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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. First, let me also agree with Howard here. If you're making the statement that your relationship was magnificent before all of this, I am afraid you are severely misguided. Or, like a lot of women out there, have never been in a truly GOOD relationship. If you don't want to do this, then DON'T DO IT! He needs to respect that. A truly good relationship is having each person respect each other's feelings, try and understand each other's point of views, and if they don't agree, they respectfully agree to disagree and move on. He hasn't moved on, or shown any respect for your thoughts and feelings. If your BF is bringing this subject up repeatedly, knowing how it affects you, then he doesn't truly care for you. If he wants to play the field, then he needs to move on, and get out of a "relationship". There's the blunt, honest truth. Has he ever cheated on you? I'm sure that this subject has now questioned your trust in him. If not, it really should. Without trust, there is NO relationship. Yes, if y'all do split, it's going to be hard. But you will be free to find someone who will respect you and deserve your trust and devotion. Take your time, think about what you want to do, and who you want to be with. Do you honestly want to be with a guy that doesn't listen to you, or care about your feelings? Like Mikayla said, do you think that he'd be up for a MMF 3-some? Probably not. True, it is a male fantasy for most men, but in relationships that are suppose to be committed ones, this should probably stay a fantasy. It takes an extremely STRONG relationship to withstand something like this, especially where each person in the relationship is there, and can see what they're doing. Visuals really stick with you. You are young, and I am assuming he is as well. Let me give you some advise that I have learned over the years: The people you choose to bring in your life can affect you. If someone isn't helping your happiness, and is constantly helping you feel bad about yourself, then they aren't worth keeping around. It's your CHOICE to have someone in your life. In the past, each man I have been in relationships with, I have told them all that they were in my life because I WANTED them to be, not because I NEEDED them to be. Best wishes, and I hope everything works out for you, and you do what will make you happy in the long-run.
  2. So, for an adult sex toy, how much would you be willing to spend? If it was like super, and promised the best O on the planet, and I got to try it out (meaning handle it, and put the batteries in if applicable, then I would probably go as high as $150. But if I was to do that, I would want a guarantee (like the one TT offers) too.
  3. A man and a woman were sitting beside each other in the first class section of an airplane. The woman sneezed, took out a tissue, gently wiped her nose, then visibly shuddered for ten to fifteen seconds. The man went back to his reading. A few minutes later, the woman sneezed again, took a tissue, wiped her nose, then shuddered violently once more. Assuming that the woman might have a cold, the man was still curious about the shuddering. A few more minutes passed when the woman sneezed yet again. As before she took a tissue, wiped her nose, her body shaking even more than before. Unable to restrain his curiosity, the man turned to the woman and said, "I couldn't help but notice that you've sneezed three times, wiped your nose and then shuddered violently. Are you OK? The woman answered "I am sorry if I disturbed you, I have a very rare medical condition; whenever I sneeze I have an orgasm." The man, more than a bit embarrassed, was still curious. I have never heard of that condition before" he said. "Are you taking anything for it?" The woman nodded, "Pepper."
  4. I love light spanking, and even some hair grabbing too. Just makes me feel a bit animalistic!!
  5. Well, I've only ever used water-based lubes, just because I get bladder infections really easy. If you tend to get yeast, bladder, or bacterial infections, or are planning on using condoms (always recommended) and/or toys, I would stick with the water-based ones.
  6. What a great new product that I just got from TooTimid, The Dual Bullet! Let’s go down the I-Love-It List: *It’s a 2-in-one deal-2 different bullets. One small bullet, and one longer bullet with pleasure nubs on it. *One controller-think of the possibilities! Double the pleasure for you, or one for you, and one to share! And the dial for controlling the vibes is easy to use. *It’s waterproof (well, except the controller or course). *It’s my favorite color~PURPLE! OK, maybe just a bonus for me on that one. I got the batteries in (2 AA, not incl.), and had to tap the controller to get them into place for it to work, but it worked, and BAM, we have vibration in both vibes at the same time. Not overly strong, but not weak vibes either. Plus lights that get brighter as the vibes get stronger! Very cool. Now, I know some men are a bit apprehensive about using sex toys, but I have found that most men that are more into trying one out if they light up. I loved having the nubbed larger one inside of me, moving it in and out a bit, vibrating my sensitive inner walls, and lips, and giving me a slightly full feeling; and the other one stimulating my clit. It felt great! They’re both hard plastic, so I would recommend lots of lube to start out with. And the smaller bullet did have a stronger vibe, but, for me, that gave more intense feelings, and wasn’t a drawback. They’re not overly quiet, but still lots of fun! And if you want to experiment, or have found just a single bullet lacking, this will satisfy! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=5199
  7. Well, THIS could get confusing! LOL (Meaning the name) I love Astroglide. It's safe for pretty much anything, toys, condoms...Cleans up easily too.
  8. Well, I've never experienced that, but I don't see why that's not possible. Hot flashes are a woman's hormones going all over the place, and the build up of an orgasm may trigger one. It makes sense to me, but like I said, I'm not going thru the change, so am not sure. It's something she should probably ask her doctor if it's a concern.
  9. I hope your mother's treatment goes as smoothly as possible, and that your personal health issues are going in a positive direction as well. Bright Blessings!
  10. I got this one too. And, although I'm not a big "anal-viewing fan" this DVD was pretty good! I loved the fact that it wasn't just BAM! Anal. There was lots of oral, 3-some action, and some pretty cool kinky costumes. No plot? Who cares? This DVD is the type where you can get your groove on fairly quickly, without the drama, pauses, or overly cheezy acting. Nothing like trying new things!! Sometimes you just might like what you see.
  11. He looks like a really cute snake to tame!!!
  12. I still say that the eggs/bullets are one of the wonders of the Toy World! They're great, versatile, exciting, and can be discreet if you know how to do so. Wireless ones are fun too.
  13. Unfortunately, my hubby wasn't too forthcoming when it came to his experience with his lil toy. What I wrote is all of what I got. But since he got off fairly quickly, I'm thinking that it felt really good. He's very old fashioned thinking, keeping sexual stuff to himself, so it was hard enough getting that outta him!
  14. You can also purchase things with a money order/cashier's check here too, BTW. As far as pleasuring yourself, this takes time to get use to doing. Some people have a harder time pleasuring themselves because they are so into how they are doing it, they're not allowing themselves to also enjoy what they are doing, like the effort is taking all the concentration. Make sense? The major key, for me, that I've found when pleasuring myself, is to RELAX. Whether it be in my bedroom, with candles going, or infront of the TV in the living room, lights out, watching an adult film. Getting out my lube, toys I want to use or try out ahead of time, towels, all of the remotes for TV/DVD or whatever else I may need a remote for . Also having all of the pets fed and resting is helpful too!! Very distracting, having one of your dogs poke her head up with that desperate *I gotta pee* look in their eyes at the most inconvenient time!! I hope this all helps. Just remember, practice makes perfect!!
  15. Well, this is what I could dig up from asking hubby some questions about his new toy/lover: I ordered this lil’ darlin’ for my hubby as a treat, since I’d been getting all the goodies lately. I’ve been sick for the last 2 weeks, so I know he was feeling a bit neglected all around. So I was so happy when The Pleasure Pal came in. Made by Top Cat, the cyber-skin feel of this semi-life-like masturbator was very soft, and was flesh colored too. It says that it’s comfortable for any size, but hubby is rather well-endowed, and said that it was a tight fit, like a virgin, but he did poke out at the end a bit. Knowing it’s been a long time since he’s been with a virgin, I thought it was a nice treat for him. He said it felt really good, warmed up quickly, used lots of lube, and set him off fairly quick. He said the narrower sleeve had a decent grip to it, and was easy to move around his shaft as well. But he has big hands and a long shaft, so he had to get into a certain groove, but got it to work for him. It was inexpensive, easy to use, no batteries needed, and to clean. A great beginner's toy for sure. And remember, with cyber-skin, to apply some cornstarch on it after usage, to keep the fleshy feel to it! Plus, it's kind of "fake" looking, so it shouldn't be overly intimidating for another woman who may otherwise feel uncomfortable with the idea of her man inside another woman. I would recommend this PP to anyone wanting to give their man, or themselves, a treat! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=5120
  16. I have tried a few nipple clamps, and they have literally fallen off (short, either way), and found them to be a waste. But that's me. I have seen nipples be pierced, and they are very painful, but the girl told me later on that she was very turned on by the act itself and the fact that noone else can see it, and it just makes her feel that much naughtier. I have had my tongue pierced, but took it out before I gave birth, cuz I was scared I would bite down on it and loose a tooth! I still have my naval piercing though. I had both piercings done by a very nice, friendly, gay man with his own salon. And, no, he wasn't desperate for any business. I had to schedule it almost a month in advance. Look for cleanliness, that's #1! Also, ask questions. Any professional piercer will answer these honestly and upfront. The last piercer I saw, I was totally unimpressed, for they gave no after-care instructions, advise, or anything. She was very abrupt, though clean. Be warned, as most piercers will tell you, there is always a slight risk of loss of sensation when piercing any area. Anytime I get a piercing or tattoo, I have to not only see cleanliness, licenses, but also feel totally comfortable. After all, they're sticking needles into me, and I want to feel as comfortable as possible, as well as know that they will be there for me or my questions, should I need them again. Also, don't get a tattoo or piercing to "be cool" or do it for someone else. Piercings CAN be removed, but tattoos are permanant.
  17. Why are you embarrassed about your breasts?
  18. I guess I am missing WHY exactly you say you love this man? If he is unwilling to please you sexually & emotionally, where exactly is his "commitment level?" I'll tell you where, in the gutter! Sounds like you're wasting your time and energies on this guy. If he is suppose to be "in love" with you, but still cruising the net and looking at other singles, then there is a serious issue here. I doubt very much that he is just "looking". My ex did that. Cruised the Net, looked at local singles, then accussed ME of cheating, via internet!! (And we were in Maine ). I hope you find what you need and keep it real for yourself.
  19. Making love to your woman's breasts, from what I understand and have experienced, is a wonderous thing! It's a good way for the woman to not have to put out that particular time, whether it be cuz she's on her period, or if she's not feeling overly good, or maybe have a cold sore on her mouth, so no oral sex is possible! It's almost like a living masturbator, titty style!! Telcom, as far as your GF goes, I would never suggest lying to her as a good way to have your relationship. Her insecurities can only be comforted if she allows it in her head. Both of you have had past lovers, past experiences, and she must deal with that. Each lover that we have had (usually, not always) will do something better than another, and she should really understand that. So long as you don't verbalize the comparisons or allow her to try to get you to do so, then she needs to just move on. The past is the past, and exes are such for a reason. *Muah!*
  20. I agree with both Howard and Mikayla. You must ask her what she thinks and feels about the marriage itself. Not the comfort it provides, but the actual relationship of it. Then go to counselling if she wants to stay for YOU and HER, not for the house, paycheck, car. Also, 3 months of changing is great on your part! I'm glad that you finally wizened up to your lacking affection and appreciation, to show how you feel and appreciation for what and who she is to you. Better late than never. However, some womanly advise: Have you disappointed her before? If she's noticed it, which she probably has, she may be wondering how long this will be lasting. Why get your hopes up if they are to be dashed right when you start to get into the whole change? It would be very disappointing. Now, I'm not putting all the blame on you, so don't get me wrong here. A marriage takes 2 people making an effort. Open communications on both ends. Yes, she cheated. Any physical, intimate contact, even a kiss, is cheating. As mentioned, if she went outside the marriage for any sort of affection, and if there was only sex 3 times a year, the chances of it JUST being a kiss is slim. However, I wouldn't harp on it, or constantly accuse her. If/when she is ready, she will admit to what the relationship with her caller is. Getting attention from someone other than your spouse is very tempting and flattering. How you choose to respond to it is ultimately YOUR responsibility. The blame lies on the cheater, fully, IMO. You're in charge of your body and actions. No one can FORCE you to cheat. However, if you are willing to forgive and forget to save the marriage, and it's what you both want to do, then do just that, forgive and forget. Also, tell her, respectfully, that you want her to stop calling that guy. No more contact. It is disrespectful of her to continue to be doing so. Good luck, and best wishes. I hope you can find your happiness.
  21. Well, hon, you know him better than we do. You know wheter or not his actually sincere. If, in all the time you've spent with this guy and his insecurities, he's now saying things that are more commitment in nature, then maybe he really DOES want to be with you. If you're willing to risk your heart one more time, and the financial aspect of moving again, especially overseas, then, well, it's your choice. One thing you should maybe ask yourself is would he be willing to uproot everything in HIS life this time and move to your country? Relationships require, at times, sacrifice on BOTH parts. And where he is so on-again, off-again, it may be a thought to have HIM move to a new area, maybe to also have him fully appreciate what you've done in the past for him. Men can change, and find what they want. However, all relationships are risks. You risk getting hurt in any sort of relationship that you enter into. Let me give you some advice though. If you decide to try this one more time, then both of you need to stop with the constant doubtful questioning. The "are you happy, is this really what you want, are you SURE?'s" can create little doubtful thoughts that eat away at even the most solid-seeming relationship. Just go with the flow, let the relationship go where it will. Were your dating attempts a sincere effort? Or just a "well, I should go out just to get out and prove I still can?" In other words, were they honest efforts, or kind of like a chore? What you need to ask yourself is that are you in love with him, or just stuck in a hurtful circle that will continue? Do you HONESTLY in your heart, believe that he's changed? It's something you need to search out, and not while you're on the phone/computer with him. Maybe YOU should be the one to tell him that you need to think about this life-altering decision, and that YOU need the time to do this. And not a couple of days worth either. I'm assuming that you're not only going to leave your job, but family, friends, work, your LIFE, once again, for him. If, after everything you've been thru and tolerated for him, he doesn't want to wait anymore, then I would rethink it. What's the rush? Great things are worth waiting for, and why should YOU bend to what HE wants NOW that he wants it, as far as your heart goes? True, some men take longer than others to commit, but you need to be fair to yourself. And, even he must see how up and down he's been, and unfair to you and your feelings. Good luck and I hope you find happiness in whatever decision you choose to go with.
  22. I'm so happy for you!! The bullet is one of the most awesome of adult toys, IMO. The variety that you can get and versatility as well, well the possibilities are virtually endless! And they make them soooo pretty too!! Glad you enjoyed them, and keep up the great updates!!
  23. Taking the batteries out is a great idea! If you are taking a carry-on bag, just remember, nothing liquid or even gelatinous is allowed on planes anymore, including personal lubricant, even lip gloss! They WILL make you throw it away. If you have luggage, I would recommend checking it in, but that can be such a hassle!
  24. As mentioned before, you're making too much work out of this. Just relax, have fun, enjoy yourself. I also am one of those women that need to have clit stimulation to have the big O. And, like Mikayla, I can have a g-spot one if it's done right, and the timing is right too. So, just enjoy your body, and that you are able to have an orgasm. For some women, it takes YEARS to figure out what "does it" for them, so enjoy!!!
  25. Like Howard said, could be a pinched nerve, or maybe the condom was too tight around the base, cutting off feeling to his penis? Also, depending on how large he is, he may need to use larger sized condoms. I believe the Magnums are for men over 7" long. Check the box to make sure. Good luck, and I hope it doesn't happen again/isn't serious.
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