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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I like to lick the head of my hubby's dick, in a figure 8 pattern, and then go as far down on him as I can get. I also use my hands on his shaft, so he feels like more of his dick is in my mouth than there really is. Also, I like to do the little technique I read about on here, called the Corn On The Cob. This is where you GENTLY nibble the shaft up and down on it. I like adding licks here and there.
  2. Definitely sounds interesting!!
  3. You could also go to a local adult store. Some have local "adult papers" & bulletin boards advertising such places and parties. Also, some chat rooms on the internet can give some information on Swinger's Clubs. Some chat rooms are done by region. There are also, sometimes, some local web pages for everything in your area, sometimes, including what you're looking for. Good luck, and welcome to the board!
  4. Tyger


    I wonder what size battery THAT would take!!!? Maybe a car battery?
  5. Awesome review! I was wondering, though, is there a scent to it?
  6. OK, well, I thought I'd bump this topic back up, since we have had some new members sign up!! Please share! Come on people!!
  7. How did I miss this post??? I too aren't usually an alarmist, and that article was very informative, thank you TimiDoll for sharing that with us. I would go and talk with your doctor. You may be having episodes like that article, and/or like sleep walking. I wouldn't just look in the mirror and consider you and your husband lucky that you do this. I don't know if you feel like sex is dirty or not. You never said anything. But this kind of behavior isn't normal, and, since you posted concerns, I would definitely go and see your doctor. (S)he may not have come across this particular behavior, but, not much SHOCKS a doctor, and they are the ones that have access to medical options for you. Your doctor can help find out how to help it, and may suggest that you go see some kind of counselor, possibly. Having sex, any kind of sex, shouldn't be blocked or unremembered. My husband did this to me once, started rubbing all over me, and seduced the ever living "O" outta me, and I guess he woke up in mid-romp. He asked me how long we'd been going at it after we were done. I was puzzled, and a bit confused. He has a history of sleep walking. You may be experiencing the same thing. BUT, for me, it was a one time thing. He doesn't normally do this. Please, go see your doctor, and I hope you are able to find some answers.
  8. Welcome to the forums to both of you (again). I'm an on again, off again SAHM of a 4 yr old girl. I have 2 PT jobs right now, but am able to bring my daughter with me to both jobs. I've been married for almost 5 yrs now, and I KWYM about lagging sex lives. Things are picking up, thankfully. I hope you're able to learn a lot here, and enjoy the site!
  9. Your comment "I hope I didn't buy my replacement [in the bedroom]" really is one of the biggest reasons people don't use sex toys. I realize that you probably don't REALLY believe that, but I just felt I had to point that out. Yes, as a woman, I will say that a vibrator/clit stimulator gets me off faster, and can sometimes be a bit more intense than with my husband. Just like men, sometimes women just want that quick release too. That does NOT mean that I don't orgasm making love with my husband, or that I prefer my toys over him. That is not the case. Toys don't offer love, companionship, laughter, sharing, friendship, caring, or support. My orgasms with my husband are more intimate than with toys alone. Orgasms with toys when my husband is using them on me are mindblowing.
  10. You have probably seen some stuff at adult stores, "designed to enhance the taste of a man's cum", but, of course, these haven't been tested by the FDA, and are usually herbal. I'm all for herbal stuff, don't get me wrong, but things like that, it's just not as reliable. Plus, since they haven't been tested, allergy reactions aren't usually listed. Howard is right. Diet, alcohol, and nicotine consumption all affect the taste of a person (yes, even a woman).
  11. You may be surprised to know that you are definitely NOT alone. Lots of men like the feel of women's lingerie on their skin, or how it makes them feel. If you like seeing her in lingerie, you should tell her that as well. Maybe you could start off the conversation about how much you like lingerie in general, by complimenting a piece she is wearing. Maybe asking her how it feels, things like that. Only you are going to have any idea how to tell your wife. But, when it comes to sexual fun, and preferences, you should be completely honest. If you think that this is going to be a total shock to her, maybe take it in steps. But, I wouldn't just appear in some of her lingerie to tell her about it. That may be a bit shocking to see and understand at the same time. But, if you tell her first, then work your way up to showing her, you never know, she may like it. I know one guy that is straight as straight can be, but has cross dressed with a lover of his, went out in public, and had fun playing thier roles as the opposite sex. It was the thrill of doing something socially unacceptable, odd, or whatever you want to call it. They had fun releasing their "gender", and having fun being the other one. Honesty is the best policy, but how it's presented is just as important. Good luck!!
  12. Tyger


    We got a barely used queen sized hospital/nursing home-type bed (the head and feet area can be lowered and raised). The framing on that is heavy, and a bit taller than a normal size bed. Unfortunately, there is no posters, beams, or headboard with it right now. My hubby is 6', and I am 5'9", so anything smaller than a Queen size for us is too short. I've owned several types of beds. I prefer a firmer mattress for easier movement while doing anything on the bed. This mattress is firm, which I like, and, since it can be raised and lowered, the positions we can get into easily have really expanded! When we first got together, he did have a fouton bed. One night, for some adventurous romping, he tethered my hands and feet to the bed using some thick cotton rope. Well, things got pretty heated, and, well, I um.....ripped part of the metal out of its weld, breaking the bed.
  13. Texas is a BIG place too Val *hint hint*~ lotsa critter space!!! AND lower TAXES!! We have talked with our friends. The female got SO defensive about the relationship itself, and not addressing the real issues, that I chose to drop it. I spoke my peace, and that's that. Both of us have tried to talk to the guy. The guy hears what we're saying, but I think he has a deep seeded fear of being alone. Which, we tell him, is ridiculous, cuz not only is he decent looking, he's a hard worker, funny, and a very nice person all around. Sometimes a bit TOO nice, if you KWIM. Personally, I think it's kinda a good thing, to be cheated on, in the very very very long run of things. You learn an awful lot about yourself, and others. It IS a learning experience, which, when it happens, is hard to see. But if you think about it later on, reflect, and learn, it can be a good thing. I think that if you get cheated on, or even if you're the one that's done the cheating, you tend to either A) be overly jealous and insecure; or realize that there truly is nothing you can do to prevent it, so just go with the flow, and enjoy the relationship for what it's worth. I learned a long time ago to just go with the flow. Listen to my gut feelings too. If I FEEL that there is something amiss in a relationship, not to dismiss it. I use to get insanely jealous (when I was younger). Where did that get me? Angry, bitter, paranoid, and miserable. I learned by the age of 20 that I deserve to be happy, not to be hit, and if a guy doesn't like the whole package, then to hell with him. The job my husband has now, allows either one of us to cheat on the other. We have a relationship strong enough to withstand this kind of seperation when he's working a week at a time away from home. When he's not here, I don't go out with friends to bars or anything. I tend to do stuff with friends and kids. When he's home, on rare occassion, one of us goes out, or we go out together. It depends on our mood, financial situation (I'd rather pay bills then go dancing most of the time), and babysitter availability. Now, I'd rather go out as a family anyway.
  14. Guess I will keep my long-ish hair! Actually, I LOVE long hair on both sexes. My hubby has very short, almost shaved off hair, which I hate. But, I am use to it. He's a cowboy, and a oilrig worker, so long hair isn't really an option for safety reasons. But, I've seen pics of him with HAIR, and he has really nice, thick blonde hair. I keep begging him to grow it out, just once...... But, in the past, I have usually tended on going for men with a lot of hair. Luckily, I have thick hair, so I never had to get jealous of my man's head of hair. LOL
  15. Let's see, there's a background check, Boot Camp, a rigorous & draining training schedule......I'm just kidding! Well, Rob usually posts a request for interested people to PM him with basic info. You can PM Meg or Rob and find out more though. It never hurts to ask.
  16. I fear that you are both right & wrong Howard. It's unfortunate that my female friend is like this. Probably due to a rotten marriage, and looser ex husband. So, you're right there. But, the man she is with, is also a friend, going thru a divorce (yes, they rushed into this relationship WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too fast, especially where they were dating before any paperwork was even filed on his divorce), and has had a tendancy to go for controlling women. He has a hard time saying NO to a woman, and I don't mean sexually, I mean overall. So, this is where I think you are probably wrong in thinking he's gonna take off, cuz this is the behavior that he's use too. She doesn't want him going anywhere without her, and I do mean ANYwhere, including our house. He is stuck in a rut of finding women that can't let him do a few things on his own (nor will he stand up for himself often enough to really make a difference). She has already proven that if he does say NO, and sticks to it, then she pouts, or becomes bitchy at him for the remainder of the day. I understand that nobody likes to not get their way, but in Real Life, you don't. That's just that. It's sad really. I miss going out with her (on the very few times I was able to do so), and just doing girl stuff. She even got irritated with me when I suggested that the guys go and have a guy's night out, and we should go have a girl's night out. And made a ton of odd excuses as to WHY it just won't happen. So, I just won't ask again. It's just sad that people have to be so insecure about the whole thing. I was talking with my hubby about it, and I looked at him, joking around, saying that we must really SUCK as a couple, because we both don't mind if the other goes out without the other with friends. I've always been like that with him. Actually, in every relationship I've been in. Sometimes I was foolish, extending my trust the way I did, since I was cheated on by several guys. But, even as a young girl, I knew that no matter what I did, or didn't do, you can't control your SO with guilt, anger, fear, or any other emotional weapon. So, when I see this kind of behavior, it baffles me.
  17. OK, so which do you PREFER? I know that there are some exceptions to all of one's preferences, but overall, do you prefer long hair or short hair on the gender you're attracted to?
  18. Well....not now!! LMAO But, I do commend you for *trying* to be sneaky.
  19. Thurasis: I agree. Some "other races" are amazingly attractive IMO. For me, I LOVE the sight of a muscular black man~bald even. The darker skin color just enhances the rippling muscles. And, for some reason, I think that a black man has a more smoother skull, making a bald head extremely sexy (I usually LOVE hair).
  20. What color do you feel your absolute sexiest in?? I feel UBER sexy in a royal purple, Emerald Green, and RED.
  21. These kind of remind me of nylon horse-hobbles.....very interesting......
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