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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Hugging is good medicine. It transfers energy and gives the person hugged an emotional lift. You need four hugs a day for survival, eight for maintenance, and twelve for growth. Scientists say that hugging is a form of communication because it can say things you don’t have words for. And the nicest thing about a hug is that you usually can’t give one without getting one. Hugging is healthy. It helps the body’s immune system. It cures depression. It reduces stress. It induces sleep. It’s invigorating. It’s rejuvenating. It has no unpleasant side effects. Have you hugged somebody today?
  2. Looks as if the topic starting post got deleted. I don't think that the poster intended to be offensive, however, I can't be sure, not having read the original post, & its context, but most of us on here aren't aiming for offending people. I'm overweight, and I admit it, and I wouldn't take these things personally, so please let's try not to take everything personally (unless it's directed to you specifically of course, and that's another issue all together). The title had the correct terminology, and, I believe it was to be specific as well as respectful. It's natural to wonder how different body types, even the other gender, has sex, or how it feels when they have sex. I've often wondered how others do it too. Not because I want to point and laugh, but because I am really curious. Now, if the original post was because the woman was pregnant (going by shrotstuff's response), and if you've never been with a pregnant woman, it can stir up the curiosity, due to the ever-growing belly, breasts, and the dramatic change as far as a woman's body and what it goes thru when she is pregnant. I know I was amazed at all the changed my body went thru when I was pregnant, and how much I really COULD do while I had a beach ball for a tummy!! LOL Let me clarify one thing to the original asker: obesity & pregnancy are 2 different things and should not be confused.
  3. Good for you!! I'm glad that this toy was a success for you!!!
  4. I should've been more articulate....making love is for 2 people that care for each other. LOL Thanks for pointing that out!!
  5. Let's face it, as women, we have it good and bad. It's great to be a woman most of the time. Minus the monthly cramping/bleeding, childbirth, stretchmarks, sometimes it's just awesome! We can dress up for no reason at all, pamper ourselves silly, flirt outrageously, and proclaim it all as our right as being a woman! We get doors opened for us, chairs held, dinners paid for, respect (never hit a woman/treat a lady with respect), and, down south, we get the awesome cowboy hat-dips!!! However, we have another curse: insecurity. Many of us ladies suffer from "Am I good enough for him?" And the "I should be enough for him, right?" We have this almost insatiable urge to please everyone around us, including our men. This is a good and a bad thing, IMO. Which brings me to my question: Are you jealous of his porn collection? Do you feel that, YOU should be enough, and he shouldn't NEED to watch those films (or read those magazines)? Do you feel like your spouse?SO is cheating on you with porn? What is the worst part? Is your spouse/SO aware of your feelings? What has he said to try and make you feel better/more secure about it? Do you think it's normal for you to feel this way? Do you think it's abnormal for men to watch porn? I'd love to hear your thoughts (or, in this case, read them).
  6. So do you, or someone you know, have sex just to feel needed? Sexual intercourse is suppose to be a connection between 2 people. Or it could be just a fuck/one night stand. However, there are those people that have sex with people JUST to feel like they are needed in one way or another. So, do you know of anyone that is like this? Why do you think that they are having sex just to feel needed?
  7. Well darlin', you certainly have a complex history there. As to your relationship now, you say that with your job you can't totally live on your own.......here's the rub, so long as you can afford rent, some utilities, and some food, this is where CHILD SUPPORT kicks in! If he has the steady (on the books) job, you file for child support (even if you're not married), and that income is to help support the children (food, utilities for their benefit, clothes). Many people don't LIKE too, but, you CAN go for rental assistance, medical assistance, AND food assistance thru your state Department of Human Services. THEY WILL find a way to get you the help you need, and also MAKE the kid's father pay his fair share for the KIDS. Your kid's father sounds like a control freak, user, emotional abuser, and wants things HIS way. Why should HE be worried about cheating? You STAY even if he's caught. You also fuck him (cuz let's face it, it's DEFINITELY not having sex/making love) when HE wants it. He doesn't need to worry about seeing the kids: they're already there! Plus, he gets the added benefit of having a live-in housekeeper, cuz you are THERE! If you have nowhere to go right now, as in nowhere, file for the help you need. Talk to the counselor assigned to you, tell them EXACTLY what's going on, and how badly you NEED to get out of where you are. Trust me, they are there to help you, and, if you make it sound as bad as you have here, they will get you out of there sooner. I'm not trying to make you feel bad about yourself here, just making an observation, but, you seem to let everyone else decide what YOU are going to do. You said so in your posts. Allowing the men to tell you where you are going to live, have sex, and who you're going to be with, all show that you allow this. It's time for YOU to take charge of YOUR life, not only for yourself, but for your children's lives as well. Here's the incentive you should be thinking about: I deserve to be happy. And... Do I want my kids to live like this too? Cuz kids, when they grow up, gravitate towards what they know. If you have a daughter, do you want her to think that the way you're allowing yourself to be treated is how she needs to be too? If you have a son, do you want him treating women they way that his father treats you? Good luck & best wishes!
  8. I make it a point NOT to get matching t-shirts, say, if we go somewhere for some event. DH is VERY hard on clothes (welding, construction, AND oil rig working, he gets holes in clothes that he just LOOKS at!!), plus he smokes, and there are some materials that just won't release that smell from it unless you use bleach! I don't smoke, and I HATE the smell. Plus, if he just saw the t-shirt that was "his" he'd wear it not caring about the size. So, no, no matching clothes here.
  9. No worries. I'll answer you in this post anyway. My hubby is a boob-man too, and he loves it when we titty fuck. Add a kiss or a lick at the head of the cock during thrusting, and he's in ecstasy! It can feel very good to do, even if you're on your period, because your man is still paying attention to your body, and you get to give him pleasure.
  10. I really like the Hot Stuff lubes, and I have tried the Good Head gel, and that's pretty good, though it has that aspartame after-taste to it. The O'My lube was really good. So good in fact, hubby used it all on ME! We ran out like 2 months after we got it (and a little goes a looooong way, baby!!).
  11. I guess it depends on how hot and heavy we're going at it. One of my faves is "OMG, I love how tight your pussy is!".
  12. Yes, he would be into that. In fact, he's already given me "permission", if the opportunity arrises for me.
  13. I know you got some fantastic answers, but I wanted to chime in a couple of points. As Leslieann said, with any sort of BC, spotting is possible. Poor sleep habits, hormonal changes (which can happen even when you're NOT pregnant), dietary changes, stress, anything can set off spotting. Hell, even when you're NOT on a BC method, you can still spot. It's really common. A miscarriage would've been a bit more bleeding than what you're describing. Plus, you probably would've been cramping a bit more. As for talking with Planned Parenthood over the phone, they CAN'T give medical advice out over the phone. Usually, the people you set appointments with, are just secretaries. Some may have certification in billing & medical terminology, but that's usually the extent of their expertise. It'd be like asking a school teacher to give advice on what sorts of shots your pet needs.....they just don't have the knowledge or education to do so. Plus, with all the privacy laws now, they really need to see you so that you get the best medical advice possible. That, and there's also the possibility that you'd take THAT advice over the phone, and substituting that for going in to see the doctor, possibly making your situation worse (if there was a problem). So please don't think they were trying to brush you off, they just CAN'T give out medical advice over the phone.
  14. Yes!! I am still here!!! I've been really busy this last month, so I have neglected you here, and I am sorry, but we needed the extra money to save for DD's adnoid/tonsilectomies. So, I've been subbing all month long. Plus, doing photography for the kindergarten class my DD belongs too. Tomorrow she graduates K, then, Friday night, I take some pictures for the high school graduation, and then on Saturday, taking photos for a friend of ours wedding, as their wedding gift (I shoot, THEY print the pix). I've also been trying to pet & socialize the new colt too, which takes almost an hour a night. So, yes, I've been rather busy, but am hoping to get a break next week, since there's no more school!! Unless, of course, they call me to cover Summer School one day. I too, have seen a repeat of a bunch of questions. And, in all fairness, I know it's not fair to keep telling the newbies that have no idea that the question was posed months, or even years ago, some have been asked so much, I get tired of giving the same responses. Today I went thru and tried to answer some posts. I know my responses, for the most part, have been short, and without a lot of explanations, but I am EXHAUSTED!! LOL I just can't WAIT til they get the new Reviewer program up & running so that our reviews can start up again and get some conversations going. I'll suggest, yet again, that you revisit some of the older posts, even some maybe from a year or 2 ago, and respond to them, add fresh insight, or just "bump it up" to get the board going. I came up with some new topics a couple of months ago, but I am dry right now!! LOL I do pop in when I can. I couldn't access this site, for obvious reasons, at the school, but I have been on here & there, reading, watching, sometimes laughing.....so yes, I am still here too!!!! *MUAH*
  15. *Wearing the Double Delight, bends her over, with the vibes on STRONG! Did I meantion the thigh high black leather boots I am wearing too?*
  16. I did as well, cuz I went back (since I've been away due to working a lot), and checked, and this poster's either lacking creativity, or needs to find something else to do with their spare time. LOL
  17. ??? Was there a point to this, or is this a general response of yours, since I noticed another post's response of yours was the same?
  18. No, can't say I have. There's only been one man that I slept with once, and we were teenagers, and got interrupted, so we never got to finish, and THAT is what I regret!
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