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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Good for you!!!! The first strap on I got, I was so excited, I came when I saw myself in the mirror with it on, so go you!!!
  2. I LOVE da glass!!! I think it's kinda funny, I don't like hard plastic toys, but I love love love glass!!
  3. Church Story When the pastor asked if anyone in the congregation would like to express Praise for answered prayers, a lady stood and walked to the podium. She said, 'I have a praise. Two months ago, my husband Jim had a terrible bicycle wreck and his scrotum was completely crushed. The pain was excruciating and the doctors didn't know if they could help him.' You could hear an audible gasp from the men in the congregation as they imagined the pain that poor Jim experienced. She continued, 'Jim was unable to hold me or the children and every move caused him terrible pain. We prayed as the doctors performed a delicate operation. They were able to piece together the crushed remnants of Jim's scrotum and wrap wire around it to hold it in place.' Again, the men in the congregation squirmed uncomfortably as they imagined the horrible surgery performed on Jim. She continued, 'Now, Jim is out of the hospital and the doctors say, with time, his scrotum should recover completely.' All the men sighed with relief. The pastor rose and tentatively asked if any one else had anything to say. A man rose, walked to the podium, and said, 'I'm Jim, and I want to tell my wife - once again - The word is STERNUM.'
  4. You are totally correct. Honest IS the best policy! Shit, I'm STILL finding people my age that love to lie, play games, and use until your usefulness has come to an end (when I learn to say no is usually when I am deemed "rotten"). Some people are better than others, at hiding how they TRULY are, until it's too late. Then, not only does it hurt, but it's also something that pisses me off.....being fooled like that. The only good thing that comes out of something like that, at least for me, is learning how to be a bit more assertive, learning how to say NO, and meaning it. And also learning how to handle something like that again. I'm sorry someone treated you like crap. Want me to slap some "Tyger" on their ass? LOL *Hugs*
  5. This is a Pogo Stick Fucking Machine. When I saw this, I was like HUH? To me, "pogo stick" means you get on it and bounce around, though this isn't the total case to use it, but still!! Although, now the Fist is high up on that list too!!
  6. What was/is the most funniest sex toy you've ever seen? I mean, one that you saw that just made you BUST OUT laughing, and even exclaiming "WTF???"
  7. If you find one that works well, dual actions ROCK!!!
  8. IKWYM Mike_D, I love the smell of Vanilla, and have it EVERYWHERE!! A Bath & Body store I went too, use to sell Vanilla Body Oil, which I now use sparingly, since, they no longer carry it. But, my FWB (before hubby of course) got me HOOKED into that!! So now, when I smell it, I feel sexy.
  9. Welcome!! I'm looking forward to seeing your posts!! We love fresh & fabulous POVs!!!
  10. Here's the link to find out more about TT's DVD Of The Month. Read it, and have fun! DVD Of The Month
  11. If you don't NEED to go to an adult store, places like Walgreen's, CVS, hell, even Wal*Mart carry lubes, such as KY, Astro-glide, and a few others. Just check the box to see if it's water-based. I would definitely file a complaint with the USPS too. If there was confirmation that the package was recieved by someone else, then they didn't pay attention (the currier), and that is a not something that should be repeated, or ignored.
  12. Ginger, I thought it would've been beer!! LMAO!!!
  13. My first recommendation is to talk with your mother, if she is available, and see how she went thru menopause. Ask her what it was like for her. Or, if you have sisters that have gone thru it, Aunts on your Mother's side, and so on. Usually, but not always, women tend to follow their mother's side of the family, as far as these things go (in my experience). Then, if you're concerned, talk with your doctor and find out, judging by your hormone levels, what your doctor thinks you may go thru, and what course of action you can take to make it as easy as a transition as it can be. But, I wouldn't stress over something that you can't control & hasn't happened yet. I dread getting "older", but it's going to happen, so, I can't really worry about it, and waste the time I have now, right? You have some good questions, but it sounds, to me, as if you're looking for someone here to say "Yes you CAN do it, without a doubt (have a g-spot orgasm)." Well darlin', I don't think anyone here will give you that sort of affirmation. Like was said before, some women, for whatever reason, just CAN'T achieve the g-spot orgasm. However, you said you squirted once before, so this is a good sign. For me to have a G-spot orgasm, I also need clit stimulation to really let loose. I would suggest you try that. Training your mind to let go, and allow pleasure to be OK is a big thing for some. If you've never had a lot of feeling down there, that is also something I would address with your GYN if I were you. Gyno's are there for you to ask questions about your feminine parts, not just to swab once a year down there! They are there for your sexual health and well being. Try relaxing, and REALLY feeling the sensations down there, not just when you and your husband are intimate either. Having solo play is also part of that. Learning what turns you on, what feels good, and what doesn't. Then teaching your lover HOW to bring that out in you is also part of all that too. Best wishes!
  14. Froggy is right on there. Jelly vibes are flexible, and able to bend with each woman's natural interior curves. Especially if a woman may have a tipped uterus/cervix, jelly vibes would be able to bend where she needs it to do so. Hard, plastic vibes can just go straight up really, depending on their length. Personally, I prefer jelly toys to hard plastic ones. They're just more comfortable to me.
  15. You're welcome. I don't blame you for being skeptical. Usually, the saying "If it's too good to be true, then it probably is" is true. But, in this case, it's not! I'm VERY skeptical, but, I can say, in all honesty, that this company really DOES what it SAYS it does!!
  16. Y'all are scaring me!! But, OMG!! My daughter is quite the handful at age 5!!!! My daughter and hubby joke "fight" all the time. As in verbal sparring. Yesterday, he was getting lippy (all in play), and she just held up her hand and told him "I don't wanna hear it anymore from your mouth". His jaw just dropped. I forwarned him that he'll be sorry when she's older!!! But, that's "their bonding" thing I guess. Maybe in preperation for when she's older!! I love the saying "Raising a Teenager is like nailing Jell-O to a tree." Guess that applies here too!!
  17. Almost looks like a cheezy version of Dirty Dancing from the cover!! LOL I could actually PICTURE "Hammer Pants"!!!
  18. FRESH MEAT!!! *muahahahahahaaaaaaaa* OK, seriously.....LOL First, great start! How loud is this toy? How strong were the vibes? Would you rate them STRONG, Medium, or kinda weak, even on the highest setting? Great measurements! Was it enough for you? Did you like how it felt? How many/size batteries did it take? It looks as if the "bullet" that gives out the vibes is at the tip, is this the case? Did you notice that the sensations were stronger at the tip?
  19. Even before I was a Reviewer, I ordered a couple freebies, and all I REALLY had to pay was the regular shipping & handling charges. Great thing about TT, is, that even if it IS a freebie, it's guaranteed for one whole year!! You don't get that at the local adult sex shop! And, just to let you know, I am NOT a paid employee of TT, nor do I get paid for any sort of endorsement.
  20. I want them now!!!!! LOL Great review!!!
  21. This item was reviewed by myself, and a couple others as well a while back. And it is surprising how powerful that this thing is! My First Bullet
  22. I respect doctors, and realize that they go thru an enormous amount of training and education to get where they are. That's all fine and good. But, what patients need to know, that, even in the ER, those doctors are actually WORKING FOR YOU! You have a RIGHT to question them, and DEMAND that they look at your/your child's chart. They need to pay attention! I stood up to one pissy ER doctor with my daughter. He tried demeaning me because my daughter had a bladder infection (which is common in my family), and refused to take the medicine. I tasted some of the medicine, which was liquid, and I will admit that I wouldn't wanna take it either!! He tried making me feel like shit. Then, when he examined her, he said that he MAY run this this and this test, then disappeared. All of a sudden the x-ray tech came in. HUH? Ok, well, fine. But, when the nurse came in with an IV bag, I told her NOT UNTIL I TALK WITH THE DOCTOR. Now, this doctor is of some oriental descent, all fine, I don't care what nationality you are, but he was short. I don't do this often, but I DID use my 5'9" frame to give a more powerful presence in the room and stood up when he came in. And he haughtily said "they said you wished to speak with me" "oh yes I did", and I laid into him, and the door was open when I did so too. I told him that, she is my daughter, not some sort of piece of machinery that he can just add, tweak, and do stuff with without consenting ME first. I respect that he's a doctor, but, as her MOTHER, I demand respect as such, and, that he WILL keep me detailed information as to what he thinks needs to be done, and not just go ahead and order something done. I respected him and valued his diagnosis and suggestions, but I was not going to allow him to just go off and do them without consulting ME FIRST And, if he did so again, I would DEMAND another doctor, and speak with someone higher up. All he said was OK, and walked out. But, he explained EVERYTHING to me in detail after that. Like I stated before, you don't mess with my lil cub! I guess he remembered me, cuz when I had to bring my 24 yr old little sister in, back in November, he was her doctor, and was explaining all her stuff to ME. I kept telling him she was the patient and an adult! LOL I had told her about this doctor, and when he left, all she said, laughing, is "I guess he remembered you".!!
  23. Welcome to the forum, and I'm looking forward to some more good reading.
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