, garlic, brocolli, coffee), have more pugnent, bitter cum. I've even noticed a difference in my smell *down there* when I eat onions (which is rare). And I noticed it a day after I ate the onions too. I didn't do my first "swallow" until I was about 26 or so. I never really thought about it before that, and also thought that the smell/taste was EWWWW!! Now, I don't. I've done it, but my husband smokes, and I don't like that at all, and he knows it, so I don't swallow for him anymore. He wasn't bad tasting when he quit smoking for about 2 yrs, and I was willing to do this for him. He knows WHY I won't either. There are also many tips on here, especially in this forum, on how to try and get over the gag reflex too. I would encourage you and your wife, to read it together. One of the most important things to remember is not to pressure her, or "guilt" her into doing this. If she's willing to try, learn, and experiment, that's a BIG plus. You said she's started too, but gags. This is a good sign, the willingness to try. It now sounds like a bit of a mental block. She needs to either learn to let go, maybe have the suggested drink next to the bed to wash out the taste, or use some flavored lube, or oral sex gels like the Good Head Oral Delite Gel Sample. This is a flavored gel specifically designed to add a lil' flava to the act! I have the cherry stuff, and I LOVE it! It also does help "kill" the taste somewhat too. Best wishes!
  17. Welcome to the site. Feel free to bang around here!! LOL Couldn't resist.
  18. I would definitely "tell her" that you used a bigger toy on her, though, I bet she knows that it was different than what you'd been using before. Just come out and tell her something like "Wow, you sure did like our new toy I used on you the other night". Then go from there. I'm sure she knew that it was different, especially if the toy was made out of a different material or a different shape. If she really didn't know, she was just REALLY into it, which is also great, that she can let go enough and enjoy it. Lots of "newbies" to toys get a little nervous that they may like it, and make their lovers feel like they're not needed anymore. That the toys give so much pleasure that they won't need their lovers anymore, which simply isn't true. Toys should always be seen as enhancements in the bedroom, not replacements. I have to agree with Tig, we sometimes get caught up on a number (man AND women), and think "hell no!!", but sometimes trying it without knowing how big something really is, may be better. For me, I prefer a fuller feeling, when using toys. So, I like them big & thick, with clit stimulation too. So, YAY her!! And YAY you!! I hope y'all have more and more bedroom fun!
  19. I'm curious as to the ingredients in the lube that would make you fearful getting it near your vagina? Did the bottle say "Not for internal usage/external use only"?
  20. I have to agree with Thurisas! His wife is sweet AND sexy!! Gee......I wonder why the nail fetish!! LMAO
  21. I have red flannel pjs.....I hope that won't be a problem........
  22. I would have her or her lawyer check into the statute of limitations in the state she lives in, and see if there's a time limit on when they need to start preceedings on such issues. I think 3 yrs is a bit extreme a time to wait to sue someone. But, then again, the law sometimes supports really stupid things!!
  23. Definitely call Meaghan and get a replacement bear. That sounds like a defect for sure, and TooTimid has their 1 year guarantee on all their toys!!
  24. I read your post and also had alarms going off even before I read the other responders after. True, threesomes are exciting to fantasize about. But, darlin', you can't say to him that he can't get "emotionally attached" to someone. That is beyond your, or his control. You can't control who you "like". You mentioned that he had affairs in the past, am I correct in assuming that he cheated on you then? Trust is the ONE thing that is the hardest to get back from an affair. You said that you don't want him "emotionally involved" with the other woman, which sounds, to me, and please correct me if I'm wrong (hey, it's been known to happen), that you're not fully over the emotional involvement that he did have with the woman he had an affair on you? Let me stress that, with a 3-some, each person must be 100% willing to accept what happens, follow the reasonable rules to the letter, and are able to walk away from it afterwards. The relationship should be extremely strong. I've had several friends that have gone this route. Some had a swinger's lifestyle, and they're still together (after 20 yrs of marriage), others that have tried it, didn't care about it, and just chalked it up to something they did, then the others that have split up due to one of the spouses trying to continue a relationship with the 3rd party. Your hubby sounds as if he's really leaving this up to you, as far as not pressuring you, caring about you, and wishing to please you, in whatever you decide. Which is great for him. I know most men fantasize about this, so it's great that he's not pressuring you to do this. Yes, some things should remain in the fantasy realm. And it sounds as if this may be one of them for you. Again, I could be wrong here. As far as getting the feeling of a threesome without actually doing one, well, some people use sex toys as replacement people during "role playing", or, even getting a blow up doll to pose as the 3rd party. Watching some adult DVDs can also give this feeling sometimes too. Best wishes.
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