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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. What do y'all think of this??? STD/cancer vaccine news brief
  2. First, welcome to the forum. I know that sometimes the first initial question is the hardest! As far as what really works, and what doesn't, try reading the Sex Toy Review section either here on the forum, or up on the Toy Reviews tab up there at the top. Speaking as a Product Reviewer, I have reviewed a couple of things that have been waaaaaaaaaaaay off the mark, but many that hit the right spot. Some items are shipped to other reviewers to see if the product was a total waste, or if it was just the person's preference. Usually, if something is reviewed by a couple of people, and bad reviews/opinions are given, for more or less the same reasons, then they choose to discountinue the item. That said, each person is different as far as what someone gets pleasure out of, and what someone gets totally irritated with. Read the reviews of the items that you're interested in. If there are no reviews on a particular item, send out a post (in the General Sex Toy Discussion forum usually), seeing if someone has tried that item. We are always honest and truthful as far as what a toy does for us, how we liked it, or didn't like it, and some suggestions as to levels of experience this toy would be good for, usage, and lubes.
  3. When Jane initially met Tarzan in the jungle, she was attracted to him,and during her questions about his life, she asked him how he had sex? "Tarzan not know sex." he replied. Jane explained to him what sex was. Tarzan said "Oh,....Tarzan use knot hole in trunk of tree." Horrified Jane said, "Tarzan you have it all wrong, but I will show you how to do it properly." She took off her clothing and laid down on the ground. "Here" she said, pointing to her privates, "you must put it in here." Tarzan removed his loin cloth, showing Jane his considerable manhood, stepped closer to her and kicked her in the crotch! Jane rolled around in agony for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually she managed to grasp for air and screamed "What did you do that for?" Tarzan replied, "Check for squirrel."
  4. I had a silver vibrator that came with one of my first ever sex kits, that I had years ago. I put some batteries in it (after it sitting empty for a while), and for some reason, it just wouldn't start. I tried everything to revive it, but it was no use. It lost the will to vibe.... I guess it felt neglected, betrayed, abandoned, and yes, I am guilty of such behavior to one of my long-term BOBS. I now regret my neglect, and hope to not repeat it with any of my other toys. I know it went on to a better place in BOB heaven. I gave it a final farewell kiss, and disposed of it humanely as possible. In leu of cards or flowers, just please take the time and remember some of your old BOBS, give them some attention, and remember the great ones.
  5. Being a woman, I can say this: We can be SO unpredictable!!! And it can be a PITA to our men! I would love to have a nice dinner and shopping spree. My hubby's done that once for me, and gave me a limit of what he was able to afford, so I felt completely comfortable doing it. Maybe next time, pick out a beautiful card, and a shopping spree to a particular store/section/price range? Maybe a gift card? Or with her, just stick with traditional. Where a shopping spree is nice, she is right in saying that you taking the time to pick something out for her means more to her than the gift itself. If she tries to make you feel badly, tell her that all you want to do is keep things fairly spontaneous, for her and for the relationship. Now that you know what she likes, stick with it......usually. A bit of a change is good too though. There are a lot of women out there, that will find fault with everything you try to do, and won't be happy due to having preconcieved notions of what THEY WANT you to do, but not TELL you about it.
  6. Hi, and welcome!! Actually, a friend of mine in Canada recommended me to this site almost a year ago!! I know she got one of the free vibrators, but had to pay a bit more S&H or something. I would ask Rob or Meaghan, but I believe that things mailed over there, unless they trip some sort of flag, won't be searched. They would know better about those things. It'll probably go thru some sort of x-ray/magnet, and go off. So what? I'm sure that all sorts of sex toys go over borders! It's not like the border postal personelle will remember YOUR name out of thousands they scan everyday! In your post, you didn't mention if you enjoy anal sex or have even tried it. If not, and this is your first sex toy purchase, I would go with something like a bullet. They're versitile, discrete, and in most of our opinions, a MUST HAVE in every woman's toy box! I hope that helps.
  7. I have to agree with Howard. You have to get your husband to open up. Yes, some people have been brought up with an almost "taboo" sense when it comes to sexual discussions. After 3, going on 4 kids, I would think that he wouldn't be so reserved. BUT, you never know, everyone is different. And it's usually the opposite. He should be willing to open up to you at least. Some women get more hornier as their pregnancies progress. Some lessen. One of my friends wanted sex 2-3 times a day thru her whole pregnancy. I didn't want it at all the last 3 months or so (due to some health issues). Hormones can be a bitch!! If you do try and talk to him, do so AWAY from the bedroom. Maybe ask him what a fantasy of his is. Does he like to surf the Internet? If so, show him this site. Have him read some of the educational topics. Maybe peruse the toy section together. Keep at it, in a gentle, non-accusing kinda way. If he is a "germaphobe", he may have a touch of OCD. My mother has it, and I believe I have a touch of it. She LIVES with bottles of hand sanitizers in her purse and in EVERY blessed room in the house!! She drives me nuts!! But each of us fixates on different things. There are meds that can help lessen this. If his ADD has been diagnosed, then he should take some meds. Though, for each of these disorders, it takes some trial & error to see what combos will work for each person. Good luck, and I hope y'all will be able to find a solution!
  8. I guess it depends on the both of you, whether or not you'll "be ok". The questions that run thru your head are part of the reasons why 3-somes aren't really recommended if you're in a committed relationship. Another reason that 3-somes kill a relationship is one of the "couple" people asks the 3rd person to join them in a solo session. It happens A LOT!! Trust is a BIG thing in a relationship. Without trust, there is NO relationship. Even the strongest marriages don't survive a 3-some. Does this mean your relationship is doomed? Absolutely not. The questions you should ask yourself are: How will you handle it if he should want another 3-some? Will it be OK to be with the same girl, or a different one? Do you WANT to do another 3-some? What if YOU want a 3-some, involving another MAN, would he be up for that? If the situation arose, and the Rules of the 3-some were violated, how would you handle it? Could you handle it? Would he accept it if you said you didn't want to do another one? In answering these, this will probably shed some light on the aftermath of a 3-some. If someone is thinking about having a 3-some, I would recommend asking these questions BEFORE hand.
  9. I only have one glass dildo so far, but it's one of my favorite ones!! I have the Blue Swirl one. You would think that something so hard and cold wouldn't be so exciting and pleasurable, but it really is!! The different temperatures that can tease, shock, and pleasure the body all at once, well, it's amazing!! Plus, they're so easy to clean, and you don't have to worry what lube is safe for it and what isn't!
  10. Tyger


    I catch myself scolding my daughter for putting her hands down her panties too, but then I tell her that she needs to not do that in the living room or in public. It's very hard to seperate trying to make your child understand that it's OK for them to touch themselves, and sounding "perverted" in today's society. But I am trying. As to your "guilt", it probably is how Howard described. Especially growing up in a strict Catholic home. The Catholic homes I knew of, had very straight-laced parents & relatives, morals, and absolutely NO talk of sex at all!! So, I'm sure, if you were scolded for even scratching yourself, that you may feel like it's a sin/morally wrong for you to touch yourself. It makes a lot of sense. Catholicism teaches (or use too, I'm not sure about now), that even birth control is wrong. Obviously, I don't think there's anything wrong with masturbating. Most animals masturbate too. What harm can there be, to keep yourself sexually happy? Easier said than convincing yourself, I know. Maybe see a counselor (I suggest someone NOT of the church either. They may try and help keep those feelings going.) Good luck. I hope you're able to find some answers that will help alieviate your feelings of guilt.
  11. I still think a contest told from a "Toy's point of view" of it's arrival and how it was use would be cute too.
  12. I have to agree. I don't really care if it looks "real" or not. I like the shape, size, and angles~not to mention the VIBES!!!! Since my hubby has been slowly accepting of the sex toys, I know he prefers to use things on me that don't look as real (or like a substitute).
  13. I've used a smooth handled spoon, a taper candle, and my vibrating razor handle (I took the razor part off, cuz knowing my luck, I'd slice my hand open and try to explain that!! ).
  14. I got to thinking about it, and so far, I've given 4 friends sex toys!! All within the last 6 years too. One was that girl I first mentioned, one was a friend on here that I've known for years, one was a male friend who complained his VERY preggo GF at the time didn't feel like having sex (high risk pregnancy and everything, so he got a vibrating pocket pussy). and, the first one I ever gave one too was someone who I have known since I was 16, and had told her that for her 38th b-day she was going to get a vibrator, and she didn't believe me. I just got her a basic one, but in a rosey pink, which was one of her favorite colors.
  15. Wierd and too bad it's not waterproof. Is it loud? My Remote Dual Bunny is kinda loud......(the balls are also on a track system, which I like too. You can focalize the sensations better, IMO).
  16. I also wanted to point out, that you'd said you have no troulbe seperating sex with love. Women usually DO have that trouble. Especially in a marriage. I would let this fantasy die, or buy the toys and maybe suggest that you pretend that they're "real" people, and fantasize together that way. Like I mentioned, even without meaning too, when I am physically unable to have sex with my hubby, I feel Less Than. And I know he's not trying to make me feel bad or anything, but I am thinking that even if you casually mentioned your idea of how to find someone like that, she may feel like she's not satisfying you sexually. That's just my take on it anyway. My mother has TMJ, and her dentist gave her a plastic mouthguard specially designed to train your mouth to relax. He said it was probably caused by stress. Even if she may not "feel stressed" as much, her body tells her that she is by clenching her jaw as she sleeps. She gets bad neck pain and headaches due to her TMJ, and this has helped a lot! Reminds me a lot of a boxer's mouthguard, but a bit more specialized. It was expensive, but definitely worth looking into if you get the pains in neck, jaws, and head. I would *think* that insurance would cover a lot of the cost, but I'm not sure either.
  17. Well, as the topic suggests, Has anyone ever made or tried to make you feel guilty for masturbating? If so, how did you handle it?
  18. LMAO!! I can see that too. Or better yet, doing that old "driving in the Carpool lane with a blow up doll" for a faster trip! The question would be:get him/her dressed or not?
  19. I wanted to add my opinion, being a woman that has some health issues that sometimes prevents me from having sex with my hubby. Everytime I have a period where I *can't* have sex with my hubby, he understands, but the frustration is there, and without him meaning too, I feel bad and less than when this happens. Well, as far as oral sex buddies, I personally don't think this is a good idea. I'm not seeing someone else coming into your marriage being a good thing for it. I doubt very much, that in the heat of the moment, someone doesn't cross the line from oral to full blown intercourse. There are many adult toys out there that would simulate oral sex. I would recommend those instead. Having her use say like a Pocket Pal on you, and you a Clit Licker on her, can be so much more exciting (and safer for your marriage), IMO.
  20. Tyger


    I hope you will like your new shift and can get some stuff done too!!
  21. I too think it's great that you're exploring your body, even so "young". I was 16 when I saw my first porn (with a guy that thought it would guarantee him getting laid!!), my first sex toy at 19. Just think how luck a guy will be to have you in his bed (or be in yours), truly enjoying yourself!! Like Mikayla said, so long as you're not substituting toys and films for real human companionship, don't think yourself weird, think of yourself as wise!
  22. I'm assuming that as complex as this toy is, that it's waterproof? It looks very similar to my Remote Dual Action Rotating Bunny Vibe too. I love mine!! Dual actions ROCK!! (in more ways that one!! )So I'm sure this is a great toy! Plus, I see on this one, the controls are ON the toy, which is very cool. And I love the color!!! Awesome HOT review!!!
  23. Hi; I am new to the board, and I have a question about an anal toy I purchased from Too Timid. I purchased the purple anal plug, and after I inserted it , it kept popping out. I was in hopes that I would be able to benefit from some prostate stimulation, but didn't come close. Should I try the plug without, or with very little lubrication?~SCOT First, as a suggestion, when you post something, if its not a response to the post you're reading, make it a NEW TOPIC, so that your question will be answered quicker. We don't look for different topic questions in one post. Make sense? We don't want people to feel ignored. As far as the anal plug, first, don't ever use an anal plug dry. Use as much lubrication as your anus needs! You can damage yourself if you don't. When first using an anal plug, you may need to hold it in place, since your body is getting use to something being inserted in there. Your body's natural reaction for something *up there* is to push it out. Hold it in place, learn to relax with it in. Slow, deep breaths. Take as much time needed to get it in as far as it's comfortable for you. I would also recommend anal beads, which are put up into the anus, and then, at the moment you feel yourself coming, you pull them out by their cord. Good luck!!
  24. Years ago, one of the first porns I really got to watch, I really liked!! Maybe it was my inexperience, but this one had a plot and I liked it a lot. I watched it in the late 80's. BIG HAIR DAYS!! The plot is that this hotel is haunted by ghosts, and if you check in, you get fucked during your stay, all night, every night, by ghosts. Very kinky. Anyone seen it? Anyone remember the name of it? I'd love to find it for my collection!
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