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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Sorry, Whiskey, but you can't pull the wool over MY eyes! You? Sheepish? P-shaw!! Can you imagine showing off your souvenier collection of Scotland....... "here's my replica of the Blarney Stone, a tankard I got, some wooden shoes...and, Oh look, my inflatable sex-sheep!"
  2. Sorry, no, never heard of it. It almost happened to me once, but it was because I was kinda sick, and I had to stop in mid-bang to go!
  3. How awesome! Bet my hubby would use one of those.......... How do you care for a cyber-skin product? Was the bullet waterproof, and how many batteries did that take? At least with a bullet, your wife can have some of her own fun!! A "Two-fer"! *WOOT*
  4. I just want to say, that, you can do all the reading in the world, look up things on the internet all you want, but, until you directly experience child-birth, you can't FULLY comprehend it. And, I'm not really sure a man can fully do so. Not meaning that as an insult, it's just the way it is. I use to be insulted when people would say that, and I had no kids. I am intelligent, read, do research. What was the big mystery? Well, after I experienced it, I admitted that I was truly ignorant in my past thinking. Now, when people say that, no matter what the situation, if I haven't experienced it fully, then, no I have no clue what they truly went thru or felt. And I'm big enough to admit that fact. I know that when we had our daughter, I didn't even want hubby LOOKING at me *down there* until I was healed. I had the good fortune of being one of those women that really did bleed 6 weeks, almost to the damn day (I wish the OB had told me just like 3 weeks, maybe my body would've listned!! LMAO).
  5. Howard: I must agree that talking with exes isn't such a good idea. Especially in situations where there are kids and/or nasty circumstances during a divorce. People get bitter, as I'm sure you have seen, and if they're hurt, they get nasty, and will see a new mate for their ex, especially a much younger one, a good chance for revenge. As long as your perspective mate is honest about their mistakes, you really should accept their word. And, if you start asking friends about it, if they're still friends with an ex, they are going to let the ex know, and that could spell trouble with everyone involved. I would say, as far as the amount of marriages this man has had, would concern me. Why so many, and why did they fail? How long were the marriages? Does he take responsibility for any of the failure? I will say, I've been married twice (hubby being my second), and that my hubby has been married 3 times (me being the 3rd). We are the same age. My divorce happened because my ex cheated on me, and took advantage of me financially. Deadbeat. I know, also, that I can be hard to live with. But, after 4 yrs, enough was enough. His first one was due to him impregnating his long-time GF, which, he thought all his life he couldn't have kids. And, lets face it, when you're in a 5 yr relationship, and don't think you can have kids, you stop using condoms. He's old-fashioned, and wanted to "do the right thing". He learned, sorta. They divorced because they both realized why they had gotten married, and there was no love between THEM, and that they were miserable. He married his second wife mostly because she was pregnant (by another man), but he felt like the child needed a father, and he also was in a low part of his life. The girl took advantage of that, and basically arranged the whole thing, and told him to show up, and he did. Dumbass, I know. She cheated on him, so he divorced her. He admits to his issues, and his problems. And, I have only caught him a couple of times, getting nasty about the first one (since they have a daughter together). But, we don't deal with her on a regular basis either. In talking with the mother of his first-born, having to do so because of their daughter, I have seen that he was right about her, though, basically she is nice, but still a bit bitter, and The whole trust comment of still bothers me, though I can kinda see now, why he would say that. You've given BJ's but had expressed that you didn't like it. Also comparing the fact that you've had more responsive (and probably much younger) lovers. He may be feeling that you're going to leave him due to his probably ED. My advice to the both of you is to continue counselling (which is GREAT that you're both doing! ), and think BEFORE you speak. The way something is worded and the tone that it's said in can't be taken back once said. And there can be negative consequences in a slipped up comment. I know that when I am mad, if I blurt out my first thought, wll, let's just say, it's not pretty. Good luck!
  6. I totally agree with the other posters responses, and not much else can be added to that. Mutual trust, respect, & desire to be a COUPLE are keys to any good relationship. Communication, though, is #1!! Nothing in a relationship can be one sided. Now, sometimes, having a sexual "All About Me" night is a good thing. But not all of the time. If your man is making you feel bad by criticizing you in a mean way, then he is being disresectful, and that's no way to communicate. He needs to work on his verbage. If he's not being insulting, then, take criticism with a grain of salt, and try to take it as constructively as possible. But, if he is making you feel guilty for not knowing what he likes, then he is, IMO an ass. If he doesn't teach you what he likes, and has to berate you because of it....well, that speaks for itself. If there's no trust, there will be no relationship. Maybe I'm also being on the pessimistic side, but the way you worded that he doesn't feel safe having sex with you, sounds like he either doesn't trust that you've been faithful to him, or you may try and entrap him with a baby. Maybe both. If he hasn't had issues up til 3 mos ago, and everything was fine, you have to do some searching. Not to cause you worry, but, a man that constantly accuses, berates, and only has sex when HE wants it with his SO, after long dry spells, is either a selfish pig, or cheating, IMO. Again, I don't wish to alarm you, but you should be doing some serious thinking about a lifetime commitment with a man that doesn't trust you. From what you've told me, he sounds like the kind of man that would be a lot more demanding once you're legally bound to each other, and that can be worrisome.
  7. My bad, you're right, Mike, she did! LOL CGEM!! I like your "most effort on a name" award!
  8. I too would recommend listening to your OB/GYN! Mine told me no sexual ACTIVITY for at least 6 weeks. That included oral. And I had mine via c-section. Mikayla is correct when she said that not only are the female reproductive organs are healing, they're also moving back into their correct places. It takes a while, after birth, to do so. It weakens a woman's body, and she needs time to heal, and relax. That includes her "parts" too. IMO, honestly, not to wait those 6 weeks is a bit selfish. Wanting to please your wife is GREAT. BUT, right now, I would be a few hours of sleep, maybe breakfast in bed, or a few extra diaper changes with the new baby would mean the world to her. There are also ways that you can let her know that you still find her sexy & attractive to you too. Flowers, cards, taps on the butt, or a nice hug. I am glad that things are going so well for y'all though. Congrats again on the new baby! Enjoy! It only gets better!
  9. The riding lawn mower, I can definitely see. Same goes for Harley motorcycles! But I would think the handle would have to be adjusted, or pushed down to excite someone. Being tall, I would have to do that for any handle contact. And that wouldn't be safe. I would recommend safe things to be used as sex toys, mainly designed for sexual pleasure. That said, when I was away from home, and had forgotten *gasp* to bring a lil' something to help me ease my nerves, I took the blades off my Venus razor (the Divine one~it vibrates), and used that. Shockingly enough, that one little AAA battery packs a punch!
  10. This one looks interesting, thanks for the info. Just a couple of questions, was it waterproof and/or quiet?
  11. I too, am an Anne Rice fan, and love her characters. I love vampires, but not the "gonna rip out your guts" kind. I also had the nibbling thing going on, and still do one in a while. I didn't go as far as Mikayla did, but, I still enjoy the good read of a great vampire story (so long as it's more "realistic" and not FANTASTIC) & movie.
  12. All I will say is......ewe!!!
  13. What I really want, is to get one of those college trunks, that have the locks, and the removable shelf in them. I have always loved those. Heavy duty, stylish, and with a lock......hmmmm, may have to go shopping in a couple of weeks (no hurry really right now).
  14. I would think any sort of pain WOULD cause a man to stop his climax! Howard gave some great tips. I would also recommend getting him some multivitamins, to help give him an extra boost, since most of us don't get all of the nutrients we need. This will help him feel a little better, and help give him stamina. Not knowing his physical fitness level, also having him work out will increase stamina, and make him a bit more aware of his body. There are also creams that are suppose to desensitize a man's penis for a longer lasting love making session, but, having never tried those, I don't know how well those work. He needs to learn the moment before he looses all control, and stop himself from moving, so he can "calm down", and allow you to have a bit more time. And, he must learn the fine art of FOREPLAY. You should be having at least one orgasm during foreplay. Especially since he's a Quick Shot. While he's inside of you, either you or he should be stimulating your clit anyway. 80-85% of all women need clitoral stimulation to get off anyway. Good luck to you.
  15. OK, so, for those of you that have actually BEEN to an adult store, what was the best one that you have ever been too? Was it cuz of the selection, privacy, or just general level of comfort there? Of course, I LOVE this site!!! But, I also like getting out there and seeing what's out there. BTW, TooTimid is comparable to any sex-toy shop I've seen so far, and then, even if the S&H may make it a bit higher, the one year guarantee really makes THIS the place to get stuff, IMO. And, no, I don't get PAID to say that! Well, I've been to several stores (I am a shopaholic no matter what the occassion or reason for the trip) catering to adults. There was one in Maine, in a town called Lewiston, called The Midnight Boutique, which had a great selection of lingerie, and a half way decent selection of toys. I liked it in there because the people were down to earth, friendly, and nice. Here in Texas, so far, there are 2 stores that I've found that I love. One is called Zone D'Erotica, in Humble, which is a suburb of Houston, which has a large selection of things from "stripper shoes" to toys, to lingerie, DVDs, and things for men. But they're a bit on the expensive side. And, of course, no guarantees. They do, however, try the item out infront of you for you. There are a few of XXX Mulitplexes, which are HUGE! Their salesfloor is about the same size as a regular (not super) Wal*Mart!!! They have EVERYTHING!! Including peep shows too. And they're reasonable in price. I have to laugh though. In Maine, there doesn't seem to be a lot of regulation on sex toys, where down here, it's borderline insane!! Read my "stupid sex laws" post in the Politics forum for more info on that!!
  16. I would suggest a douching with vinegar and water. However, if you haven't done anything by now, then bacterial has probably started to grow. I wouldn't freak out yet. A douche won't hurt to do, IMO. Sometimes nothing happens, and you get lucky. Yeast or a bacterial infection is usually common, but can be treated (see a doctor if you itch, or smell funny *down there*). Make sure that this doesn't happen again. Keep antibacterial wet wipes by the bed for hands, if there will be anal play and vaginal play with fingers, toys, penis. Just make sure to pay attention, and make sure that he does the same. I hope everything is fine.
  17. Just to clarify, Mikayla, Glenn did say "I wouldn't leave it out for the kids to see, because they might mistake it for Pirates of the Carribean". OK, THAT'S the movie Glenn's talkin about! Yep, I've wondered how that one was. Thanks for the pic M!
  18. Well, I think one of THE most embarrassing things that ever happened to me, was that I was giving my guy some oral attention on New Year's Eve, close to midnight, and my step-brother opened the bedroom door wide (he was in his late 20's, me in my early 20's) and yelled "HAPPY NEW YEAR", then shut the door. Neither me or the guy said anything for a sec, then we laughed, and shrugged it off. I headed south again, and about 5 min later, my step-brother, the little darlin', did the same damn thing again! "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Luckily, the hall light was behind him, so he couldn't see much since his eyes didn't adjust that quickly. Well, when we came out a few minutes after his town crier imitation, both of us blushing, we told him that he had, um, interupted something.... he laughed and said that he had had no idea that that's what we were doing, since he wasn't able to really see us, between the darkness and how the room was set up. Nothing like a mood killer!
  19. Oh, ok. Next time, if you get something not from here, please let our readers know, so they don't go nutso trying to find it. I totally agree though. It IS hard to find adult films geared for a couple, though the selection is growing more and more.
  20. Here is one post done a few months ago: Shaving tips post And this one is a review on some Coochy Cream, which also has a lot of our poster's shaving tips in it as well: Coochy Cream review and tips I hope these help.
  21. Your hubby or BF needs to grow up. Yes, women that are pregnant should rest, be careful, and stop if anything they're doing is hurting them. This does NOT mean that once pregnant, you are the Walking Womb, and should be confined to bed, and not want to do anything, devoid of all physical contact! Maybe this sounds sexist, but, a woman, especially a pregnant one, should be coddled, cuddled, and "babied" herself. For, sooner than you think, there will be a little one there that will take up a majority of your time, attention, and energy. Giving birth is a miracle unto itself. To say that you're "big" cuz you have a growing person in you is insulting and disrespectful. Getting off to porn on the internet, especially when you have a willing partner in bed that wants you, is also extremely disrespectful, and I am sure, insulting to you. Women do tend to gain weight while pregnant. DUH on him. There's the baby, and then there can be water retension, gas, swelling, sore muscles, and other uncomfortable stuff to endure. What does he get??? Does his body rapidly go, and feel like it's not his anymore? No. Does he have something kicking at internal parts that you never knew you could actually FEEL? No. Does he loose sleep cuz the baby is doing the Macerana in his belly? Of course not. Women, unless instructed by their OB/GYNs, can have sex up until the day they give birth!! Period. End of story. Thank you. Now, there may be some positions that, with the ever-growing belly, may be uncomfortable and hard to manuver, but those things can be changed. When I was pregnant, some of my favorite sex was when we spooned. I definitely wouldn't recommend cheating. Not only are you pregnant with your SO's baby, but, of course, there are STDs out there, that not only are bad for you, but can be very dangerous when having a child. Some can cause blindness, & be passed on to the children. A whole list of scary things. Take him to your OB/GYN, have her explain the things that will be OK for you to do still AND the things you should avoid. That way, he can't say "Well, the Dr. didn't say anything about THAT, so it's best to avoid it". THEN sit down and talk with him about how you're feeling. Some men like "clearance" to know what's ok, and what's not. Sorry if I sounded a little harsh, but, having been pregnant before, and going thru the aches, and pains of a semi-difficult pregnancy, then the aftermath of a c-section (I had some complications), it fries my ass to think a man is disresectful to the mother of his unborn child.
  22. Actually, my ex husband TRIED to make me feel bad about it.....once. Until I caught him masturbating, and made a HUGE issue about it~to prove a point. He never gave me any more troulbe after that.
  23. Dual actions CAN be sort of intimidating/scary, when you first get them, and see how many batteries they take for sure! But, this review is a great example of how trying new things can be WONDERFUL!!
  24. Yo ho-ho, it's a pirate's life for me......so long as Orlando will rescue me! Can you post a link & picture of the product in your review for quick reference for our readers please?
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