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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Tyger


    When I was fooling around with my FWB, he introed me into anal sex, with the use of toys. The first time I saw the toy after we were all done, I covered it up until he left the room, and then rushed to clean it and the blanket we were on. But he never said a word (and he's pretty squeemish). It happened a few times, and there was a bit of "leakage". If I knew that is what he wanted to do, I'd take a nice long bath, and try and wash up there as best I can. I'd encourage it, if I'd had a BM earlier that day, then bathed. So, it's normal, and to be expected.
  2. I was 16 yrs old, and I chose a guy I'd known for a long time, and was in love with for a long time. He was very gentle, and patient with me. I was scared to death. But, even though, later on in life, he ended up being my ex husband (after parting ways for almost 10 yrs, and then getting back together), I've never regretted my choice in my First.
  3. Well, it's been a while, but in the past, I've used Hot Stuff, found at Spencer's. It warms, and has a pretty good flavor for some of them. Also, the Kama Sutra gels, oils, and lubes are GREAT!! I love those!! A lot of adult stores have them, and TT carries a few of their products as well. I've tried the warming/sensation gel stuff, and that stuff is GREAT!! Though, I didn't see it on the TT site. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ma+Sutra&Page=1
  4. 12Gauge, this is a message board/forum. Chat rooms are LIVE!! I would LOVE a chat room, and since I'm on here a lot (and I do mean a lot!!), I would be willing to be one of the monitors if need be. I feel kinda close to a lot of the members but would love to get to know them a bit more "personally" if that makes sense? Just let me know if you want/need someone to do that Rob!!!
  5. I feel pretty close to many of you, and just wanted to share. Last night, I had to put my 17 yr old gelding (horse) down. He had been very sick, and we'd been trying everything possible to get him better. Ironically, I'd made a vet appointment for him that very morning. Long story short, I ended up having to put him down because he just wasn't getting better and he was acting wierd and laying all the way down. For those of you that don't know much about horses, when a horse lays all the way down, with even it's head on the ground, something is wrong, because their bodies aren't made for that. They can do more damage laying all the way down than most anything else. He'd been sick for about 3 mos, and his body finally said enough. I have some tail and mane clippings to make a few braids out of, to remember his coloring by, and, well, needless to say, it was a hard, sad night last night. Thanks for reading.
  6. I'm glad that it turned out the way you want it! It's hard when little girls don't have their Daddies around, but I agree with you, playing Peek-a-Boo Daddy is worst, IMO, than not showing at all. Kids need to know early on that they can trust their parents, and it sounds like your daughter would be sorely disappointed in her father, and his actions (or lack of).
  7. It's hard for us to have any "us" time, since we have very very few reliable babysitters here, and not a lot of money to do much. But, we do try, though I do know we need to do more!!! Usually, our alone time is after our daughter goes to bed. I will say, that when my hubby is on his week of work, we do have some great phone conversations though. I do try and be a bit more understanding when he wants to do most everything as a family. He has a 10 yr old daughter from a previous marriage, that lives very very very far from us, so we don't get to see her at all. In the 5 yrs we've been together, we've seen her 3 times! So, I know he wants to spend as much time with our daughter as he can. Which, is, a good thing any way you look at it. What are some of your ways to make each other feel special by making time for them?
  8. Every so often, I go back to the old posts, to see what I've missed. I can't believe I missed this one!! I'm always on the lookout for stuff to get for my husband too. This item looks great! I would love to get one to try out with my hubby! It's hard (no pun intended) to find a really good, quality male masturbator. I love the blue color too.
  9. It's a great looking toy! Thanks for the info!!
  10. I LOVE Astroglide, and WET!, and now, another fav is the TooTimid Pleasure Gel! I just got some in my recent arrival from TT, and this stuff is GREAT!!! I've tried that gelly lube stuff, and I DO NOT like that at all. It feels unnatural.
  11. Bedroom hardware!! Anyway, if you get a toolbox, or even a large tackle box *wink wink*, you can always get some car or wall decals, or craft paint, and decorate it for yourself. Put that personal touch on it (and in it). I'm pretty crafty, and love to personalize a lot of stuff.
  12. Valntyn, you should love your smile too, you have a great, warm smile! It can light up a room!!!
  13. How about a contest by writing the TOY'S ASPECT of arriving, being used, and so on? A Toy's "perspective" on how it was used~in a sexual, fun way.
  14. I'm going to respond for my husband, because, I KNOW for a fact, this is what he looks at: Boobs first, butt second, hair, then eyes.
  15. I have to fully agree with Mikayla in this matter. And Howard has a great point~there is a reason you have to be 18 to enter an adult store. Yes, teens masturbate (most of them). But there really ARE some things that are none of the parent's business unless the teen asks them. Like your own parent's sex life... Going up and offering her a toy, is, also, IMO inappropriate as a parent. Great relationships with kids are the best feeling in the world. Having open communication is wonderful too! Discussing how she is feeling about certain things is great communication. Gossiping about other adults isn't a good idea. There is a fine line with parents and kids as far as being a parent, and being a friend. If you give your daughter a toy, you're trying to be her friend, and parents can't do that (at least until the child is 18 and/or on their own). If you're your kid's friend, they really loose respect for the parent part of you. That I do have experiece with. My step-mother was a friend to her first daughter, and my half sister, and neither one of them have respect for their mother as a PARENTAL figure. Most of these are our opinions, respectful in nature. Maybe save the toys for a "gag gift" on her wedding night, or keep them for yourself.
  16. Yes, Halloween porn, great idea.
  17. Do they really work? I'm assuming that they're like penis pumps, engorging the clit, and making it more sensitive?
  18. The Black Room~DVD http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4125 David Stanley takes us on a dark, murderous, lust-filled journey with misunderstood Dale, that can’t have the woman he really wants. Sit and ponder with the God, to see if Dale deserves to go to Heaven, or straight to Hell for his sins. Why did he do it? Explore the reasons why Dale may have gone on a murderous rampage, and then, ironically, ended up being judged himself. Are you horny and daring enough to follow through to the end? Can you handle the bloody, lustful truth? Do you want a cigarette? If the answer is “yes” to any of these, then go to the Black Room. This disc is loaded with the newer features of having multiple angles, bios, stills, previews, live action of the Vivid Girls, and more. Plus is DVD-ROM compatable! Personally, this movie was not in my taste range after I saw the ending. I didn’t care for bloody scenes, and bodies at the end of the movie, mostly for personal reasons. It ruined the whole thing for me, honestly. The sex scenes were pretty good and intense, but the ending was definitely a shocker to see.
  19. Seminar On Sex...... A noted professor was asked to give a talk on "Sex". When he was introduced he stood up and said, "Ladies and gentlemen it gives me great pleasure........." ... and then sat down promptly.
  20. I think I like my hair, then my eyes, and lips, in that order.
  21. I have a best friend that is Manic Depressive. She use to litereally screech at her kids and BFs because her doctor had a hard time finding medicine combos that worked for her. When her meds are working correctly, she's pretty normal. She still will have bouts of depression, as to be expected since medicines won't make it ALL go away. But they're not as severe or extreme. It is hard seeing her when she has bottomed out. And sad too, because she's an awesome person when she's regulated. If your GF is having downward spirals and extreme highs, then, I would say that she needs to go back to her doctor and tell him/her what her symptoms are, and probably get either a higher dosage or new meds all together. If she just goes in for her follow-ups and says everything is fine, her meds are working, they won't change it. She has to be honest with her doctors and herself. No, you are NOT a bad person for feeling this way. You are an individual with feelings of your own, and are trying to deal with someone that has some serious issues. It's great that you've stuck by her for so long. But she has to want to help herself in order to get a bit more balanced. I won't say "better" because those types of conditions don't just go away. If you're not sure of how you feel about her, but stay together with her because her depression will get worst, you are not only hurting yourself, but her as well, in the long run. You're hurting each other by holding each other back. If you truly love her and want to be with her, great!! Then might I suggest that you offer to go with her to her next appointment with her doctor and help explain what YOU see going on with her. Someone "outside" her box, so to speak~not in her skin. A different way of seeing things can shed some great perspective on a situation. Good luck in whatever you decide to do!!
  22. "BTW, everyone needs at least TWO vibrators, just in case one breaks down! So, check out the shopping guide here, and find yourself that second one. If you aren't sure what to buy, read the sex toy reviews. They are candid opinions mostly by women, about what works and what doesn't. "~Howard Everyone needs a spare!! Just like a spare tire! Better to be safe than sorry! Seriously though! Well, we have 2 well-educated and experienced people giving you 2 different definitions of a VIRGIN. Let's look at what Webster says: Virgin: a young woman that has never had intercourse; Uncorrupted, pure, clean; Not hitherto used, touched, tilled, or worked upon. *Who uses the word "hitherto" anymore (except in legal terms?). * BUT, the general, basic definition is both of what Howard and Mikayla said. A person that has never had intercourse AND a woman that still has her hymen in tact. Chances are, as mentioned, that if you've been using toys, and have reached the G-spot, the hymen is gone. If you're very active, or had some trauma down there, then you may not have even felt it, or may have thought that it was the toy hurting you a bit. Some men don't even "feel" it when it tears. IMO "Morally" you are still a virgin, since you have not had had actual physical intercourse with a man. As far as the ejaculation, both previous posts were great for suggestions. Get a litmus test, and see if it is urine coming out. If your female ejaculating, consider yourself lucky. I just recently had my first ejaculating experience, and it did feel kind of like I peed, but it came from the wrong spot, was clear and odorless, and A LOT more enjoyable!! Plus, I had made sure to go to the bathroom before I did anything. If you have a bacterial infection or a yeast infection, then any mucus or liquid coming out of your vaginal area will have an odor too. Litmus tests don't cover that, and so I think a trip to your GYN is a great idea. Believe us when we tell you that those doctors hear EVERYTHING when it comes to women's issues! I think it's hardest to *shock* one of them, and a really good one will listen to your concerns, ask questions and give real answers. That is ONE person that you really should be TOTALLY honest with with questions and concerns about your body. And, when you get your annual done, just have her/him check to see if the hymen is still intact, if you want. That way, you will know for sure.
  23. LOL Howard!!! Me and Mikayla's are the lamest ones I think. I think mine's the worst....unless we're talkin' spin cycle!
  24. When I saw this latest addition to the TooTimid shopping list, I was intrigued. It looks very interesting, and I also like the color because it's different! I'm glad to see that it also delivers! I put it on my Wish List!
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