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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I KWYM Whittibo! To this day, I STILL don't like to have my breasts sucked on or touched, and our daughter is almost 5! I was lucky enough to be able to breast feed our daughter for a full year, as recommended by her pediatrician. I would NOT change that for all sensations in the world either! But, even though after she was 4 mos old, the breastfeeding stopped being exclusive, I just don't want to be touched there anymore. Not sure if that will ever come back. But, hey, no biggie (for me anyway). I let hubby do it, but I usually stop him, since, after a while, I get irritated with it.
  2. As a matter of fact, he did say Involuntary contractions, which is one of the big reasons as to why I want to get one of these for my hubby! He's really enjoying anal play and I thought that this would be fun for him to try! I loved how MM wrote "Mikayla got a bit bored waiting for the big "ta-da"! LMAO
  3. Wow!! You dirty boy you!! I needed a cold shower after reading this!! LOL Add to my wish list for my hubby!! I will say that when I tried MM's link, I got some basic assortment page. Here's the one I got: ANEROS
  4. OK, here's another 2 in my series. Been having fun playing with filters & effects too. I hope you can see her in the one that looks like a "burnt" one! Thanks for looking!
  5. Oh, Glenn! Question: Did it hit the G-Spot? It looks a little curved, so I was curious. I'm glad this worked out so well for you! Did you get any pleasure (or your partner when they were wearing it) from the strap against them too?
  6. Whether your house is paid for or not, there is more to life than credit card debt and finances. Granted, having money to pay bills is important, however, how much are you willing to sacrifice to have a good relationship? There ARE ways to get that stuff taken care of!! Credit card companies are usually willing to settle almost HALF what you owe (if your account has gone into collections), just to get something rather than nothing. That's what I did after I sold some property, got all my credit cards paid off, less than half what was owed, and I went thru Credit Clean Up for anything else that I either contested or wasn't able to pay, without going thru bankruptcy! It took over a year to do, but, again effort. AND I throw away ALL credit card offers now! No more sinking into that rut again! I don't mean to sound disrespectful, and hopefully, you've read enough of my other answers here to know that I am not. But, at the same time, you SAY you're trying to make a marriage out of this, but, griping, and silently getting pissed off at a man that is either clueless, insensitive, or probably a bit of both, isn't making a marriage. OPEN & HONEST communication does. If he doesn't know you're crying, LET HIM KNOW! If he's done or said something to piss you off, LET HIM KNOW! If there's something you want him to do in bed, LET HIM KNOW & MAKE SURE HE KNOWS HOW TO DO IT. No human being can read minds to the extent that they will know what you want, how you feel, and how you're feeling. You have to let them know it!!! You've admitted to one good point, that you're family wasn't overly affectionate, and, in turn, you married a man that you have a comfort zone with, since that's what you're use too. NOW you want it to change? And this is HIS fault? No, it's both, sadly. You settled for what you were use too, and now, you have no clue how to change it. You cut off suggestions with excuses how to go about it. Sacrifices on BOTH sides have to be made for a marriage to work!! Excuses and just plain giving up doesn't do it. You've seen how others have good relationships, and you wish now to have that. GREAT!! But you can't expect your husband to all of a sudden just go all gusto, out of HIS comfort range. HE may not be willing or able to do this. This is a big big change, for both of you. He may not have the mental tools (not saying he's an idiot or anything) to do this. Some people just can't change their whole lives instantly. A year or 2 is a relatively short time period. He started to change, but fell back into a rut. This happens. He will need help to stay on track. Gentle prodding to say "OK, time to pay attention". HE has to be willing to TRY. When my hubby & I decided to have a child, we agreed that I would be a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom). Not as far as home-schooling, but, until she goes to public school, I was to stay home. There have been 3 seperate times, in the almost 5 yrs that our daughter has been here, that I have HAD to go to work. One long stint was a year long stint as a cashier at Wal*Mart. With my experience of being a Retail Goddess, I was making only .50 cents less than your husband is.....as a cashier! After being management in a couple of retail stores, this was an obvious step-down, but it had to be done!! And, we are in the poorest county in Texas, low income families abound, and even low-paying jobs are scarce! Why did I do this? Family survival! We were on state aide, and also WIC. Why? Family survival! We pawned a lot of our stuff, some of which we lost since we couldn't afford to get it out of hock. Why? You guessed it, family survival! Was it hard? ABSO-Freakin'-LUTELY!!! I stepped up, even though my hubby really didn't want me too, and helped our family out. I stayed an extra 5 mos. for the extra cash to help alieviate the stress on my hubby. Once he got the oil rig job that he did, I was able to leave Wal*Mart, with people STILL wanting me to come back! Maybe your husband isn't qualified to make as much as some of the people on here. OK, fine, your business. However, there are still ways to help out if you look. Babysitting, online jobs, even having a yard sale to bring in some exra cash and get rid of a lot of junk, can all help! Even a paper route! Anyway, like I said, I wish you all the happiness and willingness to try! *hugs*
  7. Ok, well, time for the Blunt Tyger to come out. And, please don't take this as me being insulting, cuz I'm not trying to be. Here goes: The marriage may as well be over. There, I said what others won't. If you and your husband "aren't verbal", as you put it, then you may as well hand the walking papers over to him now, or to yourself. Without communication on BOTH your parts, you're not only wasting your time, but showing your kids that it's ok to be in a relationship that's miserable, unhappy, and unfullfilling. Be prepared for your kids to be in continuous unhappy relationships, cuz this is what they're growing up with, and see as "the norm". Whatever your financial situation is, well, there will be court-ordered child support, and most likely, spousal, if you both agree to having you stay at home & continue homeschooling. This does not have to cost a lot of money. Take the $$ you use for BC, since you should just stop fucking your husband (which is what you're doing, is just fucking. Making love is between 2 caring, loving people.) and go file. You can get the state appropriate divorce papers online. Both of you will HAVE to agree on stuff, or there will be the need for a lawyer. It's sad that you've chosen to stay in this boring and unfullfilling relationship. But, there are ways to either fix it, or leave. You could go see a priest/minister in your area, that helps married couples figure out what's wrong. There are also free clinics out there, but you have to find them, they don't come knocking at your door. Just making continuous excuses isn't helping at all. There are pros and cons to every relationship, things we wish would change, and stuff we want to stay the same or get better. However, your relationship, from your side, seems to have a lot of emotional cons, and good financial pros. Who's to say it can't be BOTH?? It's your choice. Best wishes!
  8. Just a couple of clarification questions: Was this toy waterproof? Was it loud? Did the toy come with instructions in the package (for the batteries)? And, a fun one, what color was it?
  9. This was the PERFECT time for you to look at him and tell HIM to make a move a bit more assertive than touching your leg, or tell him, go down on me baby, or even a simple "Yes?". Or an "if you want it, show me, please me, and then MAYBE you can have me". Getting him to TALK to you is the start. If he won't be more affectionate and accomodating, why put yourself thru that? You CAN just tell him NO, not until we get a few things out in the open. Or you can just stay on top of him, continuing to grind and pump away until you get yours, even after he's cum. So what? If he tosses you off, then, well, you've got your answer to the question I'm sure you haven't really come out and asked yourself. Again, it takes 2 people making honest efforts. Caving, or just letting it go on enables the person taking advantage to continue to do so, and that's not fair to either person. I'm sensing from your posts that you've basically given up, and are just going with the flow to please HIM. Well, honey, it's NOT all about him, you're absolutely right. But, if you're doing only what he wants and "needs", then it IS in his mind, ALL about him, and won't change unless you MAKE it happen, and then he needs to keep up the efforts. Come right out and TELL him how frustrated you are. Goals must be set AND met continually. I hope you're able to get some sort of resolution, whatever it may be.
  10. Great review! Loved how you gave the side of recieving AND giving! Awesome!
  11. Very cool looking toy, and great review!
  12. OK, I admit it, I cheated and looked back at her posts, and found that she IS a midwife. Glad to know I'm not fully crazy (yet)!!! LMAO
  13. If I'm remembering correctly (which I may not be...), LoveGoddess is a midwife. I've been known to be wrong, but I'm thinking that's what I remember. What can I say? I have Mommy Brain!!! Which, personally, I think should be qualified as a medical condition too! LMAO
  14. This is another one of those pregnancy wive's tales. It's like saying you can have a boy by having sex doggie style, and a girl if you're in the missionary position. Not! What gender baby you are carrying doesn't affect your hormones. Being PREGNANT does! And, it depends on the person, and how their bodies, handle the hormones. I had a girl, and, while pregnant, my sex drive almost disappeared. I know other women who just couldn't get enough sex (and they were carrying boys). There may be months where the mother-to-be is more horny than others too. So, it really depends on the WOMAN, not what gender they may be carrying. Congrats on the pregnancy!!
  15. I would also recommend that you read thru this forum as far as what has happened, and how people have handled threesomes. Most of the time a relationship does not survive one, for one reason or another. You have to have an uberly strong relationship, and the rules set forth must be followed before, during, and AFTER. Best Wishes!
  16. Howard gave some spot-on advice! Check out the reviews either on the site or on th forum. The reviews on the forum don't have a word limit like they do on the shopping page, so you get a bit more details in here. I recommend reading reviews, not only cuz I do them, but because each person likes something different. Harder, softer toys, strong or soft vibes, different materials, the choices are seemingly endless!! Happy shopping!
  17. Tyger

    The Laws

    I have had 90% of that happen to me too! They can be a PITA, but a lot cheaper than going to a regular car wash (and a better work out too!!).
  18. Tyger

    The Laws

    I've found all of these true, especially the Law Of Probability!!! LMAO
  19. Tyger

    The Laws

    The Laws Law of Mechanical Repair: After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch or you‘ll have to pee. Law of the Workshop: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner. Law of Probability: The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act. Law of the Telephone: If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal. Law of the Alibi: If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire. Variation Law: If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will start to move faster than the one you are in now. Law of the Bath: When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings. Law of Close Encounters: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don‘t want to be seen with. Law of the Result: When you try to prove to someone that a machine won‘t work, it will. Law of Biomechanics: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach. Law of the Theatre: At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle arrive last. Law of Coffee: As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, you boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold. Murphy‘s Law of Lockers: If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers. Law of Rugs and Carpets: The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor covering are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpeting. Law of Location: No matter where you go, there you are. Law of Logical Argument: Anything is possible if you don‘t know what you are talking about. Brown‘s Law: If the shoe fits, it‘s ugly. Oliver‘s Law: A closed mouth gathers no feet. Wilson‘s Law: As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.
  20. I'm glad that you were fair to yourself and your ex-fiance' enough to break up with him. Breaking up is never easy, but, especially in cases like yours, it really is for the best. It's unfornate that your ex was sooo critical of you, and made you feel so inadequate. Nobody should do that. I believe those that do that only do it so they feel good about themselves, that they feel inferior to others. When, in fact, it makes them sound like an a$$hole, IMO. I'm glad that your new man is boosting your confidence again. It's always nice to feel good about yourself! Wishing all the best!
  21. WOW!! Those all look cool! I love the look of the first one (the red one). Just remember, that if you use any silcone toys, NOT NOT NOT to use silicone lubes with them, cuz they WILL break down the silicone in the toy and destroy them. Always wash toys before & after usage. And don't go from anal to vaginal with a toy, though it's ok to go from vaginal to anal, for health reasons. Happy shopping.
  22. I love the looks of this toy, and, since it works, love that part too!!
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