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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I like it. It's just gonna take some getting use to is all. Sorry 12, everything changes, in one form or another. Unfortunately, you can never please EVERYONE ALL of the time. Change is GOOD most of the time though. Just think of it this way, gives you a new thing to learn. If you learn at least one new thing a day, IMO, your day hasn't been wasted!
  2. I was listening to some radio on the way into work this morning, and one lady (yes, a WOMAN) said that "People are too scared of marriage. It doesn't take a lot of thought really, just do it." Seriously? Just go ahead & get married, with no thought at all! What are YOUR thoughts?
  3. I'm glad to see that you're back, and that when you were here the first time, we were able to help you a lot. I'm also glad that you and your spouse took the time & effort to try and repair your marriage. Though some can't be fixed, many people rush into a divorce because they don't want to take the time to actually try and fix it. Then you have the people that keep going back & forth to each other due to unresolved issues. Glad to hear that you're trying!!
  4. Chuck, are you a truck driver? When my hubby drove truck, he said that he could see all kinds of things from the height of his truck! LOL No, I haven't ever caught someone out in public masturbating though. *sigh*
  5. When I was single, and child free, I would pump up the bass in my car, and play a certain song that had a really really strong bassline to it. Yes, the car was rocking! LOL
  6. What a fantastic article! Thanks so much for sharing! <3
  7. The Lone Ranger was ambushed and captured by an enemy Indian war party. The Indian Chief proclaims, "So, you are the great Lone Ranger. In honor of the Harvest Festival, you will be executed in three days. But, before I kill you, I will grant you three requests. What is your first request?" The Lone Ranger responds, "I'd like to speak to my horse." The Chief nods and Silver is brought before the Lone Ranger, who whispers in Silver's ear and the horse gallops away. Later that evening, Silver returns with a beautiful blonde woman on his back. As the Indian Chief watches, the blonde enters the Lone Ranger's tent and spends the night. The next morning the Indian Chief admits he's impressed. "You have a very fine and loyal horse but I will still kill you in two days. What is your second request?" The Lone Ranger again asks to speak to his horse. Silver is brought to him, and he again whispers in the horse's ear. As before, Silver takes off across the plains and disappears over the horizon. Later that evening, to the Chief's surprise, Silver again returns, this time with a brunette, even more attractive than the blonde. She enters the Lone Ranger's tent and spends the night. The following morning the Indian Chief is again impressed. "You are indeed a man of many talents but I still kill you tomorrow. "What is your last request?" The Lone Ranger responds, "I'd like to speak to my horse....alone." The Chief is curious but he agrees and Silver is brought to the Lone Ranger's tent. Once they're alone, the Lone Ranger grabs Silver by both ears, looks him square in the eye and says, "Listen very carefully you dumb ass horse. For the last time .. . . BRING POSSEEEE!!!!"
  8. I'm curious to know if cupcake got it done as well. It'll probably take some time before everyone knows we're back up and running though.
  9. So, catching up on some posts that seem to have resurfaced....... Yes, I've been able to enjoy sex outdoors, in public and private places. One amazingly fun spot was in the woods, right next to a college field. We could see the students walking by as I was bent over, holding onto a pine tree, while he was in back of me. We felt totally wicked & wild. I've also had fun in a corn field, during a storm, that we later found out, produced a couple of small tornadoes. We were in a Jeep with just a bikini top on it too. That was WILD! If you have the opportunity to do so, I'd recommend it.
  10. Curious to see if you satisfied your curiousity & got one while we were on TT hiatus?
  11. If you're looking for porn with no cum-shots, then you will want to try the "almost porn" that you see on TV, like HBO, or even like Playboy channel. We call it "vanilla porn" because it doesn't show genitalia, or the actual up close action, though you know what they're doing. Anyway, just a thought. I've been going thru all my porns lately, and my favorites are still Island Fantasy 4, Pirates, and the Where the Boys Aren't series. I also like Hot Pink 1 & 2 (which are girl on girl).
  12. Tyger


    I had something similar right after the birth of our daughter, except my pain was UP inside, and felt like there was a burr right in one spot, no matter how much lube we used, or whatever, that pain was still there. I went to my OB, who was a woman (male OB's, in my opinion, tend to dismiss women's symptoms more and more to "it's a bacterial infection or yeast infection. They don't have the parts, and I don't think they can fully understand how it feels), listened, gave me a cream (Estrase) to put on the spot, and after 2 wks, I was fine. The BIG keys were that I was open & honest with my OB/GYN. She LISTENED to me. She also told me that there were other options, but that this was a possible first step, or cure. Yay. Your wife has issues. Not only health-wise. She has to try and trust you, open up to you personally, emotionally, and that includes discussing her health issues. Maybe not in "gory" detail, but witholding information such as "sex causes me pain", is VERY important to share. I do say that everyone needs a part of their life that's still private, this has to do with your sexual life as a married couple, and any GYN worth their certificate/degree would be happy to have the spouse in on a consult. A happy marriage means communication, a good sex life, and a good relationship. You don't HAVE to be in on the actual exam, and you may not want to be. That would cause even ME to not want my hubby there. It's a bit informal to have your legs spread, in stirrups, and carrying on a conversation that's basic. LOL But, yes, you SHOULD be in there as a consult. If she's having health issues, you will want to have a consult, with the BOTH of you at the OB/GYN office, to make sure that, with this health issue, it's a good idea to try for now, or, if not, when. If your marriage isn't strong enough to survive a CONSULT, you sure won't survive having a baby. THAT'S stress my friend. Having a baby rarely ever saves a marriage. It's a joyous time, but if she is having health issues now, she may be at risk for more as a pregnancy progresses. THAT is the MOST time she will need you as her husband, because her body changes so rapidly, it's scary for her, and it's also very exciting as well. And, as potential parents, you should share in that, and the growing baby inside. It's awesome. It's totally normal for you to be worried about "competition". I can tell you from experience that, for the first, at least 6 months, all she will think of is the baby. Sleep, food, bathing, getting dressed in "real" clothes, will all be something that she may not think of regularly. Especially sex. If she has a c-section, it's a long healing process. Sex will be a no-no for 6 weeks, reguardless of vaginal birth or c-section, even if you're feeling ok. Think of it this way, something the size of a watermelon is trying to get out of the tip of your penis. If that happened, you'd want to FULLY heal before engaging in sex, right? I was unable to have sex for about 6 months due to some slight tearing of my internal stitches from my c-section. However, my husband was very understanding. He knew/saw what I was going thru (even saw the whole c-section procedure), and knew I needed to fully heal first. I breastfed too, which is very tiring, but the best for the baby. I am in no way trying to scare you. I'm an odd case. LOL No truer statement's ever been said actually. LMAO Anyway, the majority of people that have babies, can resume sex after 6 weeks of healing for the mom. Some women have a hard time readjusting from the role of Mom to Wife nightly. "Moms" don't have sex! OMG! It sounds silly. But it's true. A woman's body changes forever having a baby. Unless you have a 24 hr personal trainer, access to plastic surgery, and no other time on your hands BUT to devote to your body (ha!!) then yes, it changes forever. However, I am proud of my c-section scar. I am proud that I breastfed our daughter for a full year. Am I happy with my body? No, and I'm still trying to get rid of baby fat. LOL But, my hubby assures me daily that he loves my curves, loves me, and admires all I do. So, talk with your wife, ask if you can go to a CONSULT, but stress you won't be in the room for an actual pelvic exam, be open, honest, and nice when you talk with her. Don't cave in if you don't feel you're ready for fatherhood, because it won't help your relationship now, or later on down the road. Best wishes.
  13. It sounds to me like you've got a lot on your plate, though I'm not privy to what exactly's going on, whatever you're dealing with has a lot to do with it. It also sounds like, to me, that you're also trying too hard. One failure to orgasm/become aroused, has hit your sexual-self-esteem. It happens. Not everyone will have success ALL of the time. I sure don't. Yes, you can be slightly aroused, and still please your partner, though it's not as much fun. LOL Seriously though, it sounds like you just need to set back, relax, and let go. Tie your brain up, it might like it! <3
  14. YAY!!! Glad to see we're up & running again! WOOT!!!
  15. I don't really know. I guess it would depend on the situations. Not to sound all arrogant here, but, in all but one of my relationships, I've been the one to call it quits. I think women try to hang on, and try longer, that's very true, but, in my experience, I've noticed the women doing more of the dumping.
  16. Yes, that's pretty much the way it is, sadly. It sucks too. But, it's been like that for time in memoriam. If a woman enjoys being a woman, being sexy, and having sex, then she MUST be a slut! I mean, what decent, respectable woman would ENJOY sex? Women may be the "fairer" sex, but men AND some women, don't feel that fairer means free too. How liberating is it, to have sex with a man, especially your man, and ENJOY an intimate, sensual, stimulating experience??? Now, most people, upon first meeting me, wouldn't think of me as an extremely sexual woman. When they get to know me, then they learn, but I don't shove it out there for all to see either. There are ways to show strong sexuality without appearing like a "slut". However, when you're a celebrity, the "sluttier" you appear, the more attention you get, good and bad, and the more opportunities you get. So, it's a savage double-edged sword. Just think of Madonna, back in the 80's & 90's. People couldn't believe how blatant she was, yet those same people that were agast at how she behaved, bought her posters, books, movies, and albums. I LOVED her then, and I love her now. Not because of her sexuality, but because of her talent. That's the way it SHOULD be, but reality is harsher. BTW, I just bought Lady Gaga's first CD, and I really like it a lot.
  17. 3 little ones, and 35 yrs old? Wow! It's no wonder you may not be "feelin' it". You must be exhausted! Yes, having kids can wear you down, emotionally and hormonally. I would tend to stay away from herbal stuff, unless your GYN recommends them. There are so many things out there that can do more harm than good, which is why they always have those "These statements have not been approved/studied by the FDA" or something to that affect. Call your GYN and make an appointment to really TALK with them. They may want to do a blood test to see if your levels are off, and then can discuss where your options may lay. If you're on any sort of birth control, that can also have an effect on your sex drive, ironically enough. Plus, any other sort of meds you may possibly be on. Or, could be a vitamin defficiency. Trust me, your GYN main concern for you should be your sexual health, which includes your sex life with your hubby. They've heard it all, so don't worry about being embarrassed. That's what they're there for. Best wishes and good luck!!!
  18. So, which toy is your "go-to" toy for when you just HAVE to get off? Where'd you get it? WHY is it your fave? How long have you had it?
  19. I have that Blue Swirl too, and that toy was the first one to give me a G-Spot orgasm! I LOVE my G-spot, and I LOVE my glass toys!! I love the facts that they're firm, easy to clean, you can use any kind of lube with them, they're strong, and sooooo pretty!
  20. I gave first. I usually have in past relationships as well, though it's soon reciprocated! LOL
  21. Ooooo!!! Good answer!! I LOVE that one too!! I have a few: Diirty by Christina Aguilera Magic Man by Heart Not so sound cliche', but Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard Battleflag by Allstars ( I think) Kiss This by Aaron Tippin And most anything by Shakira!!!
  22. Is it bad that when I go to a sex toy shop, I compare the selections/prices to TT? I mean, really! LOL We went to one a couple weeks ago, and they had a small selection of toys (HUGE selection of DVDs though), and I only saw 2 toys there that TT didn't have (one that I wanted too-it's red, glittery, and a dildo!), and the sex toy shop's prices averaged $7 over what TT sells those items for. Except the sex furniture, that was WAAAAAY over the prices on here! I was shocked!!! They did give away batteries with the toys that needed them, but still. I was pretty disappointed in the one we went too. Hubby wanted to go and see what was available for some new anal fun, as far as strap-ons go, and we were highly disappointed. Probably didn't help that I had most of the stuff we'd be interested in anyway......LMAO We kept saying, "Oh, I have that...honey don't you have THIS one? Didn't we see this one? Oh we LOVE that one!!!" LOL Of course, the sex toy shop doesn't offer the guarantee, so that's a big plus. Their glass selection stunk, and there were a few things that scared the crap outta me too.....like a dildo that was about the length of a baseball bat, and about the diameter of a softball....no I am NOT kidding!!!
  23. It's been sunny, but cold here in East Texas. Really cold at night! Though, it's not the cold I grew up with, it's still cold!! (I don't like the cold LOL).
  24. I hope everyone has a safe, prosperous, fun, and most wonderful 2010!!!
  25. Sometimes, you just want to settle down at night, with the one you love, & spend some quality time together. Why not make it fun, play some cards, have some laughs, & get closer to each other? California Exotics had a great idea with the Love Poker set! (Not to be confused with Love Poke-her LOL.) In this set you get 2 glossy decks, which are slightly larger than standard size. One deck is a normal deck, with A, K, Q, J, 2-10, all suits. And the pattern on the card's faces is a silhouette of a woman bent over a bit. Very nice & subtly sexy. The Love Deck has all the little “do this” type messages on it, totaling 52 requests. Such as "both partners leave their underwear on & dry hump each other until you cum", "let's cuddle & kiss & enjoy the sense of touch without hurrying to have sex", "It's time for a hot & heavy quickie". Granted, you can't really PLAY poker with this deck, but it will give you the chance to get some fun & romantic ideas to add some spark in the bedroom, livingroom, or wherever you choose to play your love game! We loved many of the suggestions! Remember, you want to be open-minded with this sort of game, but also know & accept you/your partner's limitations. Though with this deck, the suggestions are pretty basic, in my opinion. You also get 2 Poker Hand Rankings cards to help know the hands from high to low, which is great for card-challenged people, such as myself. You can't get the decks confused, because the Love Deck has a white background with the logo, and the regular deck has a red background that just says Love Poker. I don't think you could use the standard deck for a game with the guys, but you could use it for say, a friendly game of poker with some couple friends of yours. Now, the only thing I need to figure out, is if my hubby cheated at the cards so he could "win"........ Deal Me In!
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